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The Flash - Episode 3.18 - Abra Kadabra - Promos, Sneak Peeks, Inside the Episode, Promotional Photos, Interviews & Press Release

28 Mar 2017

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Inside the Episode

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“Abra Kadabra” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)

DC COMICS’ CHARACTER ABRA KADABRA VISITS CENTRAL CITY – The Flash (Grant Gustin) battles Abra Kadabra (guest star David Dastmalchian), a villain from Earth-19, who makes him a tempting offer – release him and Abra Kadara will reveal Savitar’s true identity. Desperate to save Iris (Candice Patton), Barry considers taking the deal but Gypsy (guest star Jessica Camacho) breaches in to capture the villain for her own reasons and during the melee, Abra Kadabra manages to escape. Barry is furious that Gypsy interfered but Gypsy refuses to back down, forcing Cisco (Carlos Valdes) to take sides. Meanwhile, Julian (Tom Felton) is still a bit cold towards Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) but when she is severely injured in a battle with Gypsy, he rushes to her side. Nina Lopez-Corrado directed the episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Brooke Roberts & David Kob (#318). Original airdate 3/28/2017.


Along with this tragedy comes the true identity of Savitar, which Patton describes as "quite a shocker." Helbing says that the show is about to really get into what has caused Savitar to be so angry at Barry.

"We'll see Savitar pretty soon, and that's kind of when we pump on the gas and you're going to figure out why he hates Barry so much," he tells us. "I mean, it's really going to hit Barry. He's a bad dude. I think he's the worst villain that we've had, and that Barry's faced, so it's going to be tremendously impactful."

While their romance is back on track, Patton notes it will be placed somewhat on the back burner as there are more pressing issues to deal with. “We’re not going to see wedding bells anytime soon, or wedding planning, because the most imminent situation is Iris’ impending death,” Patton says. “So that’s what we’ll be focusing on for the rest of the season, is making sure that prophecy does not come true.”

Though Barry has had his doubts when it comes to his ability to save Iris while being in a relationship with her, “We’ll see him moving forward with as much confidence as he can have right now with everything that’s happening,” Gustin says, noting that Barry has had blind faith all season that he will somehow persevere. “He lost it for a second and he’s got it back,” Gustin says. “He refuses to accept the reality that she will die.”

"The lesson was love," Criss' charismatic character told the whole crew inside of STAR Labs. "Love is about letting yourself be saved. It's not just about saving other people, even if you are superheroes."

The reveal marks a big change from all the super-crossovers in the past, which have tended to feature some sort of formidable villain putting everyone's lives (or the fate of the world) at stake.

"At the end of the day, the best thing about the musical is that it doesn't exist outside the main narrative of what's going on, on both Supergirl and The Flash," The Flash and Supergirl EP Andrew Kreisberg tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Barry and Kara really needed to go on this journey because they both start this episode broken-hearted. This is an episode where they get their love back."

To hear Kreisberg tell it, the decision to make the Music Meister a hero instead of a villain just fit into the story. "At the end, that the cause of it would be somebody evil didn't feel right the more we worked on the plot of the episode," he says. "The idea that this person put them through their paces so they could get their love back on track ultimately seemed like a benevolent thing. We just thought that was so interesting. I mean, literally every show, every villain is evil. That somebody was doing something just to do some good struck us as very much the kind of thing a musical would do."

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