Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Blacklist - Episode 1.21 - Berlin - Short Sneak Peek

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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

The Blacklist - Episode 1.21 - Berlin - Short Sneak Peek

4 May 2014

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Thanks to Famous4it for the following.

The sneak peek comes in the first two minutes of the video. The rest of the interview doesn't have spoilers, but it's worth watching if you're a Megan Boone fan :)

Here's a screen recording of the sneak peek.


  1. Thank you!
    Not a very informative sneak peek, but I'm taking whatever I can get.

  2. Those two will make out in the finale. You can see it coming!

  3. Where is the interview?

  4. Oh nooo,its too soon for that.... (

  5. The word "interview" is linked to the interview

  6. And it was written in blue,how did i miss that? Lol,thanks Jimmy!

  7. I don't think it will happen in the finale, the producer said he's liking their development, slow and organic, so the finale would be too soon. Something will definitely happen eventually, though.

  8. I love slow :) and I definitely would love to see something between them eventually :D

  9. Me too. I also love their progression, I feel it's real to the characters. I'm in no hurry for anything to happen.

  10. It's very real! They're both very cautious people who don't have anyone they can trust. I like how they're slowing opening up. Like when Ressler started discussing his Audrey-life with Liz post Anso Garrick, and how he's been calling her Liz instead of Keen :)


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