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POLL : What did you think of Suits - Gone?

14 Aug 2014

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  1. What an awesome episode. Hopefully, Louis will be back soon!

  2. Good episode.I wonder how long Louis is gong to stay out of PS.Hopefully not to long.Hoffman is seriously underrated.

  3. I never thought I would end up liking Louis so much, but I really hope he's not gone for long. Hoffman is so great!

  4. Alexandra Tsernant14 August 2014 at 07:58

    cried at the end. Hope, they'll get Louis back somehow. Cant see this show without him.

  5. the episode was so good it coulf have been a summer finale, i wonder what will happen next week

  6. Normally I can't stand Jessica but today... poor Louis!!! Just hope the guys found a way to take Loius back!

  7. I just cried and will have to watch it again.

  8. i didn't think they'd be able to fit more GODDAMNs in this show lol but Jessica took the cake with a double GODDAMN at the end of the episode " I tell him to do something and he never GODDAMN does it, and now I told myself I'm gunna do something & I'm gunna GODDAMN do it".... :| :| :|

  9. Great episode...I loved the way that everything backfired on the SEC guy. I felt badly for Louis, but in this instance I had to agree with Jessica's decision to fire him. I thought his departure was extremely classy and his letter to Jess and Harvey showed a level of self-reflection that he hadn't really displayed before. This recurring theme of Louis screwing up and people forgiving him (or Donna telling people to forgive him) just because his actions were driven by a desperate need to please Jessica or Harvey really made no sense and certainly wasn't doing him any favours in the long run. So I really liked that Louis was able to acknowledge that his mistake was actually selfishly-driven, instead,of using the "I did it for you, Harvey" argument. I'm hoping his departure won't be for long (or that he doesn't do something rash like start working for the FCC), because I really love his character and the way he has evolved over the past few seasons.

    Jessica was absolutely badass in this episode. I loved that whole "I'm gonna goddamn do it comment" at the end and I also almost applauded when she finally told Donna to back off. It's nice to see her in a romantic relationship (of sorts), but I don't see Jessica's relationship with Jeff lasting long. He'll probably be the next person fired.

    Michael and Rachel....those two really shouldn't get back together. I wonder if we'll see Logan aagin.


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