Update: 27th September New Promo - You Don't Have a Choice
Update: 15th September
New Promo
New Featurette and Teaser
Update: 24th August
Sneak Peek
Update: 24th August New Promo
Update: 20th August Thanks to JD for the heads up.
New Teaser Promos
Comic-Con - Promo
Here is the HQ Version and all region free :)
As stated in the clip, season 6 will premiere October 11th.
Awesome !!!!
ReplyDeleteThat was pretty epic
ReplyDeleteIt sure was Dark.
ReplyDeleteThat looks awesome. Waiting very impatiently for the HQ version to be released in about 9 hours.
ReplyDeleteThe hype rises.
ReplyDeleteA herd arrives.
My dread increases.
Daryl - When will he die? (with apologies to his fans )
Abe - getting work done.
Two quick shots of Maggie - I need more.
Lots of Glenn in the trailer - that is always welcome.
Lots of Carl too - hope he is developed even more.
Be still, my Rick loving heart. I was beyond glad to see him being the badass that he is.
Michonne - hope she figure prominently. Writers, don't you dare push her to the background.
Carol being Carol - I think I saw her shoot someone. Revolting ASZ peeps won't see her coming.
Rosita -quick shot of her with Spencer - all muddied and probably on patrol or hunting walkers.
Jessie - rallying the ASZ residents. I hope she is an ally to Rick (and love interest).
Morgan - I am sure that he will never go against Rick. The trailer is a misdirection.
Members of Rick's group missing from the trailer - Eugene and Tara. Hope they don't die soon.
Revolting ASZ residents - when will these ungrateful people learn that following Rick is their best chance for survival.
Wait...Morgan and Rick aren't going to fight each other are they?
ReplyDeleteAnd also, it looks like Morgan will be sticking around after all(:
Doubt it. Walking dead does this EVERY year with their trailers, to make it look like one thing is happening and it's actually something else. I.E. last season's trailer made it look like Gareth was joining the group or season 3 the Governor and Rick's dialogue wanted you to think they were talking to or about each other.
ReplyDeleteI spy Heath in the trailer to!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG. This looks so. Epic! ! ! ! But please show, do not make Rick Grimes the bad guy and do not rift the core group, please. Daryl and Rick fighting is not cool! I am scared, shit is going down!
ReplyDelete"Morgan - I am sure that he will never go against Rick. The trailer is a misdirection."
ReplyDelete.....I said the same thing DebraFan, Walking Dead does the misdirection with all their trailers.
He will definitely not be the bad guy. But it looks like some ASZ residents are not accepting him as the leader and may end up subverting him. If they do so, then I can't wait to see Rick mete out some justice.
ReplyDeleteWhere the hell is Tara?
ReplyDeleteI hope it's a misdirection, because after waiting so long Rick and Morgan have to be a time otherwise i'll just cry.
ReplyDeleteAHHHH!! THIS LOOKS SO GOOD. Thank goodness Jessie & Alexandria people actually look enjoyable.. They're learning haha. Rick/Morgan!! Rick/Daryl?!?! Can't wait.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who can't see the video?
ReplyDeleteAwesome, thanks for sharing this !
ReplyDeleteWhen Rick was telling the names "From Michonne, from Glenn...". I wish he would have said : "From Carol" too but no.
Poo, i just missed it! Video removed by user :(
ReplyDeleteSo many things happening. Fot certain the group that was in Alexandria doesnt like Rick's way but it migth seem hard but it is what needs to be done. I just hope things dont go over Rick's head.
ReplyDeleteThe wolves taking Daryl with them but it seems he gets to scape, the others looking out for Carol, right?
Ths is going to be an exciting season.
I want the eps right NOW. Totally awesome. Cannot wait for this. So many Walkers. And what is up with Rick and Morgan being at odds? Gotta see it all :)
ReplyDeleteCANT WAIT!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLooks awesome. Can't wait.
ReplyDeleteThis looks epic but I want more Michonne :(
ReplyDeleteI can't hardly wait!! Wish Season five was available on Netflix already.
ReplyDeletesoooo excited!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSooooo good!
ReplyDeleteAt 1:13 being zombies' meal
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if that is Tara, because the hair style is completly different than her.Actually seems more like Maggie's hair style.
ReplyDeleteGimple says "the Wolves will be part of season six, hopefully in a way you don't expect."
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the 'Wolves' 2.0 will turn out to be Rick, Michonne Daryl, Carol, Glen, Sasha etc !!!
This Trailer is all kinds of AWESOME! Rick Grimes for the kill! Anyone else off with their heads!
ReplyDeleteJust checked and I dont think it is her.
ReplyDeleteThis looks waaaaaaaaay like a misdirection. After Gareth setting everyone free to get a cure in season 5 trailer turned out in Gareth eating Bob's leg, I just can't rely on this.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we'll say goodbye to Alexandria in one episode as we did with Terminus thank to bad-ass-Carol or if it will last longer. And we've seen practically nothing about the wolves! I say "practically" as it is not clear if those at the end are them or not (or at least for me).
Anyway, awesome trailer!
Who's the girl attacked and bitten by zombies? Looks like Maggie, but I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteI love the trailer. I hope Jessie don't die. I love her.
I want Rick, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Carol, Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, Tara, Abraham, Rosita, Gabriel, Jessie, Morgan, Aaron and Spencer alive.
And Eugene, Nicholas, Deanna, Francine, Eric, Erin, Enid, Wolfies dead.
ReplyDeleteLooks decent
ReplyDeleteIm going to freak out if that scenes are the best of the serial -,-
ReplyDeleteDamn Rick, you scary.
ReplyDelete"Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" I love Rick. That's awesome.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little pissed off that this clown looking fellow pulled a gun on Daryl. I hope he kicks his ass.
Is it crazy that I love Rick more and more?
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's misdirection. They want us to think it's Carol but she's still in Mrs. Doubtfire mode. It's Morgan, or at least the Morgan from 3.12. It looks like he will be around for half a season at least, causing problems.