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POLL : What did you think of Arrow - This Is Your Sword?

7 May 2015

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  1. Rheinmeister09 .7 May 2015 at 02:02

    They kind of ruined next weeks episode by showing the team alive no well back in Starling. Ok episode except for Tatsu killing Maseo. The fight scene and the final scene was good until they ruined it by showing the preview for next week.

  2. Odd that they showed the reveal in the preview.

  3. sooo...spoil me, shippinsh*t, dead peopple? Did anyone twerk?

  4. I need a couple of minutes, maybe hours, to collect my thoughts.

  5. Yes. Two people died. and no.

  6. i'm a little confused with Oliver being on Flash next week but Barry showing up in Arrow next week. . something feels out of order. it feels like the events from next week Season finale of Arrow takes place after next Tuesday Flash...

  7. So, is Ra's the worst villain ever and doesn't realize that's not the real virus, or are they all inoculated?

  8. Rheinmeister09 .7 May 2015 at 02:05

    Good fight scene especially with Maseo and Tatsu. Ending was good until they ruined it by showing the preview for next week. Otherwise a so so episode

  9. Rheinmeister09 .7 May 2015 at 02:06

    CW schedulers....idiots

  10. Both. The last scene will destroy you and leave you with your mouth opened. I suggest you don't watch the finale promo.

  11. So hit me, who died? I know Tatsu kills Maseo and Malcolm betrays Team Arrow. Is Oliver faking?

  12. Okay, I suppose Maseo died and Tatsu finished her transformation into Katana, guess there was a "will they die" cliffhanger?

  13. Rheinmeister09 .7 May 2015 at 02:07

    Going to say not the real virus.

  14. yeah.. Flash should have been delayed if Arrow season finale takes place b4 next weeks Flash

  15. Damnit, why didn't Felicity show off her best assets?

  16. He did? Is he a bad guy again?

  17. I've been trying to figure out the same thing! Though I'm leaning more toward the lines of not the real thing because although it's plausible he innoculated most of them, I don't know when he would have had the chance for Ray. Or maybe he's just really jealous and doesn't care if he dies

  18. Rheinmeister09 .7 May 2015 at 02:09

    You got it. And for a sec you could buy into it until they showed next weeks promo

  19. Okay. And too late. I already already saw it.

  20. Yeah, they don't seem to have the same symptoms since they're all passed out and not bleeding from the mouth, but. I wonder if he knows it's not real, or does he have another one? Or does he have other plans for Starling?

  21. Romen Nykolyn7 May 2015 at 02:10

    I think they're inoculated.

  22. Stephen S. Bowman7 May 2015 at 02:10

    yea this is part of what makes 0 sense but yes the season finale takes place before next week's flash if you ask me which means it all out of synch cause of the schedule

  23. "Shocking twists" again. I knew Maseo was gonna die at some point and i knew Merlyn was gonna betray them Jajaja

    Was he working with Ra's from the start?

  24. You ruined the ending :( but it will still break your heart.

  25. It doesn't seem like that, it just seems like he was trying to gain favor so he wouldn't be killed, like the snake that he is. But who knows.

  26. No he, the coward he is, betrayed them there to save himself.

  27. Rheinmeister09 .7 May 2015 at 02:11

    Fake virus makes more sense

  28. well I'd never buy into a cliffhanger like that anyway since we already know they won't kill their mains.

    So, is the episode safe to watch for a ship-hater/Merlyn fan?

  29. Aleana Harris7 May 2015 at 02:12

    This was a ok episode love all the fight scenes love the reunion between Thea and Roy and him passing the red jacket along which I hope means Thea will become Speedy and Oliver sidekick the scene between Diggle and Oliver was heartbreaking but kinda wish I dvr this episode it kinda piss me off at the end should've watch comedies on ABC instead of dvr them

  30. good, so he's now fighting against Team Arrow and not with them?

  31. Not exactly. You have to watch.

  32. So I guess it was a "don't kill me, kill them" moment that he will be "again" forgiven for....ugh...can he just go back to killing innocent people?

  33. Do we know if that isn't part of Oliver's plan too?

  34. It's definitely not part of the plan.

  35. Rheinmeister09 .7 May 2015 at 02:17

    Yeah nothing major with Olicity. One scene with Tatsu but it was more about her and Maseo so it's not that bad. Greater Malcolm presence this episode. Not the best Malcolm centric episode but an improvement on not giving him much to do lately. Overall it's an okay episode. There was more momentum going into the finale last season and the season before. I have a feeling this seasons will be somewhat anticlimactic. But that's just me

  36. Well, he's in the promo with the team again Jajajaja

  37. It was a betrayal moment and he didn't have the time to be forgiven by anyone, and trust me no one is going to.

  38. Sounds good, I'll watch.

    Going to do this every week now for Arrow, can't handle the immediate frustration with the fandom after actually watching it ^^

    Thanks btw :D

  39. Watch the episode and you'll know why it can't be a part of the plan.

  40. I just saw Felicity, a tablet and the assassin Jajaja That whole scene, that fight, reached levels of stupidity.

    I think i'm not gonna like the episode. I think it just expects us to take a leap of faith and ignore reality.

  41. Rheinmeister09 .7 May 2015 at 02:23


  42. Before watching you need to take a break from common sense and rational thoughts. Ray was hit with a rocket and survived!!

  43. MALCOLM MERYLN IS UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!!!! Did I NOT say 5 hours ago that his "Twist" would be something Malcolm-esque and w/e it was it would STILL BE BETRAYAL!!!!!!! THIS F*CKING GUY CAN'T BE LOYAL TO ANYTHING!!! I reallyyyy do hate him!!!

    I loved Tatsu tonight. In her scene with Felicity and her fight scene with Maseo. I cried for her tonight. That was really sad. The singing, the crying, the screaming, it was all sad, and I teared.

    Great seeing Roy. Loved how he past on his mantle. Speedy is coming. God I miss Roy. Loving the scruff.

    I want my Oliver back!! I'm tired of this shit!!! I want him back and I want ALL OF HIM!!!! My Oliver, I want him back!!!! My Team Arrow-Olicity-Oliver Jonas Queen lovin' heart is shattered!! Into a million pieces. And I swear, I will NOT feel better until the season finale. And neither will Diggle and Felicity. God seeing them both in that cage killed me.

