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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.14 - Stay - Sneak Peek

9 Feb 2015

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Source: TVLine


  1. They really think that Jeremy leaving is the biggest part of this episode don't they?

  2. Of course not, Enzobtrying to kill him is. ;-)
    Just kidding. They always the sneak peek the less important stuff and filerish scenes, like the cupcake scene last week.

  3. TVD has always made Jeremy out to be more important than he is to the audience. Nothing new there. I've made my peace with it.

  4. Damon Salvatore - worst surrogate big brother in the history of TV. Hilarious to watch but it just makes you feel a bit sorry for Jer.

  5. Damon and Elena parenting Jeremy is always awesome and cute

  6. Well let's see, the murders, the threats, the terrorizing, the compulsion, the multiple times Jeremy has reached out to Damon to try to connect with him only to be rebuffed and put in danger for his trouble. The list goes on an on...

  7. Every time Damon gets all sensitive and caring, I die a little inside. I appreciate the attempt to offset it with the pot and murder joke but it's just... not the same. I may have just lost a tooth.

    Just, please, TVD writers, don't have Damon rescue kittens and volunteer at children's hospitals. And if you must, at least have Kai kill somebody in an appropriately creepy and disturbing fashion. Thank you.

  8. Damon gave Jeremy a fake education and a joint. It's not liked he baked the kid a cake.

  9. For me it is. Like you said above - the whole Jer/Damon thing was hilarious exactly because of how tragic it made Jeremy's situation. But now they're both smiles and understanding? Ehh, maybe it won't be so bad in the overall episode.

  10. Of course Jer is all smiles. He's finally getting the hell out of there and away from people like Damon.

  11. it's the way he expresses himself, you know he cares about him

  12. Jeremy likes Damon as much as you think he doesn't he does

  13. I never said he doesn't. In fact, truth be told, Jeremy probably likes Damon more than he should given everything he has done. The fact remains that it has to be a huge relieve for him to get out of there and away from those people.

  14. Yes, Damon cares but caring has never stopped Damon from being awful to the people he cares about.

  15. His dad? What are you talking about? His dad has been dead since before the series started.

  16. True. This time he might wound up dead.

  17. Alaric: his father-figure

  18. The guy who already lives 2 hours away at Whitmore and only showed up for him when he got drunk off his ass earlier in the season? I don't really think he's much of a factor these days.

  19. So the art school is in New Orleans?

  20. OMG I can't believe Damon gave Jeremy a joint, after everything they went through to get him OFF drugs. Elena would be a hypocrite if she says anything, but she doesn't remember the "herbs." I wonder if she'll find out in this episode that mourning Damon put her on witch dope. As far as I know, no one has told her those dirty details because people wanted her to get back together with Damon for their own reasons. Elena also doesn't know about the sire bond, and Kai had to tell her when she chose to be with Damon. Come to think of it, I don't think DAMON knows exactly how much Elena suffered while he was gone, since that could have made him want to stay away from Elena for her own good. I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but if I were Elena, I would leave that crazy town and find better friends.

  21. I have to agree about Alaric. It seems like he only served any real purpose in the first arc. Like Enzo, he shouldn't have been made a regular. He probably didn't need to be brought back at all.

  22. I think this is a bit of an overreaction. You just turned the disposable content from a short jokey filler scene into a full-on tangential diatribe. That's quite an accomplishment. You even threw Kai and the sire bond in there for good measure.

  23. I'm starting to question the logic behind his status as a regular too. After compelling Elena he hasn't really brought much to the table.

  24. Everyone knows that Caroline's mother is about to die of Cancer. Considering how many people have that disease or have watched their own relatives die from it, I don't think the CW will put too much emphasis on that story while promoting the episode. I'm pretty sure I'm going to cry when I watch it. I have relatives dropping like flies.

  25. To be fair, if Elena left that crazy town, it would instantly get a lot less crazy.

  26. No, it seems like the town manages itself pretty well when Stefan and Damon aren't around.

  27. I've read people make that same argument about the Salvatores leaving but really Mystic Falls has always been a magnet for supernatural trouble. I have no doubt that if every witch, vampire, and werewolf left that town it wouldn't be long before trouble would start all over again. The only difference being that Mystic Falls would only have the inept Founders Council to ward off trouble.

  28. Without any explanation whatsoever why MF is that kind of magnet. Also, what Council? I thought they all got killed off in season 4.

  29. Like when Elena was munching on people while crazy on witchy drugs? The boys were gone at the time.

  30. ...not even the turkey to Friendsgiving.

    Okay, I'll stop now.

  31. This scene was cute.I'm really liking damon this season.I'm glad we'll get to see damon-jeremy together for one last time.
    I hope his words to him would be-Buddy,sorry for snapping you neck in season 1!

  32. Liz said early on after that happened that she was in the process of replacing the members of the council. Explanations aside, Mystic Falls has been the center of supernatural trouble long before there were Salvatores and Gilberts and will likely continue to be so after they're all long gone.

  33. It was mentioned they were replaced. They just haven't been a factor on the show since then.

  34. Sorry.Typo.Edited.

  35. Awwww that was so sweet. lol I will miss their "weird brother bond." It's good to see Jeremy smile as much as he did in that one scene with Damon. That was nice.

    LOL "You can barely spell the word, "Cat." LOL

  36. I have to say i never was a fan of Delena but i prefered them last season. Because even if it was just about passion, adventure and sex , it was intense . But now their chemistry is just weird.....

  37. Wasn't this entire idea Damon's in the first place? I believe he said as much in S5 conversation with Elena after parent/teaching conf.

  38. If that was the catalyst for his departure I'm sure they would have mentioned it. The way its set up, it was Bonnie's message that motivated Jeremy to leave making anything said beforehand moot.

  39. Just saying that Damon pointed out in S517 - when he said to Elena - "Jeremy's whole life is bad for Jeremy - you want to fix Jeremy put him on a plane and get him the hell out of town" and now we see Jeremy doing just that. Agree - Bonnie was the motivating factor.

  40. I hear you. I don't dispute he said it. It's just that Damon also contributed to the fact that "Jeremy's whole life is bad for Jeremy."

  41. that was really sweeeettt !!!!!! bye bye Jer ! Have a normal apple pie life ! ! !

  42. Yeah Damon does care about Jeremy. But we all know Damon has this weird and scary ability to stop caring whenever he wants (without turning his emotions off.) o_O

  43. TVD sucks now, but Damon is possibly the best thing left.

  44. "So the art school is in New Orleans?"


    Rhetorical question?

  45. Right. That's why I was careful to say "contributed to" and not "responsible for."

  46. I'd say both Bonnie and Damon. I can't make myself care about the rest.


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