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POLL : What did you think of The Strain - Night Zero?

14 Jul 2014

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  1. It was amazing !!!!

  2. Travis Crincoli14 July 2014 at 04:27

    what the fuck did i just watch?!? (In a good way)

  3. We are in agreement. I had very real doubts about this story making the leap to live action.

    I was obviously selling everyone involved short.

  4. I hope the show is able to keep the creepiness of the pilot and the horror because I really enjoyed it. My favorite character so far was David Bradley's character.

  5. I enjoyed the premiere. Wondered if the ones not infected kept their electronics going after being told to turn them off. The ones infected are they vampire/zombie hybrids? Good to see Sean Astin and David Bradley (Harry Potter, and Broadchurch).

  6. The premiere was near "perfect" (No Spoilers)! The pacing is in "fast - forward", but that's to be expected in a 13 episode season. Some of the characters have clearly been changed, but I'm interested in how they will play out as the story unfolds. The actor who plays Bolivar (the Marilyn Manson character) is great so far............excellent casting decision. The first kill scene (after the Regis 753 landing) was great, but it would have been even better with................"the cats"! There were some scenes where they "over did it" with the changes (said/shown to much), but if you hadn't read the book(s) you probably wouldn't notice/mind it. I have a new series to watch after if I don't have enough TV to watch already, dammit! 4 A KILLER STRAIN, I will be Nobody!!!

  7. The Cats would have been awesome ....

  8. Let us hope they keep "Bubbeh's story" and "1943 Poland" in the series................great backstories to two very important characters. OH I becoming one of those "readers" that you find on the "Thrones" blog? Note to self: don't do that (lol)! Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

  9. <<---
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  10. One of the best premieres I have seen this season.

  11. Well it reminded the beginning of Fringe. Same vibes...Even the beast on the plane.

  12. Ya definitely very similar opening, but I suspect that this will be a bit more "horror" and a bit more fantastical. I know it's based on 3 books, which were written by Del Toro and Hogan, but I did have wonder if this was a shout to Fringe given Cuse's connection to the Bad Robot family of writers/producers???

  13. I hope the scripts improve with episode 2 onwards, as some of the dialogue was laughable.

  14. I really liked it. And the ending was so good. Really want to see more of this show. The only thing I didn't like was the main character's nickname. Calling him F throughout the entire show just seemed so distracting.

  15. But Ephraim (Hebrew - "Fruitiful") is kind of hard to say and there something about calling him "F" (or more correctly Eph) that kind blends the contemporary with the whimsical historic fantasy/myth part together well and kind of a comical irony, when we often use "F" or "F-ing" short hand for the big bad F-word! XD

  16. Christina Sherwood14 July 2014 at 17:33

    I very much agree, though I always give a new show at least 3-4 eps before I really judge it because pilots tend to be rushed & so the dialogue usually suffers. I was not overly thrilled with the way the CDC was portrayed, there is no way in hell that they would ever be so sloppy in handling the survivors & the bodies. Like c'mon all the bodies in the morgue just all laid out on tables like that & only one medical examiner who was not in full bio hazard gear.....REALLY? I couldn't help the eye rolling at that. I do intend to continue watching but the premiere was no where near as good as all the hype made it seem. The preview for upcoming episodes did look a bit better though so I'm still hopeful.

  17. Now this is what TV needs more of! I thought it was a superb pilot. Excellent cast, brilliant acting, the VFX were fantastic as well. If it was like this in the pilot when everything and everyone is being introduced I can't wait to see what it's like later on! It did have it's scary moments but overall it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, there's a lot more mystery and mythology to the show than I expected there to be which I really like. It might be a bit early to say this but I hope we get our 5 seasons!

  18. Banged by Alexander Skarsgård14 July 2014 at 18:34

    Oh yeah. And Corey Stoll is so f**king hot!

  19. The pilot was very entertaining and had just the right amount of suspense. I didn't know about the premise beforehand, so I was a little disappointed to see it turn into another potential zombie-like show (yes, I know they aren't zombies, but it still had that vibe). Also, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at some of the obvious plot devices; The seemingly crazy old man who knows something important, but no one wants to listen to him, the lack of strict adherence to wearing personal protective gear and the fact that there happened to be only one forensic pathologist all by himself, with no assistants, in a room full of cadavers, that needed to be examined. But overall, I still enjoyed it and as others mentioned, the unfolding mystery and the history behind the coffin, etc. are very interesting. I also like the casting. I'll definitely be watching this!

  20. I could have done without the custody battle. I've never really liked the "Family vs Career" trope, so I hope they do a better job at blending the family drama with the rest of the show because it felt disruptive in this episode.

  21. Solid premiere, can't wait to watch more, the photography looks a lot with Blade 2 and Hellboy 1 and 2 (of course this is a Del Toro show).

  22. A rather remarkable cast, if I may say so. The proof TV is no longer a place for small scale productions or not very well-known actors.

