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POLL : What did you think of Power - Season Finale?

3 Aug 2014

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  1. I'm ashamed to say this but the only reason I'm still watching this show is for the chance to see Lela Loren naked. The story has completely lost interest for me.

  2. That redhead is pretty hot, too

  3. predictable ending...
    don't know if I'll watch season two

  4. Gambeano Snitch3 August 2014 at 23:19

    I liked it but what made it good was 50 cents small part in the show, I worry that his ego will kick in and he will try to take over the show and make it all about him and his character in season 2

  5. The fact ppl on IMDB message board said that Ghost knew Kanan was behind this really need to re-watch the entire season but Ghost has no idea who is behind this.

  6. 8 episodes isn't enough for a season. Just started to get into it the last 2 episodes. I might watch the first episode of season 2 just to see who all survived, but really I'm just killing time until Shameless comes back on.

  7. I love it. One of the best things on tv.

  8. Pink Sneakers for president.

  9. The problem with Power Season 1 was it was an extremely short season only 8 eppys When you got a show like Outlander with 16 eppys in S1.

    The finale wasn't predictable for me. Holly getting shot instead of Ghost I didn't see that coming. I figured storywise Nomar would get busted courting Isabel Ruiz but I didn't predict Tommy would be the one who killed him for Vibora. There were some surprises but because of the short first season, I felt shortchanged...


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