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Once Upon a Time - Season 4 - New Poster

13 Sept 2014

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  1. They need more tag lines. They have been using "Storybrooke has frozen over" since the season 3 finale.

  2. Love this poster,finally ABC did a decent job.Counting days now!!

  3. The promotional campaign for this season has been excellent! I wish SHIELD got as much promotion as this for season 2 :/

  4. I want a kick-ass poster for season 2 of AoS.

  5. I 100% agree with you. With only 11 more days till the premiere, I really hope they release a new poster. At least it's something.

  6. Looks really good! Nice job done. But it can't come even close to the 3part poster of 3B season arc. I know Frozen is a huge deal, but people watch this cause of the Charmings, Hook, Rumbelle (sadly) and Regina.
    I hope a sneak peek or real trailer will happen soon.

  7. This is so pretty!

  8. People get PAID to churn out stuff this bad. Does ABC just go for the cheapest people? I mean, that can't be it because they actually have some really decent stuff for other shows.

  9. Can anyone from theCW hire this creative PR team for Arrow/Originals please?

    Every other CW show (Reign, Flash, Jane) has a rock solid promo campaign but these two haven't even had a single poster released!

    love it though, I can already imagine the final poster looking like this

  10. We've gotten a lot of SHIELD promotion lately but I get what you mean.

  11. Agreed, AoS campaing hasn't be as bad as some others have (Arrow/Originals) but I REALLY want Marvel to continue their trend of high quality posters with AoS!

    The s1 DVD cover looks like crap

  12. That looks awful :/ Fortunately im still super excited for the new season :)

  13. "Winter is coming" would be better.

  14. Last season both(Arrow and The Originals) had strong strong posters and promotion. Don't know why they are waiting for this year.
    Don't worry I'm sure good things will come soon for those shows as well. And better to give us good stuff than just random shit.

  15. I'm not feeling good about the whole Frozen thing...

  16. Awww, the cover is not that bad in person tbh. I have the blu-ray version and the cover is the gorgeous SHIELD logo with an all black background. I absolutely love it.

  17. But after that we will have Maleficent! YAY!

  18. Well not really. The have only released one promo with a few seconds of new footage and banner that contains a scene from the season finale. And Marvel released that banner, not ABC.

  19. I didn't see the cover yet. Link please?

  20. it's just weird seeing as the one show is switching from tuesday to monday (theCWs weakest night) while the other is not only batteling decreasing ratings but also has a heavier hyped up spin-off wich could potentially even turn out to hurt the mother show by taking away its viewers in the long run (two days after another is NOT a good concept, airing it right after each other would make more sense to me).

    Fairly certain that theCW has given up on both these shows or is testing its limits.

    Hell even Reign is getting a promotion way beyond normal (probably because of theCW still clinging onto the hope that it becomes its 'The Tudors')

  21. look at the cover art for Winter Soldier, now look at the AoS cover. Seriously, this is just meh

  22. Marvel released that billboard banner?! Ugh, I hate ABC so much right now.

  23. For a first poster, i like it, But i am expecting more esp individual character pics likes last season with the believe tagline

  24. Yeah both showd need a lot of attention. Even though both have released great promos, some naked & bloody poster would do well for both. I meam it's about time, 3 and a half weeks till they premier.

    With Arrow maybe they think the Flash buzz will catch up and give the show a boost. What is ridicilous but okay. Still Arrow is CW's top show of the last 2 years.

    But no clue what they are waiting for with The Originals. Besides that one big promo they gave us nothing.

    They have done a solid job with Reign but don't think it will help the show especially with M3 still showing the ep a day earlier.

  25. Where does it come from? It's not that it looks like a fake (the dress matches), but I'd like to know the source if possible :D

  26. The logo looks like it's fan made.


    I mean, I Marvel and ABC are pretty much the same, but right now Marvel is trying to promote the show more than ABC is.

    Yeah, the TGIT promotion is ridiculous. I think ABC Thursdays will be fine without so much promotion. Poor Resurrection is getting no promotion at all, which is quite ridiculous.

  28. Well ABC uses the first poster as the DVD cover but seriouslt that Blu- Ray cover is crap.

  29. Banged by Corey Stoll12 September 2014 at 20:09

    I like this. Very much :-)

  30. Excellent work this time,ABC!

  31. It´s good, I like it, but it looks like fan made.

  32. I think they whole ice effect makes it seem that way.

  33. New game; let's create taglines with the word "frozen" in them. I'll start.

    Revenge is a dish best served frozen.

  34. Beautiful :)

  35. I know, but it looks bad.

  36. I'm really bummed about it because I really got into Resurrection towards the end of the season. Even though I already am a fan of The Returned I'd like to see Resurrection get three to four seasons but that probably won't happen.

  37. Tell the world we're frozen (Resurrection)

  38. LOL well you said Revenge is a dish better served cold so you mislead me! Anyways, if you ignore the word Resurrection, it could be for OUAT; like if they are looking for help or something lol.

  39. They've been coasting off Game of Thrones style taglines for two seasons now so they couldn't use the obvious one.

  40. Nicolás Caballero Mühlbach12 September 2014 at 22:31

    Maleficent? I only see Jolificent.

  41. "Jolificent", good one. *gif below* Better?

  42. This day shall go down in history as the day OUAT's art department actually did a good job.

  43. i just want the season to air already lol. I'm so tired of some parts of the fandom constantly annoying about frozen hate, and blah blah blah, after every single spoiler, and that she isn't a fairytale character.Ironically a lot of people ignore or didn't hear that prob the actual fairytale malevolent snow queen is also joining(elizabeth mitchell).

    i just hope it proves them wrong and it will turn out it was a well made direction, and not solely a cheap cash grab with no interesting development at all, like many stated. (knocks on wood)

  44. Nicolás Caballero Mühlbach13 September 2014 at 19:25

    Oh yes :)


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