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Arrow - Season 3 - Devon Aoki gets Major Recurring Role

1 Jul 2014

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Devon Aoki has landed a major recurring guest role on the hit CW drama Arrow from Warner Bros TV. Aoki will play Tatsu Yamashiro, a character that first appeared in the Green Arrow origin series graphic novels published by DC Comics. She is a Japanese martial arts expert who wields a deadly sword, a blade from which her codename Katana is derived. In Arrow, Tatsu will be one of Oliver’s mentors in the flashbacks and a critical influence on his journey to eventually become The Arrow of present day


  1. I am so so sooo happy about this. Katana is awesome. Although I do hope she won't just be in flashbacks.

  2. uuuuh like her good good xD

  3. I'm interested to see what her character is going to bring.

  4. Sounds really cool, can't wait to see her in action (any bets on if Oliver sleeps with either Katana or Amanda Waller or both?)

  5. cool... I 've watched a few eps of the "Beware the Batman" animated series and the Tatsu character is a former member of the League of Assasins who ends up as the sidekick to Batman in the show... it'll be interesting to see how they will use her character

  6. i hope not Amanda, actually i hope amanda and katana together XD

  7. It might have been a good idea if Oliver had learnt to run a business as well as learning deadly martial arts from various Asian characters.

  8. Christopher DeBono2 July 2014 at 01:01

    I had a feeling one of the characters mentioned a few weeks back was Katana. I wonder if she'll show up in present day. In recent times Katana has been a member of the Birds of Prey too so I'd like to see that lineup built up a bit.

    I just wonder if they're going to keep her mentally unstable/the fact that her husband is dead and lives in her sword.

  9. Hell yeah!!!! I love her!

  10. I like Devon, shes fun to watch, but her martial art "skills" never convinced me, especially how she holds a Katana....but I am quite picky about that.

  11. I think Katana is supposed to be married, at least from the initial casting sides. I really hope nothing ever happened between Oliver and Amanda, let him have ONE 'relationship'/dynamic with someone who isn't related to him that isn't or doesn't end up being romantic.

  12. I always loved Devon as a model, I think she's beautiful.


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