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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

The Flash - Season 1 - Grant Gustin Interview

19 Aug 2014

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Thanks to SHIELDNCISArrowFan and luis for the heads up

[WARNING: Spoilers from The Flash pilot, which was screened at Comic-Con in July.]

"If it had been a team of people that didn't know what they were doing, I probably wouldn't have gotten this role because they would have just cast a blonde guy who was buff," he postulates. "They were looking for somebody who encompassed the heart of Barry Allen and at first, I didn't realize I did. Now that I've explored the character, the comics, read the scripts and talked to [the producers], I understand why I got this role."

"It will probably forever be my favorite character that I'll ever get to play," Gustin declares. It's a tall statement for a young actor to make so early in his career. And Gustin may not be wrong. The Flash pilot dazzled in its first public screenings at San Diego's Comic-Con, where the Hall H crowd was enthused by its ambitious special effects, particularly during the climactic battle.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad they cast Grant Gustin for this role. I always saw great potential in his other projects. He is a great Barry Allen. Really good casting.


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