Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Wayward Pines - Could Get Renewed for Season 2

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Wayward Pines - Could Get Renewed for Season 2

26 Jun 2015

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Proving that the ratings spike was more than viewer curiosity in sampling a TV effort from The Sixth Sense filmmaker, Wayward Pines continued to post big DVR lifts. And demonstrating again how misleading Live+Same Day ratings are these days, while the mystery drama declined in Week 4 in L+SD — it posted 1.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.1 in 18-49 for the 4 telecasts, in L+7 it actually hit a series high in Week 4 (2.1, 2.3, 2.2, 2.4). The +118% lift the show got from L+SD to L+7 set a record for the biggest ever percentage-wise for a summer series.

The somewhat surprisingly solid and consistent ratings performance by Wayward Pines has not been left unnoticed. I hear there is interest in another season of the mystery series. Because of the long time frame between the project’s pickup/production and its air date, the options on all actors lapsed long ago. (Wayward Pines’ cast also includes Matt Dillon, Carla Gugino and Melissa Leo). I hear the idea is to explore a potential second installment with different characters and cast but in the same world, which would not be a straight anthology format. I hear talks are preliminary, and Fox brass are expected to meet with the Wayward Pines creative team soon to discuss the possibilities.

As a testament to the new reality where the digital ratings performance is as important if not more important that the linear one, NBC today renewed another drama whose launch had been delayed, Aquarius, on the strength of its digital performance, despite its lukewarm ratings on the network.


  1. When it premiered to a 1.0 I was sure Wayward Pines was a failure, but then it grew to stable numbers that are actually decent for summers. That and the L+7 it gets and all the buzz around it makes it a safe bet now. Funny how things change

  2. I hope it happens, really, the show is amazing I am liking these summer shows so much this year. I am really happy with Aquarius-The Whispers-Wayward Pines and the one I have been anticipating the most, Zoo, hasn't even premiered. I would really love for this to happen. And this world has more than enough strength to be explored on its own.

  3. I would love this to happen! It's my absolute favorite show right now :) I will miss this cast though, they're wonderful, especially Melissa Leo's Nurse Pam, she's brilliantly freaky.

  4. Not surprised by this really, I am surprised they're going for a new cast though, I thought some of the old ones might come back. I do hope it gets a second season I love the show, the current cast are great though, If it is renewed I hopefully the won't mess up the new cast.

  5. I already assumbed it was getting a season 2 but not with a whole new set of characters. I'm loving the ones currently being portrayed and I would like to see them again next year

  6. YES!!! My wishes for this series are being considered!! God! Please let it happen!! Idk if i'm cool with a whole brand new cast, but i would loveeeeee a season 2!!! I've been wanting this since episode 2 or 3!

  7. I just started catching up with this show today on Fox On Demand (on ep 4 now) and while I love it in all it's creepy self, the cast is what makes this show work so I don't know how I feel about a S2 with different actors/characters... I'll miss Ethan and Kate :( but it would be cool to delve into more of the Wayward Pines mythology.

  8. Of coarse it could get renewed, it also could get cancelled, what other choices are there?

  9. The Truth is waiting for you on Episode 5.

  10. What the hell was that creature looking thing at the end of ep 3 dragging Sheriff Pope's body away?!?! :O I'm just glad that we are getting answers so quickly because I have no idea what the hell is going on in this show, lol.

  11. Anything "could" get a renewal until it's officially cancelled. I'm not sure what makes this headline worthy on Deadline. Recently, it seems that Deadline has become to go to place to spin possible renewals for every possible justification besides live viewership. The PR and spin is so thick it's almost suffocating.

  12. Exactly. Great for Wayward Pines if FOX can make it work, but it's a complete non event in the way that they are presenting it.

  13. I'm not sure how to feel about this.It definitely wouldn't be the same show without Matt Dillon!

  14. Keep watching. You think you're lost now? Wait til you get to episode 5.

  15. I dont want to be a downer here but ...


    Its a series based off 3 books and their content more or less. The story should be able to be covered over the 10 episode season.

  16. The books are covered over the first season. You could stop watching at the end of this season if you wanted. Personally I'm enjoying it enough to want them to at least try and build on it.

  17. I just dont think Matt Dillon would want to do more personally. But hey, they can prove me wrong.

  18. He probably doesn't since they said they'll be looking for a new cast.

  19. Lol, that would be such a hilarious way to keep it going, "oops another group destroyed the town...bring on the next!".

  20. I still dont understand how they built the Fence around the whole town in the 2 years they had. Its electrified and its really sturdy and surely the workers would of been picked off by the Abbies. Lots of Pilchers story just dosnt add up.

  21. Yh I'd have a hard time believing they knocked down the ruins that were there already and built an entirely new town in 2 years under normal circumstances, nevermind with limited resources and killer devolved humans hunting everything in sight!

  22. I won't complain because I'm enjoying it very much, but I hate when they announce a series event or miniseries and then they turn it into an ongoing one.

  23. Had a feeling if the show got picked up for a season 2 it would have to be done with mostly all new characters. I remember waiting for this with the new batch of episodes of ”24" last summer. It was then pushed back a full year. No way they could hang on to all the actors that long. Maybe they can renegotiate and get the important ones back. Doesn't matter this has become my favorite show currently airing.

  24. They can do whatever they want.
    I started this show thinking it's event series and that's what mainly kept me watching. Halfway through the season I don't feel I'll stick with it longer than first season.

  25. Different cast is a terrible idea. Although it's a great series, it shouldn't be dragged so long and finish after the 10th episode.

  26. i want the same cast tho :(

  27. Veizinger Tamás26 June 2015 at 23:30

    we do not need new cast.

  28. I like Wayward Pines but the premise makes it appear this is the only "Noah's Ark". I would watch a second season if it's builds off the first and keeps the characters. Don't think I'll bother if they change the entire cast.

  29. I don't know how I feel about this... I mean I really like the show, but for me part of the appeal is the closed-ended one and done feeling I'm getting from the show.

    Maybe if they do a "group A" prequel?
    Or maybe if Pilcher was wrong and some other humans actually did survive?

    But I dunno... I'll wait until this run is over to decide whether or not I want a second season or not.


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