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Grimm - Season 4 - Nico Evers-Swindell Cast

27 Jan 2015

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The man who played one half of Lifetime’s Wills and Kate will sit the throne once more, this time on NBC’s Grimm. Nico Evers-Swindell,will play Prince Kenneth in at least two upcoming episodes

Kenneth is described as handsome, ruthless and commanding. He’s sent to Portland by the King with the express intent of recovering Adalind’s daughter — which means that Viktor, who so far has fallen down on the job, should probably start making contingency plans, and quickly.


  1. So many people after that baby - Adalind, Viktor and now the King is sending another Prince after the baby. This is shaping up to be an awesome story line towards the end of the season.

  2. Very handsome.Perfectly befitting the role of a prince!

  3. Maybe this guy is the Lowen-like creature from the promo photos?

  4. Pretty sure that's Arnold Vosloo who is playing a Manticore Bounty Hunter according to TVline and the press release

  5. Ah, okay. Then this guy is probably just another snobby Royal.

  6. More Royals! Yay! Although, does this mean Viktor is dead by this time? And Adalind too?


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