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Suits - Episode 4.16 - Not Just a Pretty Face (Season Finale) - Promo

26 Feb 2015

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  1. this show is donna for me. i love her entire being, and i love her even more for bringing it up what harvey said to her.

  2. I loved it when this show is about lawyers (including fake one) handling cases. Now not anymore. :(

  3. goobye Jarvey... hi Darvey

  4. It's only just stared back and it's over:( can't wait for this though:)

  5. First 10 episodes is usually the big case, the last 6 is usually character stuff.

    I can't believe there are actually 7 people, plus you, who want this show to be a procedural lawyer show.

  6. omg they finally decided to deal with Harvey and Donna ...GOOD!

  7. I just don't want anymore on Mike's secret, beyond that i don't care.

  8. I would love them to be together but then again I love their chemistry so don't want that to change...I fear it would all change if they hooked up. Maybe a flash back to years ago when they had that one night to keep everyone happy :)

  9. Why it would change? Did it in Bones? Castle? The Mentalist? It could be amazing if the writers want to!

  10. It did for Bones and Castle, but that's because those shows were totally about that dynamic in the first place.

    I don't feel like they compromise anything by going "there" this late in the day. This show may have one more season left.

  11. Sorry, English is not my first language, I think I didn't understand you very well :P Are you into the idea of romance or against it?

  12. Why won't the video play?

  13. I thought bones did a terrible job of it, it was all rushed and not the same since.... Castle I will say have done a great job. Mentalist finished on that note so I can't really say....yes they were together the season but he wanted to leave then the he wasn't happy with her staying in the job so there was still a bit of will they split till the amazing finale.

  14. Drop support an email at if you are having trouble.

  15. Bones writers waited too long. It should have happened in season five, by seven we were all 'huh, ok'. But they're good now, as a couple. I think Donna and Harvey can make a great couple.

  16. Yes they did wait to long then suddenly they were together and a baby in the blink of an eye! that season when they got together and had the baby was terrible. I stuck with it though and it has got better. Anyway back to suits, I loved it from day 1 especially the fun between the characters....this show is a breathe of fresh air after watching all the cop & comic type shows and I look forward to it every week :)

  17. If they end this episode with something to do with him being exposed again I am pretty sure I will check out permanently from the show no matter how much I love watching Harvey strut his stuff!!

  18. I must say I'd rather have Harvey tell Mike he loves him. But then again, Mike already knows. So, this should be interesting.

  19. The Harvey/Donna dynamic is really interesting and was the highlight of this episode. I loved when she called him out for pitying her (and also loved that they played "The World" by Earlimart during that scene. I'm really not sure whether or not Donna knows what she wants from Harvey, and some part of me thinks that they had Harvey screw things up with her just to add more drama to season 5 that eventually leads to them getting bavk together, but either way I am excited to see what they do.


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