    Favorite lines of tonight go to Felicity Megan Smoak: "Our Oliver. MY Oliver died the day he joined the league. THIS is someone else!!"

    (Throws the tablet at the assassin) "Oh...that makes more sense." LMAO that's the only time I was able to laugh through this whole episode.

    I didn't like this episode. I enjoyed very little of it. I yearn to hear those words next week. MY NAME IS OLIVER QUEEN! I think i'I'll just watch the promo over and over again. It still won't be enough. = (

  44. Maybe The Flash will be dealing with another timeline Oliver, like one from the future,

  45. Yeah, it did. :( I fast-forwarded to see it. Now I'll go back and watch it all.

  46. Wait, what? i'm scared now... Guess it's how i thought. I knew since Felicity and Laurel were there in NP that nothing was gonna make sense, but now i'm scared.

    I'm not gonna like the episode.

  47. I'm choosing to focus on the promo too. I was so mad after the episode but the words "MY NAME IS OLIVER QUEEN" and seeing Barry actually made me squeal. I can't until we get Oliver back.

  48. I believe Malcolm did what he did as part of Oliver's plan to prove 100% he was on Ra's side and so Oliver would be able to give his friends the fake virus so their bodies would be disposed of and then they would awaken and be able to escape.

  49. Ok. Be prepared though. The episode had a lot of scenes that are going to make you roll your eyes, get annoyed and break your heart..

  50. Justin Valdes7 May 2015 at 02:36

    Felicity thinking that she killed the LOA member with her tablet, then come to find out that it was Malcolm who put the final blow in him was the best part of the episode. Her reactions were hilarious. Other than that, a pretty alright penultimate episode, certainly not as good as last seasons though. Mostly everything that happened tonight will be resolved in the first 5 minutes of the finale so that final twist means nothing (thanks a lot promo!). I guessing Team Arrow got a fake bio weapon?

    So happy that Ollie has been faking the whole time in part of a bigger master plan! But what the hell Malcolm telling Ra's that he is!! Seriously? I hope this was all part of the plan. Wonder how Ollie's going to get himself and Team Arrow out of this one. Should be interesting. And poor Nyssa. She literally wanted to die than go ahead with that wedding. Still looked beautiful though.

    Tatsu and Maseo's fight was so awesome but heartbreaking. My heart broke when she had to do the unthinkable and kill Maseo. Now she lost her her son and her husband. I would love if she became a series regular next season. She's so badass and I love her a lot.

    Thea and Roy were so adorable!! Awww that he gave her his Arsenal suit so she can fight in his honor :') So ready for Speedy!!

    So ready for the finale next week!

  51. A fake bio-weapon Oliver got from Barry in Flash's 1x22, wich was supposed to aire yesterday. Thanks a lot, theCW!

  52. Justin Valdes7 May 2015 at 02:39

    Stupid CW. I love them most of the time but they really messed up when it came to Arrow and The Flash scheduling.

  53. I smiled seeing Barry in the promo too.

  54. I'm just theorizing, but it's a very likely scenario... xD

  55. So that was f*cking awesome. Everything from the revel of Malcolm and Oliver working together, the Tatsu and Maseo stuff, the Ray chase scene. Lol Felicity thinking she killed that guy. The fights. Roy and Thea. Man this was sick! One thing though Malcolm really is a lying, cowardly cunt.

  56. I really wish they hadn't killed off Maseo. I really liked his friendship with Oliver.

    I found Oliver's actions confusing. But we all know the main characters aren't all being gassed to death.

    It was good to see Roy again, too.

  57. So that was f*cking awesome. Everything from the revel of Malcolm and Oliver working together, the Tatsu and Maseo stuff, the Ray chase scene. Lol Felicity thinking she killed that guy. The fights. Roy and Thea. Man this was sick! One thing though Malcolm really is a lying, cowardly c*nt.

  58. It must have been some kind of vaccine and sedative.

  59. Oliver is still there. He's just playing pretend.

  60. Yes because that proves he's the worst. He's not genre savvy I'll say that.

  61. Malcom didn't betray the team, it looked like it was part of the plan, tell Ra's, then Oliver uses the obviously fake omega virus to "kill" his friends.
    Great episde, can't wait until the finale.

  62. Maybe. For now he's a c*nt. I hate that word.

  63. He's always been a c**t lol!, but i'm positive it was part of the plan, now Ra's is fully convinced that Oliver is his heir.

  64. just watched, it felt more like being a part of the ploy he was playing with Oliver to me and not a betrayal. The entire scene felt disgenuine

  65. This episode just doesn't makes sense; regardless of how many twists and turns you put in, Oliver is not going to kill off everyone he cares about, nor is the show ever going to kill off 70% of its cast, so it's just unbelievable to have that as a stake.

    If this is the show's attempt at a "batman gambit" it just sucks. There is nothing here that is truly suspenseful, only if Merlyn's betrayal is part of the ultimate plan, and I just don't even care about him to even worry he might just be evil.

  66. I could see it. He's at Palmer Tech with the Team in the promo.

  67. felt like a vile switchero during the Ra's-Oliver "I'm not Oliver" conversation

  68. Really want Merlyn to be bad again but this felt like a vile-switcheroo to confuse Ra's long enough to let Merlyn or Oliver get close enough to Ra's to switch the vile for a fake one

  69. I can't decide if I'm angry or relieved that Oliver is faking. He still did very unforgivable acts. I think only taking Ra's down and getting rid of that story line for good will make me feel good again. I liked a few things in the episode:
    - Theroy reunion. It was nice to see Roy again, I really miss him. Him passing the jacket to Thea.
    - Tatsu becoming Katana. Her talk with Felicity. Her fight scene was awesome. My heart broke for her when Maseo died.
    - As much as that scene killed me but seeing Dig and Felicity stick together till the end was heart warming and it absolutely killed me.
    - At first I was so glad to know that my Oliver (and Felicity's Oliver) was still there but I got annoyed after that.
    - The fight scene had some good parts, Dig and Felicity, and I loathe Malcolm that will never change but his fighting is fun to watch.

