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POLL : What did you think of Salem - Children Be Afraid?

16 Jun 2014

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  1. OMG, loved it. I can't believe Mercy threw Tituba under the bus. And Mary is totally losing it.

    Shirtless John :) Loved his scenes with the boy.

    The whole ep was great. Even Anne didn't annoy me as much as usual. I can't wait to see if Tituba gets free. Increase is so scary. He's a total psycho.

  2. poor Tituba I hope Mercy die...

  3. Mercy has just become a little demon. But she did save Mary's life. I just don't know if Tituba will make it out alive. Very excited for next week's ep.

  4. Another great episode, this show has improved so much.

  5. I love how batshit crazy and blood thirsty Mercy has become. That being said, I hope Tituba makes it and teaches her a lesson. I love Increase Mather and his relationship with Cotton. Didn't Anne promise to tell John about her suspicions regarding her father? Did she tell him off screen or did they decide to give witches a break for the day to deal with the orphanage? I'm glad we got that drunken abusive father back, I was wondering what happened with him, so good continuity. I love Mercy's posse getting revenge and power of their own, but Anne has to at least be suspicious. John hasn't been doing any witch-finding things since Increase came to town, but at least he spent the episode bonding with a traumatized boy and not lusting after Mary (mostly).

  6. Oh Mercy, you do not bite the hand that feeds me. This was the last thing Mary needed. I wonder if we will get to see her become completely unhinged.

  7. Fantastic Movie, (Mary is my favorite character) can't wait till next week, hopping that Mary can figure out o to save Tituba, and punish that freak Mercy. would like to see Cottens father get punished what a psycho!

  8. I cant believe people watching this show are keeping their fingers crossed for the witches, e.g. Tituba...they are the bad guys! they plan to murder innocent people ta achieve their devil goal. I know its just a show but in this version of salem history the witches are real and they are evil, so we should be on the side of the humans, believers. Just because they look not as attractive as the witches (Mary, Tituba) doesnt mean we should be on the side of hell.


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