Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Grimm - Episode 3.22 - Blond Ambition (Season Finale) - 2 Sneak Peeks

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Grimm - Episode 3.22 - Blond Ambition (Season Finale) - 2 Sneak Peeks

10 May 2014

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  1. Damn!! That's Adalind for sure. I didn't really mind her in S1 and S2 and thought she made a thorny villain and now in S3 I was beginning to think she would be an uneasy ally to Team Grimm. But this whole Polyjuicey type charade of hers that's going to destroy Nick and Juliette (emotionally) and even Renard too, is just too evil for words. Back to the villain category she goes.

  2. BlueStar (aka CP)10 May 2014 at 16:22

    Second clip: lol At them all rushing to explain. XD

  3. Really like how Bitsie Tulloch is playing Adalind playing Juliette.

  4. I don't. It's wooden and awful.

  5. To be fair, Adalind's acting can be a little woody at times.

  6. Nick in his glasses. Priceless. :D

  7. I actually think that's the idea, maybe it's just that Adalind is not a good actress? hehe

  8. See that's why I like it. It feels artificial and purposefully bad, it should I mean Adalind's trying to be Juliette so it should come off as stilted.

  9. I loved that rehearsal sunglasses scene! HA! I'm looking forward to this wedding, for so many reason.

  10. That scene with the sunglasses is hilarious!

  11. Hello there Bud :)


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