    Pretty much hated everything else. My Original Team Arrow, Olicity, Oliver/Diggle, Oliver Queen heart is broken, maybe beyond repair. They need to make the finale a spectacular episode to make up for the past 22. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

    I can't wait for the day we get our Emerald Archer back.

    Stray thoughts:
    - Did Malcolm steal the Arrow suit too? Plz say yes.
    - Dig is absolutely justified in his anger and Oliver has to spend a lifetime apologizing for what he did.
    - Believe it or not Ray made me laugh. When he said "You're getting married? There's a pot for every kettle" (paraphrasing). The smile didn't last for long because seconds later Oliver broke my Olicity heart.
    - Laurel, do the world a favor and SHUT UP! And seriously she held her own against all those league members? Just UGH.
    - Ray getting hit with that rocket and surviving unscathed, rolls eyes for infinity.
    - Poor Nyssa. Oliver HAS to tell her about the plan soon.
    - Why did Oliver separate Tatsu from the rest of the team? That vile must contain something that could hurt her. Or because as far as Ra's knows the "virus" can't kill her?
    - I LOATHE Malcolm!!

  70. Not to me. I would've liked to believe that, still didn't feel it. Wasn't him. You don't get it! I don't want him under cover, hidden, with that stupid name, and that stupid look on his face, I want HIMMMMMMM!!

  71. I just really don't get why Oliver just didn't wink at them at the end or something, he is being purposefully obtuse; the show is being purposefully obtuse in an attempt at suspense and it just sucks.

  72. He is. The entire plan. He gave the team a sedative and vaccine so they could survive and now sent Barry to free them. Plus he really didn't like being called Al Sahim in the promo. He's there. Always was.

  73. the neccessity of the scene, the fact that the scene itself doesen't have a payoff compremising the team and actually helps Oliver makes it seem like it's another part of the ploy (plus the smiling glance Malcolm gives Oliver as Ra's seems to buy Olivers side of the story)

    if it was an actual betrayal scene filmographic rules need a pay off for the betrayal to matter

    my speculation: when Oliver got close enough to Ra's upon proclaiming his innocence he switched the vile

  74. Well Ra's isn't dumb.

  75. Meh I thought it was awesome and I still quite like three, but that's me.

  76. It's no supposed to be.

  77. So, I watched about 80% of it, but I think I'll wait until after the finale next week to watch it all.

  78. It was a vaccination and sedation.

  79. I got to say I can't stand the character of laurel she is so negative just doesn't seem complete. She is always the first to turn on Oliver. What is difficult to understand is that she is the one who knew him the the longest and was suppose to love him once. Her character comes across annoying. I think Thea will make a better addition to the team.

  80. Pretty sure that was part of the plan to fool Ra's. Looks like the "bio weapon" used on Team Arrow is simply knockout gas.

  81. Unlikely, given the timeline. The events of Flash 1x22 have to occur after Arrow 1x23. It makes more sense for Barry to take a quick Central City timeout to free Team Arrow than for Oliver to leave Nanda Parbat for an extended period before his situation is resolved.

  82. I can't believe no one has commented on the fact that Felicity now owns Palmer technology/queen consolidated.

  83. Because it was a ruse to gain Ra's al Ghul's trust and hide the Oliver/Malcom deception from him. The "bio-weapon" obviously is a fake because it's not inducing the same symptoms as the Hong Kong incident.

  84. You;re wrong on that one.

  85. And she'll probably give it to Oliver so yay.

  86. IT'S NOT HIM!!! You're not helping. In fact you're pissing me off. He's not there! And my Oliver sure as hell wouldn't marry a lesbian! WHEN Oliver returns first order of business is to make it right with Diggle and Felicity, get rid of Macolm so Thea can live her life, and get a freaking annulment! ASAP!

  87. I called it. Ray gave Felicity teh company.
    Hhow Awesome was that fight sequence on the dessert?. Maseo and wife's fight was all kinds of great.
    Ok Olover must have done something with the chemical weapon, he is not gonna let us there to die to pretend he is still Al Sahim.

  88. Woah. Okay. When he needs his plan to work he'll pretend to marry her. Okay it's Al Sahim. But he didn't leave them to die. He will of course. I don't think an annulment will be necessary. It's a marriage of league law. In any sort of international or US law it never happened. But sure annulment. But first things first Oliver and his team need to stop Ra's. Then consequences and apologies. I'm sorry, I was trying to do the opposite and reassure you.

  89. TheRISEofCAPALDI7 May 2015 at 04:37

    When I saw Katana cry suddenly there was onions in my room, when I see Felicity cry or look like she's about to cry I just facepalm and hit the mute button lol she needs to go.

  90. "It's not supposed to be believable" It's like they are using the suspension of disbelief as toilet paper.

  91. But Ollie was the last one there! why did he even let his friend believe they were dying? SUSPENSE

  92. Sigh. Change the subject. Let's talk about the timeline, okay? Next week's episode of The Flash takes place, after tonight's episode, yes?

  93. Yes, he got married! I like it when someone takes an elaborate plan all the way to the end.
    +1 to Oliver for catching that knife from Nyssa.
    Sucks Maseo had to die, but I guess his story had to catch up to that of the comics where he is also dead.

    Diggle IMO is being a little bitchy, stop with the could of died, and look to see if they died your family that is.

    I wonder what Malcolm plan to do with his act at the end or is it still all part of Olivers plan, to get them in the room and use a fake virus, or that he gave them a cure some time ago?

    Oh and Ray gave Felicity the company, now Felicity offer it back to Oliver, and not hold it over his head with shit like not till you become good again will I give it to you. If Offered I'm sure Oliver would say you handle it for now. But at least now the money will come in.

  94. Here's why Laurel sucks:

    1.) The first to doubt Oliver when the going gets tough.
    2.) Always giving up on him despite how long they've known each other.
    3.) Never missing an opportunity to spit venomous snipes at Oliver like "I can't believable I ever loved you."

    Tonight was a perfect example of this behavior. THAT is one of many reason why folks can't get behind her character.

    Just sayin...

