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POLL : What did you think of The Whispers - Collision?

16 Jun 2015

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  1. - Wait, your husband is upset that you cheated on him? Who could have imagined.
    - These high level agents need to be told how to do an investigation? Why are they on your team?
    - Holy crap, they're removing her from a case where she might have a conflict of interest. I've honestly never seen that on a TV show like this. Seriously, I haven't.
    - That child psychologist is really bad at his job.
    - Minx is suitably creepy.
    - And the cases are starting to connect.
    - Gee, I wonder if child psychologist is going to have something happen to him.
    - Yeah, because that's not a terroist front.
    - John received a message through the lights? Are there opposing sides among the aliens?
    - Hmmmm...They're making the Drill connection. I didn't expect that for several episodes. Where will they go from here?
    - So doctor, are you a believer now?
    - They call the one guy directly? Shouldn't there be an actual regulation number to contact?

  2. Right?! Claire made me mad in this episode, SHE cheated on HIM and SHE'S mad?! Give me a break! Minx told everything to Claire and Wes and Drill didn't retaliate, that confused me. He retaliated when Harper did it. I saw the conflict of interest on a case in Psych actually but you're right that NEVER happens LOL. That's what the Doc gets for riding a bicycle, very green of him but come on LOL. What one guy? Jessup? Wait you think Drill didn't talk to Bennigan, that it was someone else?

  3. I don't get Bennigan, he doesn't know what he's doing but he can hear Drill? Claire you have no right to have been mad at your husband when you're the one who cheated on him. Drill won't let Minx out of his grip will he? he just killed her shrink, so NOW Claire's son whispers so no one hears him talk, i want Claire to find out he can hear already. ABC really loves the name "Henry" don't they? LOL

  4. This episode is so wickity-wickity-wack that it's wickity-wickity-good.

    Loving the reveals and how Drill's plans are slowly unfolding.

  5. I do not think Sean is talking to Drill. I think he's talking to an enemy of Drill working to stop it/him. Sean has no memory of who he was before his plane crash. He is following instructions with no understanding of how they fit together. My theory is that whatever he's communicating with is responsible for his crash and memory loss.

  6. Whoa so you think there's two entities working against each other, one good and the other evil: Drill being the bad one?, and why erase his memory, so he can be more controlled?

  7. Yes, that's where I am. As for erasing his memory...I hadn't thought in depth about that yet, but here's a theory.

    Kids brains are different than adults. We already saw a little boy rejected because he had 'turned.' Maybe in order for this other entity to communicate with an adult the mind has to be erased or rewired. This process resulted in his amnesia.

  8. Huh i could definitely see that, in a weird way him being amnesiac sort of makes him not be "turned" right?

  9. I'm still confused. So Claire's husband was getting some kind of illegal payoff money? And he's gotten the money more than once?

    Someone is trying to cause a meltdown at the nuclear reactor? It's just confusing how Claire's husband fits into it since he isn't Drill, but seems connected to him.

    And Claire cheated on her husband, which doesn't make her the greatest character in the world. We're supposed to listen her feeling guilty over it forever now?

    I'm guessing everything will be less confusing in a few more eps.

  10. No the money Bennigan's been getting started when he lost his memory, DRILL wants to cause the meltdown.

  11. What confused me is she said he got money like six months ago or before he disappeared? I don't know, I'd have to watch it again, but it was confusing.

  12. The woman in the bakery said he received money "yesterday" and "a month ago", i.e. after the crash and the loss of his memory.

  13. What I like about this show is that it does not drag out stupid stuff. On another show, it would've taken a few more episodes for Lawrence to find out about Drill and the other kids.

  14. What ever happened to the reaction of Minx running away last episode? Did she come back before morning, get caught? and then got sent to the psychologist?

    Claire not only cheated before the accident, but blamed him for her sons mute? wtf add 15 points to the dislike pile.

    I certainly like watching John Doe's side of the story more, a different entity maybe guiding him oppose to Drill, the first strike all linking to the Nuclear Power plant that is the focus next episode.
    - I liked when he touched the electric gate the power went out on it, either by his force or his entity's either way his side has abilities too.

  15. John received a message through the lights? Are there opposing sides among the aliens?

    I get a feeling there might be...

  16. I'm really enjoying this.

    I like how they don't seem to be dragging the mystery out. Like they are keeping tings under wraps yes, but the story is moving along, and people aren't acting too stupid for the sake of contrived plot convenience (I'm so grateful for that, I can't even say how grateful!), and all the different storylines have begun coverging quite nicely and in a timely manner.
    Overall it's moving on at a great pace...

    Add me to the "Claire's not awesome" and "Sean/John is getting his info from Drill's opposition" bandwagons.
    Harper's super naive attitude is so cute yet so frustrating at the same time...

  17. Can't wait for Episode 1.04, Meltdown!

  18. The Doc's house could be very close. Plus he could have been in a worse accident if he was driving a car.

  19. I like the way you put that.

  20. Wouldn't air bags have helped?

  21. Well i think we can agree that when the creator said that he wouldn't leave us hanging in the end he meant it.

  22. THANK YOU! I'm so glad i wasn't the only one confused with Minx running away and no reaction. Although maybe she didn't run away and came back after reading the Nuclear Plant blueprints and we all just assumed she ran away. This is what i was worried about when they made the lead character a cheating spouse, at some point i wouldn't agree or sympathize with her. Yeah John Doe is getting more and more interesting, although about doing good, i saw info on an upcoming episode it said that he's planing to do something that will kill thousands of people. So that whole "a GOOD entity is helping" could be thrown out the window.

  23. You're right about it not being dragged out, the creator DID say that he wasn't going to leave us hanging in the end. You have to remember Harper is the youngest of the kids so she's easier to control for Drill, Minx has actually doubted Drill and no repercussions what does that mean?

  24. There are many ways a man can die while driving a car.

  25. Especially from a technopathic alien right?

  26. This episode was so good. I am really enjoying this. I loved how everything was connected and how the kids weren't random after all. I really wish more people start to watch this, I would love to have this as a regular summer thing.

  27. I think Sean is talking to some alternative allien faction that is trying to stop Drill.


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