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POLL : Favorite Scene from Grey's Anatomy - The Bed's Too Big Without You?

6 Feb 2015

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About the Author - Mark Ondo/LittleDreamer
20 y/o Austrian. Music lover, avid TV watcher, cheesecake muncher and pseudo writer. His taste in television is as eclectic as it gets and he dedicates more time to fictional characters than he would like to admit. He currently reviews Under the Dome and Zoo, writes about various shows in Mark's Remarks and creates Best-Scene Polls for Grey's Anatomy, Once upon a Time, Revenge and Scandal.
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  1. The scene with Dr Herman, Amelia & Az ! It was funny but kind of tragic at the same time

  2. The episode was not great but it did have some good points, namely the music was back but not all the way back making some scenes noticeably monotone and vacant of connection to the soul of the writing. On deja vu as most of this season feels like a remember when cut and paste, the scene where Meredith and Bailey pull out of the patient returned us to the first time that happened, where I believe it was Richard had everyone stop what they were doing to reassess the situation. This to me was a coming of age moment, where Meredith and Bailey show they are now the Masters of their domain. On a side note, Callie and Owen gave off strange vibe that they could end up together out of shared loneliness, the awkward pauses in their last conversation, along with Callie talking about liking both men and women hints to sex in their future. The bar scene was to remind us of when Arizona made the move on Callie. The Steam room reminded us of George and when Callie lived down there. Not sure Owen's character has ever been properly developed to care but could create some politics

  3. Francesca Marrollo6 February 2015 at 23:02

    The scene when Amelia tried to explain to all the interns how she'll be removin doctor Herman's tumor but they can't keep up with her. Caterina Scorsone was amazing in that scene!


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