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Once Upon a Time - Season 4 - Victoria Smurfit Confirms She'll Be Playing Cruella

5 Nov 2014

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  1. Okay, why would you reveal that already? LOL, I'm pretty sure this was supposed to stay a secret.

    And yay! This should be fun.

  2. if I didn't know any better I would think that they're breaking the mold and turn Cruella into a present day mobster instead of a fairly tale character
    Would be interesting to see our fantasy heavy heroes go up against a real world baddie

  3. Fionn (was Teen Wolfers)5 November 2014 at 02:43

    Ummm...was she supposed to say that? It sounded like they were waiting until the mid season finale to reveal it...

  4. She was clearly so excited she jumped the gun and I don't blame her but come on. They kept it a secret for a reason.

  5. Fionn (was Teen Wolfers)5 November 2014 at 02:48

    We kind of all knew already but revealing it later would keep the hype going during the hiatus. I bet they were going to use it to promote the mid season finale as well, they said the character would be teased then.

  6. Ooo, Cruella's going to be on the show? Sounds good. Isn't Pongo Jiminy's dog?

  7. Yep, so I'm expecting to see much more of Archie in the second half of the season, it'll make up for his almost total absence in the first half.

  8. Yep he is, Jiminy probably knows Cruella :)

  9. Cool. i wonder what "powers" will she be capable off. and whats her motive? wonder who will play the pianist owner of pongo.

  10. Well. I wonder how they will play Archie and the storyline here. What would she do? She has to be more than she was on the movies. Bring on teh full mafia to storybrooke!

  11. Excellent! She was the best thing about Dracula, and she'll be the best thing about OUAT.

    Also, Nirat Anop sounds like it came out of a random name generator.

  12. Cool: and now butler Edgar Balthazar from Aristocats as 2nd villain, the chaos would be perfect in Storybrooke ;-)

  13. That's slightly offensive. It's not straight out of a random name generator, its my real name and I can't help if it's unusual but thats the way foreign names are.

  14. so no smurfette boo lol, no it's pretty weird to have cruella because it doesn't feel like she fits in the show like the other characters but cool

  15. I've always had this idea that, when they finally introduced Cruella, she wouldn't be a threat to Dalmatians, but rather a threat to all the animal characters on the show (such as Archie).

  16. That's a good idea, though Archie wouldn't be too unique for a fur coat. There arent a lot of animal characters but they might introduce more :)
    I'm really intrigued as to what this character will be doing in Storybrooke though.

  17. Ugh, I have no interest having Cruella on the show. silver lining though:aye this is the ditched storyline they had planned for Red in Season 2. *fingers crossed*

  18. "wonder who will play the pianist owner of pongo."


  19. I don't get it - but will keep an open mind :-)

  20. So are we getting Maleficent at all? Isn't Kristin Baur van Straten already scheduled to appear?

  21. She will appear in 4B; in what capacity hasn't been confirmed yet.

  22. I hope that means we'll have more Ruby :D

  23. Was just thinking that she might end up going after Ruby because there is a myth behind the magical properties of a werewolf pelt. Would make a nice twist in the plot and bring Ruby back, I miss her so much.

  24. Thanks. It would be amazing to have two villains!

  25. And the fact that they're casting on likeness too, we would be pretty stupid if we couldn't see it. Even before Smurfitt announced it, we already knew/felt that she would be playing Cruella.

  26. don't touch the puppies !!!

  27. Hopefully it's only one episode. Considering how into leather and murder everyone on the show is, Cruella will have to be way over the top.

  28. Jennifer Renee Beatley5 November 2014 at 15:01

    Ugh, why can't they just focused on the millions of characters they already have and quit adding more and more side characters?

    The only reason I'm looking forward to this is the possibility of lots of cute puppies.

  29. This so exciting, but I guess she'll appear in only one episode, sadly.

  30. Me too! Ruby was one of my favorites!

  31. So she'll be teased in the 4a finale.How many episodes will she be in?Are her and Maleificent both the main villains of 4b?


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