  95. Arrow's season finale before the Flash season finale

  96. cuz its cooler like that. Lets just say Oliver played a prank on his friends, and lets hope they can handle it, true friends would.

  97. It was an okay episode for a penultimate one of the season.

    - Felicity thinking she killed the league member with her tablet only to see Malcolm arrowed him was the best scene this episode
    - Maseo's death by Tatsu's hand was really sad for Tatsu.
    - Malcolm Merlyn was great today with his initial help and his later cowardice in betraying Oliver
    - That was not the virus. We know it, everyone knows it. So it didn't feel heartbreaking for me. Just cheap drama.
    - Diggle's anger towards Oliver is just as annoying as Quentin's anger towards Oliver. Over the top and melodramatic. So what should Oliver have done refused to fight team Arrow when they stand in the way of him getting Nyssa? Then what? Ra's would have killed them all to teach Oliver a lesson. They simply ruined the most beautiful friendship on the show for an asnine reason which didn't even make sense. Oliver didn't even put a scratch on Lyla. And Lyla is someone who can handle herself. puts bombs in people's spine and blows them up in her job. Where is the trust here?
    - Nyssa gave her full effort to get out of this marriage. The gross thing still happened. I still don't understand why Arrow had to go through with this. It doesn't make sense or serve any purpose. The virus in itself would have been enough. The things they do for shock.
    - I liked Ray's entrance and he was really useful here.
    - Roy/Thea scenes felt filler and unnecessary.
    - Flashbacks still sucked

    This show has been suffering from bad writing all through the season and the culmination of that was seen this episode. I just want this season to be over so that we will get back the team work this show is great for. But now with Diggle on the outs I wonder how it will happen. My prediction of Oliver deciding to only be Oliver Queen and shedding the Arrow persona looks to be coming true.

    PS: I want to poke some one in the eye whenever Al Sahim, Warith Al Ghul, you will be Raysh Al ghul and Oliver Queen is no more is mentioned on the show.

  98. I'm Not talking about the season finale. I'm talking about Flash's penultimate episode. Which is taking place after tonight's episode. I'm talking about the TL not the sched.

  99. It simply sucked period.

  100. Yes because dosing his friends with a sedative and the vaccine is the worst for believability.

  101. Oliver, not Ollie. Because he didn't have time and knows Barry is on his way.

  102. MurderMondays7 May 2015 at 05:27

    I'm beyond sick of these lame "twists". Oliver may have the will to live but I am losing my will to put up with this BS.

  103. MurderMondays7 May 2015 at 05:29

    I read all spoilers before watching now. Going into an Arrow episode blind is too much these days.

  104. It was a really boring episode. You can watch. Malcolm was fun this episode.

  105. I just hope he puts more of an effort into the company than he did in s2.

  106. Oh yes forgot that in all other drama. I guess she will give it back to the Queens later on.

  107. Ra's removed Tatsu because she was innoculated against the virus. He says so before removing her from the room.
    For me Digg's anger felt over the top. Its not like Oliver had multiple choices and he chose to hurt Lyla. His hands were tied and he was trying to pass off as genuine bad guy. Dude had to do something. He took a calculated risk.

  108. JustGotLittUp7 May 2015 at 05:45

    I honestly think Diggle being angry at Oliver was a little over the top. But by the end of the episode I can so see why Diggle would punch Oliver. You don't just let people think they're dying and leave them there :/ That was a bit douchey but Oliver was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    The wedding was useless. I still don't understand the point of it.

    Maseo/Tatsu made me cry :/

    I found it weird that Laurel could fight the LoA but I'm not gonna say anything further. IDK what they're doing with her character. She was kinda irrelevant in this episode.

    I'm glad Malcolm is still evil and a coward. I hope Felicity drags him to hell and tells everyone that he's still alive.

    I maintain that the plot sucks, but there were great character moments including Felicity 'killing' that LoA member ;)

  109. JustGotLittUp7 May 2015 at 05:56

    Also sorry I haven't responded to your last pm! I'll do it tomorrow :D

  110. Take your time. That was a big rant. :D

  111. Oliver had to get ahead of the virus. Ra's is a psycho who would unleash the virus on Starling city the moment Oliver shows his true intentions. He had no other choice. I am sure it was traumatic for the characters but I would have been more emotionally involved in the drama had it been just one or two characters instead of 90% of the whole cast.

    If Diggle punching Oliver will make things even with both of them then punch away. Otherwise it is really annoying to see Diggle acting this Over the top over something Oliver had not much control over.

    Don't get me started on unnecessary wedding drama

    Laurel got choked. More than her fighting prowess I have issues with her scenes with Merlyn. She has the same expression when talking to Oliver and talking to Malcolm. Her revulsion should be more pronounced.

    There were lot of good character moments. The one with Diggle/Oliver, the last scene between Diggle/Felicity, Ray asking Ra's if he is getting married a lot of them. But it is not enough for me to be happy about this episode. The plot simply sucked.

  112. Ollie is shorter.

    It is an incredibly shitty thing to make your friends believe they are dying, when a wink would have sufficed. It is just so obtuse to create conflict where there shouldn't be any.

  113. The TENSION has to be believable.

  114. I like it when we agree.

  115. We agree about a lot of things than we disagree *fistbump*

  116. Oliver: Hey guys! remember that time I made you all believe you were dying!

    Diggle: You son of a bitch

    Laurel: I really can't believe I ever loved you.

    Ray: You are an asshole.

    Felicity: Why... why Oliver, I can't *cries*

    Oliver: GOOD TIMES!

  117. Yeah! Let's go dip fries in milkshakes!

  118. No, the producers said that's how worked.

  119. Kathleen Kervin7 May 2015 at 06:15

    I hated it.

    I'm ready for a show without Ra's and Oliver at this point. The Ra's arc has ruined the season and the character of Oliver Queen.

  120. Kathleen Kervin7 May 2015 at 06:17

    Ra's is definitely the worst villain ever.

  121. Because a wink tells all.

  122. Not a fan of milkshakes. Love fries though. If there is pizza and ice cream I will be your slave.

  123. Tells enough.

  124. Right sure. At a bar. Not when you switched out a disease for a sedative or vaccine combination and haven't really betrayed your friends.

