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POLL : What did you think of Grey's Anatomy - Crazy Love?

10 Apr 2015

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  1. Okay, no to this weird Maggie/Alex thing they're implying. FRIENDS. THEY EXIST.

    And Amelia, I love you, but you were with the so called "love of your life" for like a month, if that, and 99% of the "relationship" was spent high.

    Oh shit, what happened to Derek?

  2. Love Maggie and Alex scenes wouldn't mind them as a couple and loved merder scenes

  3. So if they spoilers are correct, Derek is the one in the car accident. So how come no one has informed Meredith yet?

    I kinda like the friendship between Maggie and Alex, but let's keep it at that.

    So I stopped watching Private Practice somewhere around season 3, so I didn't watch Amelia at all there, but from what I have read wasn't she with her proclaimed "love of her life" when they were both shooting drugs together?

  4. Yup. They were together for like a month and spent most of the "relationship" high.

  5. Shooting up together till one night he didn't wake up she couldn't save him. It was UGLY. Then she found out she was pg with his baby. But the baby ended up with a terrible defect and did not survive. She still had to deliver etc because she was in denial in the beginning of the pregnancy.

  6. Loved the scenes. But not as a couple. Nooooo.

  7. Boring ep. The best part was when she was asked to move to Boston. Her character is so blah. I guess she's going to choose plastics???

    My only enjoyment came from April. Loved her standing up to weber. And loved the moment off the helicopter when they hugged.

    Meredith shoulda went to dc! After what he almost did.......go w him!!!!

  8. i don't know but i hope he doesn't die

  9. Nah, Patrick was filming today. LOL, we're good in that aspect. He might be hurt, though.

  10. My guess is that the promos suggesting Derek was in the plane crash but at the end of the episode it will be revealed he was in a car accident instead. Probably badly injured leading to a cliffhanger at the end of the season about whether he will survive or he dies in the finale.

    The last 2 episodes have really been hinting at something bad happening to Derek w/ him realising how lucky he is, coming back home + the storyline about Meredith being a better surgeon without him + Amelia's comments to Meredith in tonights episode.

  11. In PP 6x11 she does say she doesn't even know if she loved him. But I guess, at the time he died, she had overcome the death of the person she regarded as the love of her life

  12. Loved April & Webber scene

  13. Amelia is roofless when she gets angry, mean and nasty to people

  14. Amelia was sooooo overreacting! Like, about... everything!

    Shonda was laying it over a bit thick with all the Derek dying foreshadowing. A little too over the top even for her standards, so I'm thinking he's actually safe.

    I hope they're not implying to anything more for Alex and Maggie, other than a good friendship.

    I knew the penis storyline would take that route. Knew it. It's such a Shonda move...

    Sad to hear Callie and Kevin Alejandro's cop dude didn't hit it off.

    Glad to see Richard taking the new interns on a tour. I dunno why... that made me happy...

    Overall good episode.

  15. I like Amelia, but knowing her being in Grey´s meant her engagement with James ended kind of ruined the PP finale for me, becaude I loved their story!:(

  16. He was always to 'innocent' - like he couldn't really understand her pain

  17. Was the love of her life Ryan or the baby though??

  18. Amelia tends to do that. But not has badly as she did on drugs. She acts very confident but inside is very unsure of herself

  19. I had forgotten they were airing the pilot for their anniversary. I enjoyed it more than last nights episode.

    I really love Maggie and Alex's friendship,and tbh i wouldn't mind those two together for i don't like Jo with Alex

    I had a good chuckle at Stephanie tearing down the hall with the penis and her interaction with Jesse.with said penis.

    What the hell was Shonda thinking bringing Catarina on board.She is one lousy actress.Didn't like her in PP (one reason i stopped watching) and she is terrible in Grey's.

    And of course we all know Derek was in an accident,in the hospital unconscious w/o his i.d......I just hope they don't do the same as George when he wound up in the hospital as 007.

    Webber finally got more than a one liner,more than 2 minutes of air time.YaY! We need more Webber!!

    I. Still. Miss. Yang. !

  20. Too many episodes left for that too be carried beyond the finale and into next season.

  21. Amelia's self-righteousness is offensive. She's not a victim. Any misery is her own doing. Watched the original Grey's then the new episode. I've felt for a while that the writing has gone downhill-the comparison between the two confirmed that. The new characters are less than exciting. Jo has no personalty at all. Getting to like Edwards some and Dr. Warren is good but story lines are old and boring.

  22. Agree with you about Alex and Maggie. I love Maggie and I love Alex but please no love triangle!

  23. Derek is definately gonna die in a car accident #S11E21

  24. I think that's a bad excuse for her acting this way...

  25. I really like Alex and Maggie's friendship. Hopefully if will continue! Watching the first episode made me realize two things: 1.) I have loved Alex Karev for 10 years. That's crazy. Even when he was a complete jerk I still liked him. I can't explain why, I just did. 2.) I miss Cristina Yang. I don't think there will ever be a character on tv like get again.


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