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POLL : What did you think of Mr. Robot - Eps1.2d3bug.mkv?

9 Jul 2015

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  1. I guess there si no chance at all they are not going with the fight club route now. They just screamed it at us this episode.

  2. Great episode. Thought the Starbucks scene was hilarious.

    A review:

  3. Episode was a bit slow but I love this show. Love all the characters. Tyrell was all kinds of weird tonight lol. Shayla is so sweet, I hope nothing happens to her. Darlene also confirmed real and not a delusion. And we finally get to see more of Angela as a person.

  4. its mostly the one Elliot thinks of as leader for me. Unless evidence to the contrary appears. Especially that ending for me.

  5. Very good episode. Angela losing her mother in a similar fashion to Elliot being the connection they both share was a nice touch. Dont recall ever seeing a pregnant woman involved in bdsm before on TV or film. Liked that the show had Tyrell and his wife speaking Swedish.

  6. The awesome-ness continues and this week with a touch of wtf and weird.

    Tyrell, damn man he is willing to do anything to get to the top and his first goal of CTO. Even F a dude.
    Tho I liked how he and his wife spoke taker native language at home.
    His night life at home whoa doing that well pregnant...
    Him paying a homeless so he can relieve his stress was funny and messes up.
    This guy reminds me of Griffth from the anime series Berserk.

    Elliot trying to live a normal life this episode was fun even if it was short lived. Tho if anything I hope he and Shela stay together for some good while if not for the long run.
    And it was nice knowing how he and Angela got close, sad story. Hope does some good damage at fsociety.

    Angela on the other hand thinking of planting a bug at Allsafe because of her stupid boyfriend was stupid. And staying with him after he revealed he Cheated was stupid and maybe that just shows she too messed up and hasn't healed form the past.
    - her first thought should of been going to Eliot for help knowing his skills he would be able to help her out.

  7. I really can't get enough of this show, it's so god!

  8. Angela on the other hand thinking of planting a bug at Allsafe because
    of her stupid boyfriend was stupid. And staying with him after he
    revealed he Cheated was stupid and maybe that just shows she too messed
    up and hasn't healed form the past.
    - her first thought should of been going to Eliot for help knowing his skills he would be able to help her out.

    I think her mentality is just like Elliot's - an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Elliot copes by using morphine, she copes by being with Ollie (and like a bad habit can't bring herself to leave him even after knowing that he cheated on her)

    I too wish her first thought would have been to go to Elliot for help. Maybe she is ashamed to reveal the truth about Ollie's cheating? There's still time. I hope she comes to her senses.

  9. i knew that bitch was a psychopath *shudders*


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