  125. Tells enough when you have first summoned to Nanda Parbat for a mission, and later told one of them there is a plan in motion.

  126. they said the friendship would be tested/broken bit next season. and I would be upset as well if the man you consider your brother, and believe has been heavily indoctrinated/joined a cult, kidnapped the mother of my child for basically a shell game. (he expects more from Oliver and expectations lead to disappointments and anger.)

    doesn't marrying her play into the long game/con? could he have gotten out of it and still kept his cover? while random, and meaningless for both characters, did it not serve to placate Ra's? Also, a lot of cultures have "weddings" of these sorts which is for the sake of binding an agreement not really a couple.

  127. I guess I expected more brutality from Oliver for John to give up on him. I thought he might maim Lyla or something extreme like that. I get Diggle's expectations and anger but the best friend of Oliver should understand the difficult place he was in. Last year Oliver put Felicity in Slade's captivity as bait because he had no other choice. This is the same case. Diggle stood beside Oliver when he was a brutal killer and has seen the sacrifices he does to protect the people he loves. Yet he cannot see how difficult it must be for Oliver to do this?

    I agree marrying Nyssa does placate Ra's. I was not talking about that or about Oliver trying to get out of it. Not at all. Once the marriage was on table the best thing for Oliver to do was to stick with it. What I meant was even if the marriage thing was not introduced on the show the intensity of these last two episodes would have been the same. Nyssa could still be a prisoner with Ra's, the virus could still be in play. Oliver could still act like he killed his friends. Apart from the shock value for the end of last episode the wedding served no purpose in grand scheme of things. It was traumatic for Nyssa who placed some value to the league customs. I am simply not a big fan of this.

  128. I agree the wedding is stupid and the only thread of reasoning is that is solidifies, for Ra's, Oliver's power-base, maybe.

    Also, its different when you have kids your priorities, whether we want to admit that or not, shift and they have for Dig. Also, I think he also felt slighted that he trusted Malcolm and not him.

  129. I was more horrified by leaving baby Sara alone for a length of time than Lyla being kidnapped. Anything could happen to a baby when he/she is left unattended even if it is in the crib. So yes that was a douchey thing to do. Oliver should have left a baby sitter. I agree the trusting Malcolm over him thing kind of increased the anger Diggle was feeling towards Oliver. I still think the show took the easy way. Had Oliver seriously injured Lyla it would have been better story telling.

  130. While I agree with your points, I'm less disappointed--probably because I gave up on Season 3 a long time ago. I'm hoping that Arrow's Season 4 will be like Homeland's S4--a strong reboot. And, I believe all the ingredients are in place to accomplish the reboot.

    But, back to "This is Your Sword."

    Many of the small things worked for me: the Roy/Thea scenes (although a filler) brought closure to their relationship. Malcolm betraying Oliver, yet again, proves him to be a SuperVillain; worst than anyone else on this show. And, I like it! Finally, I liked that this episode brought an end to the silly "Is Oliver a Baddie" arc: we all knew how that was going to turn out. Just like we know how the Team Arrow "dead" in their cell will turn out--even without the previews that include them.

    What didn't work was the back & forth to Nanda Parbat--or whatever the name of the allegedly secret island that EVERYBODY can find is. They might as well set up an airline route from Starling City. Team Arrow has been there three (?) times--and got captured each time. Doesn't say much about their abilities.

    I also don't know why Ra's even wants Oliver to take over the League; or, why Ra's wants Oliver to marry Nyssa--unless it's Ra's punishing her for having had a gay relationship.

    Lastly, once again, the episode didn't live up to the action pre-hype. Several articles said that the Team Arrow vs. Team Ra's fight would be epic. And it definitely was not. It was good, but the stunt team has done so much better in Season 2. Maybe because Stephen Amell, Manu Bennett, and Caity Lotz all had the physicality to perform what the stunt team designed for them. And the show sorely misses Bennett and Lotz this year.

    Bottom line: the Main Story line and action of this entire season has been very weak.

  131. Some folks. Just saying.

  132. This whole season I have been watching it with expecting better things in the upcoming episodes. Now that the season is almost over I am really frustrated.

    Honestly the Thea/Roy thing could have been finished with a phone call and Thea could have joined the group going to Nanda Parbat. The thing about Malcolm betraying Oliver again is next episode he is still seen working along side the heroes. Right now he is a slimy coward than a super villain. I would have preferred a betrayal from Malcolm to stick and him being completely against Team Arrow.

    I liked the Team Arrow vs Team Ra's fight. That was one of the few things I liked this episode. Malcolm and Diggle were great. I liked the sword fight between katana and Maseo too. Even Ray Palmer's cgi worked better this episode. Agreed about season 2 though. There was a freshness to the action there.

    Your bottom line is very correct.

  133. Man the Tatsu/Maseo scene was one of the best of the season.

    Ive loved the character of Maseo as we have learned more about him, over the season. We may never know what finally made him join the league or why he gave Ra's the bioweapon, but hes been portrayed evenly, with his sense of duty intact. He may have aligned to Ra's for the present scens but you can just see that there is a part of him that wants out, but the rest of him wont let that happen.

    So him dying in a sense IS the ultimate release for him. It was a great and touching scene would have benefited from a little less background music.

  134. wasn't that bad. maybe when they get past their Batman phase season 4 will pickup.

  135. Well they 'pranked' him in making him believe Roy was killed in prison

  136. well its not like Oliver thought he was dying.

  137. Awesome episode, but i thought that this was the season finale.

  138. He was blaming himself and mad with worry all the time Roy was in there, and Diggle and Felicity quiet. That was cruel and unnecessary, and Oliver not even yelled at them.

  139. JustGotLittUp7 May 2015 at 08:54

    I think the writers are writing for plot twists and shock more than they're writing for the actual plot and characters which is super disappointing. I hate the cliffhangers in every episode, I don't need 50000 twists in a season (including Nyssa and Oliver marrying). Give us a good story with good character development/moments and you have yourself a solid show. Sure put in a twist or two there but don't over do it or else the show will become less exciting and super predictable.