  23. Seriously though it's so hard not comment, when you have read any book series!

  24. Don't forget Game of Thrones!

  25. Really? He's not really my type :P

  26. I would agree, except that seeing people do really stupid stuff that probably would never happen in real life is a typical horror trope and iconic to the genre. (although I did just read an article on how in Washington DC there was a building that had old vials of a virus' just randomly found from several years ago!!). I'm curious if Del Toro and Hogan wrote it in the book(s) that way though???

  27. I don't watch that so I wouldn't know :P

  28. Yh, Penny Dreadful is another good example, I'm glad big actors, writers and directors are doing TV now.

  29. I know one spoiler about this and I think it will be a good surprise if they follow through with it!

  30. My guess is someone from his family turns but don't tell me anything definite. I haven't read the books.

  31. I was surprised how much it reminded me of Pan's Labyrinth too, not the contemporary aspects of course, but like vampire hunter with his pawn shop and the ancient box gave it a really nice connection to something like horror fairy tales

  32. I haven't read them either, but I a friend enlightened me. Don't worry I won't say another word :)

  33. Read the books.

    They are really keeping to them - only left out a few things BUT they are covering them VERY quickly! All that has happened took place in 5ish hours - in the book it was more along the lines of 24+hours. One scene (as was mentioned earlier) that was one of the creepiest in the (1st) book was completely omitted! The Cats !

    I like the actors they have chosen to portray the characters.
    The pacing n creep-factor are wonderful.

    As I have read the 3 books - I am looking forward to seeing how well it plays out !

  34. Thanks, very interesting.

    What as the scene with the cats?

  35. Yeah, actually I thought about the two shows and there are several similarities. Both creepy-ish, both revolving around monsters. Good thing they are literally separated by a century, that way they can explore different stories :)
    And, yeah, having John Logan on TV is great.

  36. The Strain was initially planned as a television show but didn't make it so it was turned into a book. The producers plan to make it a five season show, so if the show gets canceled before that I will probably read the books to get closure.

  37. really good start, well written characters, nice actors.
    Q: why was the plane cold? That airport guy touched it and said with a surprise it was cold. I thought it was meaningful but no further info was given.

  38. They touched the area around the engine and it should have been warm. An explanation why it was cold was never given, I believe it was merely to emphasize how strange and surreal the entire situation was.

  39. LOL, that was just it, I was waiting the entire ep for them to add the U to it :D

  40. forced to stop watching because i had to go to work. but i did really love the way they updated the boat filled withthe dead sequence. that was supremely creepy. I immediately like the lead CDC guy. ithink this one is on my ust see list for the suumer.

  41. I only voted Good but most likely would have voted Great or even Awesome if I hadn't read the comics... it's very much a let down from the comics IMO (the casting seems very wrong, some of characters just don't seem the same and certain reveals were done better in the comics). I'm hoping I can put that aside and continue to watch it.

  42. The custody battle is actually an important bit in the books so if they want to keep true to the story they can't really cut the family part because it comes as important later on.

  43. "The Strain" is an 11 issue series published by Dark Horse comics that will apparently be what is televised season one. It's followed by "The Strain: The Fall" which is currently up to issue 9 (not sure how many issues are intended but I think it'll be 11 or 12). It's planned to be three series of comics with the second and third series being broadcast as two seasons each on TV... a total of five seasons for the entire story.

  44. Can someone please tell me how a little undead girl was able to walk 8.5 miles from a locked-down JFK airport back to her home on Tudor Rd? Can someone also tell me how she'd be able to find her home on foot in the dark from that far away?

  45. Yes, now you mention this part I agree and see why you compare with Pan's, that part look very strange and I remember the scene with Ophelia feeding the mandragora, Ephriam did the same with the 'heart'.

  46. Oh! I did not know about the comic part! Thank You! I may have to check them out! :)

  47. I'm assuming that the virus (or the thing that makes one a vampire?) is able to "use" her memory....One thing that was touched on was Ephraim stating that a virus has no real agenda (no politics, religion or cultural hangups) except to eradicate/reproduce, but I think in this case, the vampires or a specific vampire may have an agenda and/or that the virus has a conscience and so the idea is that the characters are going up against something "sentinel", making the destruction of it all much harder...

    There's an element to this that reminds me of Pan's Labyrinth and so I think that we will be seeing something "supernatural" from time to time....

  48. I nearly turned off at "planes are like b-b-buildings with w-w-wings" like the guy who works in air traffic control had never seen a plane up close before.

    But, it was great. Finally a vampire show that might actually be quite good.

  49. Amazing episode. Really Guillermo Del Toro-ying.

  50. Sterakian is Walder Frey on GoT. He's a lecherous old perve who likes young Young women. He's a creeper!

    Easier to like on Strain than GoT!

