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Once Upon a Time - Episode 5.02 - A Royal Ball at Camelot Is Happening

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Camelot isn't all about being a knight and sitting at round tables.

On Once Upon a Time this season, our friends will also attend a society event. "I can tell you Episode 2 is a ball at Camelot," co-creator Edward Kitsis tells "Eduardo [Castro], our fantastic costume designer, re-created it. It looks unlike anything we've done on the show before. It's spectacular."

The ball will also feature a guest of honor. Although the producers wouldn't reveal who that would be, we have a couple of guesses, starting with Prince Charming, whom Josh Dallas revealed would "bro out" with King Arthur. "We're going to see how their relationship comes to be," co-creator Adam Horowitzsays. Kitsis adds, "I would say it's a bromance that's just as special as Arthur and Guinevere."

Then again, maybe it's a certain red-haired lass with boss archery skills. Kitsis says, "This is the show where the Wicked Witch is sisters with the Evil Queen and they also know Cruella DeVil, so what a bummer if we had King Arthur and he never got to meet Merida (Amy Manson)." Horowitz adds, "There's a mash-up quality in what Merida's going through, what's happening in Camelot what's happening with King Arthur and what's happening with all our characters."

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