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The 100 - Season 2B - New Promo - We Are 100

23 Jan 2015

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Thanks to Jess for the heads up.


  1. WOW!!! They spoiled a lot in that.

    Every shot of Clarke, she's got the Grounders behind her. They'll be supportive of her and listen to her over Abby. Clarke's stepping up more and more.

    Poor Bellamy, but not surprising. I don't think anyone thought he'd go to Mount Weather and not get into any trouble.

  2. That was such a great promo with a pretty cool song. Loved that shot of Clarke riding a horse and guiding the Grounders. I'm so thrilled they're finally accepting her as a leader. "You may be the chancellor but I'm in charge" She's taking on more of the responsibility and I commend her for that.

    Jasper pointing a sword at Wallace should be a great scene. Looks like he's doing everything he can to try and find Monty. Just be careful!

    Bellamy being incorporated into the main storyline again makes me really happy. So looking forward to seeing him and Lincoln try and break into Mt. Weather next week.

  3. My heart can't take this stress!!! (Never change show) We wanted a Bellamy storyline & we're getting one- but it's gunna hurt so freaking much. Not trying to bring shipping into this but I think it's safe to say shit gets even worse when Bellamy & Clarke aren't together and united. I cannot wait to see Bob Morley's amazing acting chops again but I'm frightened. And Bellamy certainly isn't going to have his usual confidence. And Clarke... I mean I'm here for Dark Clarke. I know this is necessary for this new character development. But I hope she doesn't shut out everyone & everything for TOO long because that is not who she is. She's a capable leader without using a grounder type leadership. Although she can boss Indra around anyday so I'm not sure.... we'll see. Basically what I'm saying is these two kids (Bell & Clarke) need each other. They balance each other. & I'm scared & excited & have a lot of anxiety for whats to come

  4. It's Dark Clarke talking! lol.

  5. Do you see the Mountain Man behind Clarke?!

  6. i just saw that!!! Looks like Clarke & Indra caught themselves a mountain man woohooo!!! I'm guessing this will have to do with whatever 'line' Clarke crosses from the 2x12 synopsis

  7. I liked the promo. The music? Meh

  8. yes!!! and when they reunite I would love for them to see that they need each. I am so excited for the rest of the season for every story line and omg I am just so excited....

  9. Ohh no! I knew Bellamy was going to suffer but I did t think...😰

  10. Looks like Bellamy is in the cage in MW and now I'm a little worried that Clarke's comment about how geting inside MW is worth risking Bellamy's life was forshadowing...
    On the other hand I hope Bellamy being prisoner in MW is staged by him and Lincoln ( who would pretend to be reaper and "deliver" Bellamy there - Linc is putting some charcterisation in trailer?) as a way to det inside.

  11. Bellamy looks like he's in a great amount of pain, hopefully Clarke will save him!!!!

  12. Great promo! Looks really good!
    Hoping for Bellamy to get more focus!

  13. And then we'll get another beautiful Bellarke reunion :)

  14. I don't like this Clark vs. Abby thing. it just makes Clark look childish

  15. I hope Octavia (though I doubt it). I'm more of a fan of the Octavia/Bellamy brother sister relationship focus that we had early season one. Those two have a beautiful bond and I kind of feel Lincoln and Clarke detract from that.

  16. You may be the chancellor but I'm i charge.

  17. here is the song)) Bellarke forever!


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