    *sigh* I can't wait for this season to be over.

  140. JustGotLittUp7 May 2015 at 09:00

    I don't think we'll see Felicity offering hte company back to Oliver this season. There's too much going on. Maybe next season or in the 3.5 comics?

  141. It was a good ep but not a blown away ep. Appreciated that they bloodied Tatsu's sword. Usually they don't bother. I'm loving the possibility of Thea as Arsenal. I hate non-cliffhangers. We all know that the gang is going to survive the "poisoning" it felt false and unsatisfying to end the ep on that note. I think what kept the ep from being above average is that the major scenes fell flat. Roy's entrance was kind of fun. But the wedding was blah. They couldn't have Nyssa's murder attempt turn into a full fight? And the cliffhanger at the end? Why bother? Even before showing us the promo in which we see everyone alive and well it was evident that they weren't going to die. The point of a cliffhanger is to make me annoyed that I have to wait a week to see what happens....this wasn't even worthy of the half-hour commercial break. If the showrunners were intending to build up the tension going into the season finale this ep was an epic fail.

  142. And you've hit on one of the main reasons I have hated the whole Felicity/Oliver love story. We've spent far too much of the season watching her cry or rant or scream at or about Oliver.

  143. That sword fight was awesome!

  144. I strongly agree with you! If they were telling organic stories the twists might actually be twisty. There would be no sequences like the flashback sequence where Oliver and Akio just ran from one place to another. Just so much disappointment with the writing this season. I am crossing my fingers that the showrunners get their mojo back for season 4.

  145. So these guys thinking Oliver let them die and that be their last thought isnt cruel?

  146. Loved it👍

  147. They really should have made 3x22 & 3x23 and 2 hour event airing on 1 night.

  148. Yeah, it was. But Oliver reason was to fool Ra's, so he wouldn't kill them for real. I don't know why Diggle and Felicity kept Oliver in the dark about Roy. Oliver is always judged and blamed, and it's like everybody else make always the right thing and have all the answers. He can't even tell Laurel 'you're not a warrior and you're go to get hurt' because everybody turn on him. I'm just saying there is too much of a double standard here.

  149. Gaia Di Lorenzo7 May 2015 at 11:10

    Roy made a great exit we'll never see him again... that's sad but he gave his suit to Thea and said he'll always love her so I am ok. Goodbye forever Roy. Dig will take all S4 to forgive Ollie, if he will. Raylicity was cute.

  150. How is it a double standard? They revealed the truth as soon as possible and even stated that he might not forgive them and he had the chance to say goodbye to Roy.
    Thinking you are dying and that you were fooled by the person/partner/friend/brother you trusted with your life. Is a complete different level of wrong. Oliver trusted in Malcolm Merlyn once again(who then betray them anyway) the person who orchestrated this whole big mess, turned Thea into a killer and made her a target for RAG.
    I would say all the characters get judged and blamed, and some people already judging Diggle for his words in 3x22. The problem is Oliver always takes it onto his own shoulders and in some cases even hides the truth from his partners. And that has to stop.

  151. Good episode, I'm glad it wasn't the finale.

    The Good
    Oliver is still Oliver even if his friends don't think so
    Felicity thinking she killed a guy with her ipad and then realizing she didn't.
    Nyssa tries to stab Oliver and he stops her and they continue with the wedding. I actually found that scene somewhat funny.
    Malcolm's plan to betray Oliver backfires.

    The bad
    Everyone being angry with Oliver.....yet again. I'm starting to get tired of it. He really needs to stop risking his life all the time to save them, because it's truly a thankless job. He's far more forgiving and understanding than they are
    Malcolm....Not surprised he tried to betray Oliver. My guess is that Malcolm wants to be the head of the League fo Assassins
    Felicity's weepy voice.: I love Felicity, when she's being sassy or dorky. But whenever Emily tries to do weepy felicity, the her acting skills suddenly plummet.
    Laurel: They really don't know what to do with her. And I still think it's ridiculous that she can fight the league of assassins. after such little training, or that she's famous enough for Cisco to turn into a fanboy around her.)
    The flashback scenes throughout this season have felt more like a boring space-filler.

  152. They should have. That would have made this whole thing more bearable.

  153. That's right, I didn't hear that line the first time, the sound was bad last night sometimes.
    There are lines you don't cross and kidnapping your best friend's wife in front of their baby and leaving that baby unattended is a big line. Even if Oliver was forced to do it it still doesn't lessen the severity of that act. I'm not a mother but I'm an aunt and if one of my friends just looked at my niece or nephew funny I would scratch their eyes out. Really how can you not understand John's anger? And Oliver didn't even tell them that it was all part of the plan. John spent all that time thinking his wife was going to get killed by the league and that his baby was in danger. Oliver didn't even apologize he was so practical when he was talking to Dig, he was sad of course but he was acting like what he did was a sacrifice that had to be done for the greater good.

  154. I really enjoyed the episode, despite the really unconsistant motives this season.
    Maseo and Tatsu relationship surprisingly was touching for me. While I enjoyed part of the duel a lot of it was cringe worthy. Why oh why did they not use the sheath? Tatsu had it on her back and used her arms as counter balance, which looked silly. It even reminded me of Arya Starks fighting style, a totally different sword. Normally u would use the sheath or a second, shorter sword as counterbalance. It is always about balance and especially because we get the scene were Maseo throws away his sheath. That kind of scene is legendary for jap swordfights. The samurai who diseregards the sheath does not understand the sword - ok rant over, I know these characters are not samurai.

  155. Gaia Di Lorenzo7 May 2015 at 11:47

    Laurel was controversal this ep: first she said she does it only for the city and then she's like : "we trusted you" :O but I still love her & ship Lauliver

  156. He already thought Maseo betrayed them so why pull that little stunt? Of course that vile is fake. And that was the only clue? The symptoms? Not the fact that Oliver, and the show, would never kill all of them?

  157. I know there was something in it that made them faint but I haven't thought of the vaccination part. That would be cool.

  158. Good choice. I think it will look better after the finale (I hope). All this agony needs to make sense. It has to.

  159. I get Diggle's anger and his disappointment in Oliver. I get that he was super scared when Lyla was kidnapped and he can't get over the fact.

