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POLL : What did you think of The Fosters - Say Something?

8 Jul 2014

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  1. Poor Jude. I seriously thought he was going to come out to his moms and Callie at the end - maybe he is having questions about his sexuality? I hope he'll be okay.

    And yay about the fact that the baby's a girl. Poor Lena too, though - she should have gotten the job. Glad Stef comforted her. And this isn't going to end well for Mariana either.

    Great episode.

  2. Poor Jude I think Callie meeting her other family affected him more than he let on hope he be okay mad that Lena didn't get the job happy Stef comfort her

  3. Bailee ( young Snow White - OUaT ) Madison was in tonight's episode ( also in the season two premiere ) as Sophia Quinn, Callie Quinn Jacob's younger sister right ?

  4. 1. Jesus you are a manwhore
    2. Lou dont get too comfortable with Brandon, it is too son for them
    3.Mariana, you need to lose that wig, because i really hope its a wig
    4. Jude, im not sure how i feel, why is he doing that? because he is gay? because Callie has another sister and just want her all for himself, because if that is the case, i think he is being selfish not letting

    Sophia know Callie... i just hope this end well..

  5. Banged by Alexander Skarsgård8 July 2014 at 13:23

    She was also a Trophy Wife regular!
    I'm very excited about these two new characters ( Callie's sister and the biological father played by Kerr Smith).

  6. With only 5 more episodes til the winter break in August I think this is Bailee's last ( IMDb says so ) show til the show returns in Jan.

  7. Banged by Alexander Skarsgård8 July 2014 at 19:27

    Oh thanks ... Let's hope IMDB is wrong ;-)

  8. Rabia Salvatore15 July 2014 at 06:37

    I understand why Callie is hesitant to sleep with Wyatt but I'm pretty sure the whole ' no intercourse on probation' thing is made up. Overall I enjoyed the episode, I think they are dragging the Jude story out way too much and nothing will come of it.

  9. Last_of_the_80s_babies _8922 July 2014 at 03:32

    Youre okay with the fact Callie is trying to be adopted by the Fosters and have her and brandon date again? That is sick. The whole brandon and Callie thing is sick and stupid adopting Jude (and soon her) should of been the wake up call to them that their relationship will now be wrong. I have adopted cousins one who was adopted at 11. And I shudder at the thought of one of them dating their siblings because they arent blood.


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