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Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.06 - A Fractured Rose - First look at Tim DeKay

2 Oct 2014

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  1. I'm just waiting for Maynard/Christian (Marvel confused me with that but that's probably his full name and he uses the more Senator-ish sounding name) to reveal his true self to the team. I'm expecting him to be all nice at first and then snap. Tim can pull it off.

  2. I was confused about the two name thing as well, though your theory sounds about right. Hopefully that'll be cleared up. And I'm totally expecting the same thing and I can't wait to see that! I only really know him from White Collar so he doesn't get a lot of chances to show his bad self. Can't wait!!

  3. yeh, will be interesting to see him outside of white collar. Some actors are good, but usually only get to see them play the same role most of the time.

  4. everyoneissleeping2 October 2014 at 16:11

    Hopefully, the character will be bad without being cartoonish. It will be good to see Tim DeKay in a different role, anyway.

  5. he better reveal himself as an abusive psychopathic bastard so skye will believe ward because he never lied to her about that and that angers me


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