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POLL : What did you think of Empire - Out, Damned Spot?

12 Feb 2015

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  1. Love Jamal telling Hakeem off "How long you think I'll let you disrespect our mother? How long you think I'll let you use me? I don't care. as I said before Jamal the only one with talent Raven Symone debut as Jamal baby mama I think it was predictable soon as he about to become a star still loving Cookie

  2. Enjoyed the episode. I too loved Jamal telling off bratty Hakeem. Vernon better keep his eyes open around Andre. Jamal better get a paternity test, and Portia I fear is on her way to Kitty land. Absolutely loved Courtney Love as Elle Dallas. Taraji and Courtney's scenes were awesome. Empire is just brilliantly done.

  3. So Elle is supposed to be Madonna, right?

  4. - So Andre covered for Lucious, thinking that he could've been the one who killed Bunky, and now it looks like Andre and his wife have a plan. Uhuhuh. I wouldn't be surprised if, at some point, Andre 'realizes' that, back then, Lucious wasn't with him, and he'll claim that his mental illness is the reason why he lied. And it'll happen when the only thing keeping Lucious from going to jail is Andre's confession.

    - I'm not a big fan of the baby storyline, but Lola is so cute (it's like they were looking for the cutest baby ever, lol), it'll at least be bearable. And I smell something fishy here. Olivia has a long history with the family, Lucious is loaded (and, up until ep. 3, Jamal was taking his money), and yet Jamal needed to become famous to find out he has a kid? Nah. Lucious either knew about this & paid Olivia off to disappear, or he's the father of this child, OR the kid is not a Lyon. Otherwise, it makes no sense.

    - Poor Michael. The minute we realize that he's able to speak more than 3 words in the entire season, it's because his relationship is falling apart. All joking aside, it's good to know that he actually has a storyline, because it looked like his job was to look pretty and be the token gay boyfriend. But this relationship is definitely not going to survive. As Cookie said, Jamal needs someone passionate, and Michael is more of a stay at home kind of guy.

    - "You write a song about how much you hate women, it makes you look like a little b**ch." LOVE this line. My feelings exactly. It's fascinating, though, that Jamal's fueled by his daddy issues, while Hakeem is inspired by his non-relationship with Cookie. They all need a therapy.

    - I don't trust Mr. Deveaux. "I've overseen personal security for [...] religious leaders" + "The Nation killed [Lucious'] father" = trouble. Although I'm all for Cookie getting a new love interest. Lucious is the one who should be chasing her, and not the opposite of that.

    - And, at this point, I'm fully convinced that Locious doesn't have ALS and someone's constantly poisoning him, and messing with his results. It's a soap opera, there has to be a twist. It could be Vernon, or even Anika (there's no way she's okay with him cheating on her).

  5. Reminded me of Bette Midler in the movie, The Rose.

  6. Wait a minute.... This weeks' episodes of Pretty Little Liars and Empire had the exact same episode title! When did that ever happened in the history of the universe??

  7. Arrow and Supernatural had the same season finale title two years ago at the CW IIRC and they were aired on the same day.

  8. This show is just hilarious.. I couldn't stop laughing at the opening scene and Cookie showcasing her butt to her entire family, and the final scene was too hilarious.

    Anyhow, I'm #teamJamal and #teamCookie and #teamDamnHakeenGrowUp
    Can't wait for the next episode.

  9. Thanks for the info. Although I could see how that was done on purpose in that case.
    PLL and Empire have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

  10. It wasn't done on purpose and there wasn't even a joint promo between both shows or much mention of their shared title then. It was just a case of the showrunners of each show choosing their title without knowing the others chose the same title and sticking to it.

  11. Oh I see, so they had really no idea the other one was doing that.
    I think it's great that that the showrunners have a free hand in this and the executives don't ask for a title change.

    I googled now everthing. The CW shows both had "Sacrifice" as their episode titles. Which is, in my opinion, more of a common word than the Shakepearan expresion PLL and Empire used in the same week. I don't watch Supernatural nor Arrow but from what I've read they do have a body count.
    I still found it funny that two shows who have absolutely nothing to do with each other have the same Shakespeare reference in their title.


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