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The Shannara Chronicles - First Look 3 Minute Promo

10 Jul 2015

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  1. Damn his looks amazing !!!

  2. WOW!! Speechless at the designs, it is beautiful and magical and magnificent :) I really want to watch this!!!

  3. Holy crap that looks superb! How the hell did this end up on MTV lol? I rea''y wasn't expecting anything like that at all, now I'm really excited.

  4. Damn I'm really anticipating this now. Hopefully MTV advertises this.

  5. Jeez. How the hell did MTV pull a show that looks this expensive? I was expecting something Hercules/Legend of Seeker, but this is so much beyond that.

  6. Finally, this is the kind of fantasy series that I've wanting to see.

  7. Panos Nestoras10 July 2015 at 21:51

    Wow! Very impressive production for MTV. I will definitely check it out.

  8. No way to tell yet, what we saw were esteblishing shots and cg monsters, this might be rare occurance on the show for all we know.
    But I agree it does look great for MTV standards.

  9. Looks good enough, I'll give it a shot.

    But please...PLEASE don't be another Teen Wolf/Scream teen-show

  10. This looks amazing and very expensive hahah but omg
    Manu Bennett yay!!! :D

  11. This doesn't look like MTV show at all. It looks absolutely amazing and beautiful. Seriously, what a beautiful places.

    Can't wait, i was hoping for late 2015 premiere, not 2016

  12. MTV has been pretty vocal about wanting to be taken seriously in the scripted programming department. I adore, adore, adore Teen Wolf but this is the type of thing they need to change their image IMO.

  13. This looks like a movie though, I would never expect something like this from any network. If this doesn't help their image then they're screwed lol. SyFy need to do something like this.

  14. Wow!! That too me by complete surprise. Echoing all others, this was fantastic.

  15. Seems to be starting with the second book.

  16. WOW! Was not expecting such nice production values and cinematography! I have never read this series, but will definitely be checking out the TV series!

  17. The effects look prety good I was not expectign that.

  18. holy crap .... this looks awesome !!!

  19. Wow looks amazing...

  20. This is a TV Show?!!!!!!! This looks like a blockbuster movie, I AM ALL IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me miss Legend of the Seeker more so it's going to be awesome, the creatures look so badass and epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. I hope people watch!

  22. Right?! I mean did you see those creatures, this straight out of a summer blockbuster movie.

  23. Hey i loved Legend of the Seeker, don't bash it LOL

  24. Will you be mad if it has it's own twist on it but at the same time still be respectful to the book, Legend of the Seeker style?

  25. I expect it to have it's own twist. Douglas Adams once said that as you change a show from medium to medium, the story changes as well.

  26. This is a MTV show-Damn.They're not messing around.This looks really promising.

  27. Diane Wogelius-Knapp10 July 2015 at 23:43

    OMG YAY! Looks Great! Guess they are starting with Elfstones
    and not Sword. I get that though, most of the character development was in
    Stones and not Sword.

    Just do Pern now please!

  28. Good quote, does that bother you?

  29. Are their names hard to pronounce?

  30. Cool, i know sometimes people hate when their books are changed when they become movies or shows, like with the Divergent series.

  31. Diane Wogelius-Knapp10 July 2015 at 23:47

    Pern or Shannara?

  32. Wow this looks like outside of GoT that it will be the most visually stunning show anywhere on TV. I am thoroughly impressed. If the budget was really as big as it looks I hope they'll give it a couple seasons to see how it performs on DVR and digital, if the overnight ratings are a bit disappointing. Hoping that will be be their biggest scripted premiere ever though. I want more of this kind of stuff on TV, especially MTV.

  33. Depends on what they change. Beautiful Creatures was an alright movie but compared to the books, absolutely horrendous. I wish I'd seen the movie first and read them after. I fully expect adaptations to be different but what they did to BC was criminal.

  34. This is visually perfect. I had no idea it was this ambitious. I didn't know it had Manu Bennett and John Rhys-Davies. I am so in for this.

  35. Diane Wogelius-Knapp11 July 2015 at 00:27

    Was that a troll? Did I miss something? Honestly, Shannara is one of my top 3 series. Grew up reading it. (yes, I just dated myself)

  36. Biff Bifferson11 July 2015 at 00:42

    It has been decades since I read the first Shannara trilogy, which is very like the Lord of the Rings. I don't remember it being about three young teens. I'll watch at least one because of Manu Bennett. Hopefully everyone doesn't have to sound Amariken.

  37. No i mean any words in the universe, names, cities, etc.

  38. I dont know if the storylines will be any good but damn does it look visually stunning. I cant bealive this is a MTV show. Look so beatifull and well done, I cant believe it.

  39. I've been looking forward to this since I heard it was coming out. The scenes look stunning. I hope everything else matches.

  40. I've missed John Rhys-Davies.

  41. This look waaaay too expensive for MTV.

  42. don't know anything about the books, but it seems very post apocalyptic-ish with definitely a heavy fantasy bend which definitely interests me as well as some spectacular scenery which definitely feels/looks LOTR-esque, along with some good casting, so this will definitely be on my radar

  43. This looks really promising. Lets see how it goes story wise.

  44. I think I read one of the books when I was in elementary school, but I honestly don't remember it. However, this trailer looks very good, very LOTR. I'm in!

  45. Looking good, I´ll check it out :)

  46. Yes. Excellent production value. Hopefully not as depressing and morose as Game of Thrones.

  47. Probably had a great production company helping them.

  48. You mean like Tolkien Purists. They're obsessive.


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