    But the fact also is that Oliver was pushed to his limit when he joined the league. Any reluctance from him in following Ra's would not have resulted in his death but the deaths of all the people he loved including Lyla and baby Sara. He had to make it believable to bide time to take Ra's down. And Diggle is aware of this.

    That being said Oliver need not have kidnapped Lyla. (I agree about leaving baby Sara alone in a crib. That was nasty.) Instead he could have kidnapped Felicity or Laurel. Maybe he wanted to prove to Ra's he is willing to go to any length. Him not cluing Diggle in on the secret is another issue and I think that is what Diggle is really upset about once he learned the truth. Again its a plan Oliver did to save everyone he loved just like Diggle and Felicity made Oliver think Roy got murdered taking the fall for him. He sacrificed everything to bring down Ra's. I just feel if anyone could have understood Oliver's actions it could have been Diggle and imo he should have. Maybe he will given time.

    My issue is in my mind Diggle and Oliver's bond is too strong for something like this to tear them apart. To see Diggle say he lost respect for Oliver when he made the ultimate sacrifice is really sad to see. I have no respect for Malcolm and I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. But my denials aside the show has made it canon that Malcolm Merlyn want to be a good guy for Thea (barf) and he is the only one besides Nyssa who knows Ra's really well and knows how to get in and out of Nanda Parbat without noticing. So I get why Oliver chose to work with him for this mission.

  160. It had some enjoyable moments but overall it just angered me. You know I hate that league story so much. And what's happening to the team is killing me. I spent all night dreaming about Arrow, especially Oliver and John. Their friendship is so precious to me and seeing them like this pains me. Would you believe me if I said that it's hurting me more than what's happening between Oliver and Felicity? The season had some epic episodes but overall it wasn't my favourite season. Most episodes made me want to slam my head against the wall, repeatedly.

  161. I'm at 50/50... Well, first lets start with the "big fight": yeah, Digg and Laurel became super skilled for that fight. Guess they took some drugs to keep up. Felicity... well, she(like Digg and Laurel) shouldn't habe been there. They gave her something to do at least, it could have been worse. But the fight looked cool! And The Atom part looked cool! And the iPad thing was hilarious. Like i said, looked good but didn't have any sense.

    Malcolm is playing along Oliver's plan. He changed the virus for a replica made in Star labs(one he will adquire in 1x22 of Flash). Now that he "killed" everyone, Ra's trusts him 110%.

    I didn't like one bit how they forced Nyssa to marry Oliver. I know Ra's should be bad and all, but it felt wrong.

    I loved the drama between Oliver and the Team. But i'm in need of some fun episode. This season has been soooo bleak: everybody was bad emotionaly and crying and brooding and it was too much.

    Maseo's death... Hmmmm... it was touching. I liked him and they pull a huge parallel as to why Oliver is a hero: where Maseo fell, Oliver rose. And to Felicity and Tatsu too: where one quit, the other keeps pushing.

    Like i said, it was 50/50. I need to watch the finale to have a clearer picture.

  162. Yeah, totally agree. I'm all for the grimdark stuff, but this season has just not been that fun. Even in Season 2 when things were bad with Slade and all, there were light moments.

  163. Merlyn is never NOT a bad guy. Yes, I know I used double negatives.

  164. Maybe I need time like Diggle to get over this but for now I'n furious. And the way they handled that whole thing is wrong on so many levels. Their bond is strong of course but what Oliver did was big. Any bond could be broken over it. Diggle is really taking this hard. Lyla and Sara were in the mercy of ruthless murderers. He was really shaken by this. It was so obvious in the beginning of the episode.

    I understand why Oliver worked with Malcolm and I barf as well at the thought of him trying to be a good daddy for Thea. But after what he did he should've clued them in. To assure them that Lyla and Sara were safe, that they hadn't lost their best friend and brother. And it's different from what John and Felicity did. They didn't tell Oliver to save Oliver from himself. But him not telling them is just wrong. They can leave the infiltrating of NP to Malcolm but they should've known that Oliver had a plan. They would've helped with the strategic planing instead of being subjected to all that misery, anger and doubt.

  165. But the question remains if Oliver shared his plan with Diggle and Felicity would they have allowed him to go through with it knowing he will be tortured and be given mind altering drugs. Only Malcolm is ruthless enough to work such an elaborate plot.

    Roy knew Oliver and Thea won't accept Roy sacrificing himself and will try his hardest to break him out of the prison even if it means Oliver will end up there. Just like that do you think Diggle and Felicity who loves Oliver to death would allow him to let himself be part of the league and be tortured even if the alternative option be they will all get killed or will have to be on the run? They were ready to be on the run forever for the sake of Oliver just 2 episodes before.

    All these people are heroes. Their first instinct is to sacrifice themselves for their loved ones. Roy did it with help from Diggle and Felicity for Oliver's sake. Oliver did the same with help from Malcolm for the sake of Thea, Diggle and Felicity. One was resolved in a matter of days and other was a long con which took time and more elaborate measures. I can see how Diggle is angry at a mind controlled Oliver but to be angry at Oliver even after he says he did all this to bring down the league and protect them all is just sad. To see the strongest relationship on the show going to shambles like this hurts like a bitch.

  166. Seriously does anyone know where Quentin is? We haven't seen him since episode 19. I suppose since the finale takes place in Starling we will see him, but I have missed Paul Blackthorne lately. Sure, he hates Oliver and is responsible for Roy having to run away and all that, but I want to know what he's been up to these past few episodes.

  167. I loved it! Thought it was a great episode. I did hate Diggle's attitude with Oliver. Oliver is really in a bad position, and he's doing what he can to save them all! Why can't they see that?

  168. My kind of person. What did you think of Diggle's anger towards Oliver. Do you think it is over the top and melodramatic or do you think it is justified. Also were you annoyed as me with the cliffhanger which is not the cliffhanger since the show won't kill off 80% of its cast?

  169. Yes they would have. He put Felicity in danger last year and they were ok with it. They would've understood that it needs to be done.