  51. The third book in the Trilogy (The Night Eternal) is slated for release this fall in comic book form. "The Fall" is concluded with issue 9 as the finale of that set.

  52. Lol - creepy little scene ......

    The cabinet / coffin "mysteriously" gets out onto the Tarmac after the plane is unloaded. Out at the end/edge of the Tarmac a airport employee is watching the solar eclipse (which is the motivating start of the books- as the entire East Coast is in it's "shaded area") when she notices the cabinet ....." Who would throw away such a thing?" This is when she notices cats - lots of them. Most places have they're fair share of freaks - but there are Many Many of them, all sitting on hind-quarters staring at the cabinet.

    She walk towards the cabinet.....She then begins to hear the humming / pulse .... Is it in her head ? Do the cats hear it? She stops .....the cats (each and every one of them) stiffin up, hair raising on their backs turn and look at Her ! She fears they are going to attack her - as it suddenly gets even darker Around only her. . . . They ALL Run, in any and all directions, screeching, nails scratching, clawing, digging - anything to get away from the cabinet.

    Lo is history of course, the Master has taken her.

    THIS is actually how the coffin gets out, by the Master manipulating people - mind control. The "liaison" who does everything (nice suit - 2nd blinking eyes) is not even in the books.

  53. Andy, I wrote the scene here for you, but didn't want to spoil anything for fans who still might want to read the book.


    Spoiler below!!!

    Spoiler Below!!!

    Spoiler Below!!!

    Spoiler Below!!!!

    Spoiler Below!!!

    There was a scene in the books that was cut along with a character.

    There was a character in the books who was the first person to go up to the plane. This next scene was actually in the comic books... At a later point this same character, Lo, noticed the hallmark "humming" in her head and decided to investigate. She followed the hum to find many cats staring at the coffin and ignoring her. In short, they ran away, Lo was killed by The Master (the head Vampire), then the cats returned to feed off the remains. Great scene in the book.

  54. I read an interview with Carlton Cuse and he said the first episode is supposed to cover a little more than the first half of Book One.

  55. yeah, no point of that...anything else was cool.

  56. TRUE ! I was really surprised at how condensed it is ! Like I said - they show 5+ hours by the end of the pilot. In the book they are 3/4 the way thru.

  57. I think that is Mr. Eichorst. He is in the second books.

  58. Nice ......

    Those of you who haven't read the books or comics (which I didn't know about - but WILL be checking out now) ....... Explanation is spot on !

  59. Thank you very much @Ericsmoll sounds great. I think I'm going to have to get the books!

  60. I understand the frustration, but if we ask a show about blood sucking monsters to be realistic, I guess we are bound to be disappointed. The only way for a story like this to go forward is if it is completely ridiculous at some points. They need to scene were the examiner gets eaten alive, even if it is totally absurd.
    For me, what makes this kind of show worth watching is the rest of the plot (that is not completely far-fetched) and how characters deal with far-fetched situations. And this is what I liked from this pilot: the characters are interesting, they have good backstories, the acting is strong, people know how to deliver lines, and so on.

  61. Really? I didn't know that. I own and Loved the books but didn't know they were originally supposed to be comics.

  62. Christina Sherwood16 July 2014 at 22:30

    I disagree, the more realistic a show like this is the more believable the unbelievable aspects become. When watching something in the horror genre I wan't to feel like I'm going to have a heart attack & that was what all the hype was claiming about this show. I wasn't even creeped out in the slightest. Also for it being on FX I expected a higher calibre, this pilot had the feel of it being a SyFy show. With shows like Justified & The Americans I was expecting something better, something more like The Walking Dead. Just because a show's content is about vampires or zombies or werewolves etc., doesn't mean it can't be written well.

  63. Hmmm....seems like I´m the only one who is not convinced yet. It was an ok pilot, but some of the dialog seemed silly and the vampires wasn´t really that impressive to me. I liked the old man (Walter Frey - GoT), but he was the only character I really found interesting.
    I´ll check out a few more episodes, but I´m not sure I´ll stick with it.

  64. Of course, horror should not be a free pass for bad writing, but what I think is something being unbelievable does not necessarily mean it was badly written. Sure, the pilot was far from perfect, there were some lame aspects, but overall I'd say it was fine. I will wait to judge good or bad writing depending on how they develop the story, since the scenes so far didn't bother me.
    But you are right: they should try and make this melt with reality, not deviate from it, this way things are much more interesting.

  65. I think that the reason of the coldness is hinted in the episode, when we met the German guy (sorry, don't remember his name, the one going through dialyse), he said that the temperature was very cold, so I thkin it's something vampire-related, maybe they need a low temperature to keep "dead-living"

  66. Holy metaphore ! That was one hell of an episode ! Finally a show with vampires that are not shinning disco balls but creepy and not affraid to Hulk-y smash your head on the floor ! Guillermo del Toro gave us a very good show imo, can't wait to catch up with the second episode !


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