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POLL : What did you think of Mr. Robot -

25 Jun 2015

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  1. I'll say it again, the pilot was amazing.

  2. Watched it ages ago and loved it. Suits/Mr. Robot is going to be such an awesome pairing for me :) I loved the lead actor in Mr.Robot, he was very good and I love the character he played too, really interesting. The plot was fascinating too, it was just all very well put together and enjoyable to watch. I'm looking forward to the next episode (btw I really love the episode names, very clever!).

  3. Crazy about TV25 June 2015 at 04:03

    110% Agree. Been waiting 2 weeks to see the new episode, can't wait until next week.

  4. Been waiting forever for the second episode. Can't wait till next week.

  5. Promising start to the series, and what a brilliant performance by Rami Malek.

    A review:

  6. It was awesome. I watched it previously and again tonight.

  7. I watched the first 15 minutes but I could not get into it. As much as I wanted to like it, the main character got on my nerves.

  8. I really didn't think I'd like this show, but I ended up watching it tonight (because I couldn't find anything else on TV to watch!) and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked the show and how much the lead character grew on me throughout the episode. The style of narration reminded me a lot of Dexter. This summer has been full of unexpected surprises, with respect to new shows.

  9. WOW!! That was awesome. Definitely the best pilot USA has put out by far. Mr. Robot is typically different than all the other USA shows I've watched, so it's nice to see that they are branching out to different genres. Looking forward to more and I'm so glad that it already got renewed for S2! Rami Malek is incredible in this and I loved that the show is taking a more realistic approach to the cyber hacking/security aspect. Makes you appreciate the show even more.

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  11. I read reviews which said this show shouldn't work but does mostly because of the performance of Rami Malek and I absolutely agree. In theory the voice-overs and the typical hacking stuff shouldn't work at all but Malek is so good in the role, all twitchy, bug-eyed and paranoid.

    So do we think Mr Robot is a figment of Eliot's imagination or not? Is is a delusion, is he real or is it a Fight Club style situation and in fact Eliot is Mr Robot? Right now I'm inclined to think he is real but I hope they keep us guessing.

  12. Awesome one and i really hope that this Mr. Robot is not only in his head, this would just be stupid. The episode was great i had very interesting things and for him to get the dog maybe this will help.

    Also a theory on Mr.Robot, i think that Mr.Robot (i hope is real) is using Eliot to become the most powerful and richest man on the planet.

  13. Great premiere. Loved it. And the ending left me intrigued.

  14. Wow, i did not think i'd like it this much !!! very interesting

  15. Great - Good acting, great editing and an intelligent story. BTW I think it's really realistic with the IT stuff. Not like other shows..

    But it was not that suspensful and a bit slow, next episodes will tell more.

  16. cool! <o0l!_[001! 8D


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