    So it's better for them to believe that Oliver is lost forever than to know that he's still there and that he hasn't given up and that he has a plan to get out? He was already a part of the league. At least they would be comforted by the fact that their partner is still alive and fighting.

    I know they are willing to sacrifice their lives for him but they are not children. They would've understood that this has to get dirty. It's an impossible situation and getting out of it will not be easy. They are a team and hey should trust each other. That wasn't the explanation they gave. He didn't say that he hid the truth from them to protect them but because they can't pretend! Really?
    You have no idea how much it hurts to see them like this. I dreamed about them all night but I understand Dig's anger.

  170. I don't know. I am just tired of all the conflict. I just want this season to be over asap. When I saw this episode for the first time I was on Oliver's side. I am re watching it now. Maybe I will change my opinion. But I do think when it comes to villains like Ra's some times extreme measures are needed.

  171. They were fooled because Oliver had to keep his cover. And they're alive because he fooled Ra's too. And I'm sure he would be blaming himself once again because he made them suffer. Still I don't know why Oliver was fooled about Roy, and after learning the truth he wasn't mad at all.

  172. I have a doubt. In the cell scene when Felicity turns around and says "You were right. I should have listened to you about Oliver." who was she addressing? Tatsu? Laurel or Ray? All three of them were in the shot and none of them had any facial expressions to that. I know it is not Ray. But was it Katana (who was pro Oliver) or Laurel (who was anti oliver) she was speaking to?

  173. But how can they keep puting trust in him if he keeps things from his team mates. I would have hoped s3 Oliver would be past this, i saw some real growth this seaon, but now it seems he reverted back.

  174. They don't trust him at all. They question everything he does since he came back from the dead. Let's face it: they're not a team anymore.

  175. Adrian Werner7 May 2015 at 14:42

    Great episode. Oliver playing the long con was predictable, but who he worked with wasn't. Atom vs plane was serious WTF moment and in a good way. And that Katana fight scene with Maseo dying. In the end this year's flashbacks were Maseo's story and while some of them could be handled better, it all payed out nicely in the end. The visual of Katana singing the lulababy to dying Maseo was beautiful, just like the whole idea that two people in love can kill eachother without any hate involved.
    Felicity's tablet throw was just plain awesome too. And I like how Oliver easily shrugging off all the attempts at heavy brainwashing ironically show why he a good candidate for a heir.

    Overall..very intense episode and full of memorable moments. Hoping for epic finale.

  176. I'm exhausted. This season drained me. It HAS to end on a happy note. We need a payoff for 23 episodes of misery.
    I agree that they need to go to the extreme but children are off limits. And trusting a villain and not informing your team is a big fat NO. As well as making your friends think they are dying and that their partner killed them!

  177. My question: are Oliver/Al Sah-Him just league married or in the "real" world married? I want my sunshine and porsche

  178. he could've kidnapped the baby instead...

  179. There's no coming back from that. If he did that he would lose any hope of redeeming himself.

  180. I hope so, too, because, of what I've watched last night, I didn't really care for. Also, do we know for sure if the time line snafu was corrected by the time they shot 1x22 of The Flash and the season finale of Arrow? Because surely they had enough time to fix the scripts, if not write them in the first place, after learning the schedule change.

  181. What line snafu?

  182. I meant timeline. And with The Flash and Arrow because of The CW's scheduling change.

  183. Oh the timeline change. I'm not sure if they fixed it and if it'll even make sense anyway. There's no way Oliver would leave NP anytime during the final 3 episodes of the season and considering what's happening in CC Barry wouldn't leave either. And if Barry's appearance in Arrow is after Flash 1x23 then that's just stupid because that means ruining the Flash cliffhanger. I stopped worrying about that because it's giving me a headache and just makes me angry.

  184. Oh okay. I was just curious.

  185. It should have been a 2 hour event. I would have worked better. It ended on a cliffhanger like 3x12, but i don't think there's one person that's invested on the Oliver/Nyssa marriage. The killing masacre? Yeah, i LOL so hard at that xD

    I think it's justified. Oliver couldn't predict what Team Arrow would have done. When the battle in 3x21 started, everyone could have died... He played with fire, took a big chance on that and worked out well. But the fact that it worked doesn't erase the fact that what Oliver did to Digg was knowing he was gonna loose everything from him.

  186. Yeah, because even if the main plot was dark, the emotional state of the characters(except Laurel) was good.
    This season was darker for everyone... and too much if you ask me.

  187. It was only League bind. Guggenheim said they don't even know if that storyline will be carried over to Season 4.

  188. What was up with the stunts doubles in this ep?

  189. I think Laurel.

  190. That vial has to be just sleeping gas. They all fell asleep and didn't bleed out of their mouths.

    Didn't think the wedding would be part of the episode's cliffhanger, or that it even happened but I guess Ollie will do whatever he needs to to become the next Ra's al Ghul. And I knew he had plans to disband the League, but that won't happened. I wonder now, what if Malcolm becomes the next Demon's Head?

  191. Well it would've been silly if Felicity killed the was funny seeing the enjoyment in her eyes fade when she realized Malcolm actually killed him, haha.

  192. I hope it doesn't, if they finish with Ra's next week then Nyssa can move on with her life or go back to LOA. Unless this is something that happens in the comics that Oliver is married, then it becomes pointless to involve characters into each others lives in a unnecessary manner.

    I am ready for the Russia flashbacks next season. I've been dying to know how he received the Bravta Captain tatoo and ended up their.

  193. You should go by the storylines rather than vague clues put forth earlier. It's pretty clear at this point what the sequence is. The only remaining point to be confirmed is when exactly between which two Flash episodes that Barry's Nanda Parbat visit takes place. Oliver's appearance on Flash clearly is after the Arrow finale, as Oliver doesn't appear in North America as Al Sah-him until the Arrow 3x23.

  194. You're thinking as a writer and fan of the show. Yes, from the television show's standpoint, there is no way that most of the regulars would be killed off. From the Arrow-universe standpoint, Oliver and Malcom had to devise a way to keep everyone alive while trying to topple Ra's (and had to improvise due to the accelerated ascension schedule and the unexpected appearance of Team Arrow), so faking Malcom's betrayal so he or Oliver could switch the vile was their solution..


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