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Grimm - Maréchaussée - Review

8 Feb 2015

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In this week at Grimm Maréchaussée, we see the shows is getting even more serialized. Juliette is still at Henrietta's house, asking for her help to make her Hexenbeist's status stop. However, the woman tells her she can't stop it but control it for now. To make it stop, she needs some of her blood. As she tries to manage her powers, Nick gets more confused than ever - Nick, Nick, you can see things other people can't, but you can't see your girlfriend is acting weird?

Meanwhile, Nick, Hank and Wu (yes, it's kinda reliave to write also his name into the Grimm team) investigate a series of murders that lead back to the Wesen Council and a mysterious bounty hunter named Maréchaussée (guest star Arnold Vosloo).

Adalind and Viktor are in Portland as soon as Sean Renard comes knocking on their door. Viktor's request is more evil than Adalind's one: she wants Diana back because she's her mother and she's her daughter. Viktor wants Diana back because of her mysterious powers. They know about Nick's mother, so it won't be long till they'll find out where she and the baby are. Later, Renard warns Nick and Hank about Viktor and Adalind. They need to keep Juliette safe. Renard is also worried about a possible Juliette vs Adalind confrontation, and I know, we can't wait to see them fight.

Monroe and Rosalee are back in Portland (already?) and help Nick, Hank and Wu during the investigation because it seems there's the Wesen Council involved. Rosalee makes the call but unfortunately the newly married couple can't help a Grimm anymore, otherwise there will be consequences. Poor Monroe and poor Rosalee. It's completely understandable, after what they have been through.

Also, Nick has other issue when the Council put a reward on his head (how nice) - the Marechausse is on his track, but the police is faster. As anyone else noticed how Nick's become more impetuous with Wesens since he's come back to be a Grimm? At this point, Nick and Juliette are kinda impulsive right now and I wouldn't be surprised if we'll see a fight between the two of them!

In the end, Henrietta shows Juliette her powers and she must face the truth: there's no coming back. I'm really glad the writers decided to give a better storyline to Juliette. She can even manage to fight against the Marechausse and kill him. Too bad Nick missed this. I think she's pretty ready to tell Nick everything. Bad news are coming when the Council figured it out Juliette killed the Wesens and I'm quite sure even Nick will be surprised to see her girlfriend in action.

Considering we still don't know for sure if Adalind is still a Hexenbeist, how will this impact in Nick and Juliette's relationship? Share your comments below.

About the Author - diana mack

Diana (diana mack) is a tv shows addicted. She's from Italy, she dreams to be a real journalist someday - meanwhile she speaks english even in her dreams. But tv series are not the only passions she has: she's a football supporter, cinema lover and a traveller. She studied languages (english, french, spanish, arabic and a bit of portuguese) and journalism in Rome.


  1. Good review, but Adalind is a hexenbiest. Why did you say that we don't know for sure?

  2. i think nick finds out , in the most wrong as possible

  3. You have one thing wrong: Viktor doesn't want the baby because of her powers. I think as far as he's concerned she can rot wherever she is. He wants the baby because in the Season Three episode "The Inheritance" his uncle the King threatened his life if he doesn't get her back.

    When Viktor and Ruspoli saw Diana's powers in "The Law of Sacrifice," their faces were more like, "OMG WTF!?" rather than "Oh, goody!" My family and I joked that when the gang showed up disguised as Lauffer, Viktor was probably thinking, "Here, take her. Telekinetic baby is YOUR problem now."

  4. Because she's a reviewer who watches about ten different shows and she got confused. That's my theory anyway. Don't worry, she got Viktor's characterization all wrong too.

  5. ah ah thanks for the irony. I wrote that because we haven't still seen her as a Hexenbeist for some episodes.

  6. i can't honestly wait for that!

  7. I think anyway Viktor is selfish. Once he'll get Diana he'll want her for her powers too.

  8. Great review habidi. Can't wait to see #BiestFight next week!

  9. That's cool the you saw that. It humored me. Really, I believe, like Diana, he's going to want the child for selfish gains.

  10. Imhotep: "Oops. I'm dead...yet again! Well, back to the drawing board!"

  11. Great point that it's getting more serialized. And about seeing Juliette's behavior. Actually, he does notice, but I think he's trying to deny that there's something wrong. Monroe and Juliette helping Nick--how do these two make a living, with all the time they spend sleuthing? A Juliette/Adalind fight we're expecting, and it's no surprise it's Renard who's worried, because he knows Juliette's secret. But a Nick/Juliette fight is kind of inevitable. He has a right to be really angry that Juliette didn't use the opportunities she had when they were both together to tell him. Hope they don't break up, because I kind of ship Nickilette.

  12. No worries Diana in your review, I caught the sarcasm, anyway wonderful recap/review, I think we're all waiting for the showdown of good Hexenbeast v the evil
    One I hope it's happening this week and they don't run the old bait and switch, looking forward to the next review!!!

  13. Thanks for reading! At least some nice words :)

  14. thanks habibi! me too!!

  15. Thank you! Love makes you blind too. That's the main reason I think Nick doesn't want to see what's wrong with Juliette. I don't think they'll break up but maybe something or someone will come between them. Adalidn perhaps? She risked a lot mentioning her one night stand with Nick lol


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