Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Last Ship - Episode 1.02 - Title + Synopsis

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The Last Ship - Episode 1.02 - Title + Synopsis

24 Apr 2014

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Episode 1.02 - Welcome to Gitmo
Chandler and his crew head to the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay in search of food, medical supplies and fuel; escaped prisoners attack the search teams; the teams enlist the help of a private contractor.


  1. So is this show any good? Also how were the ratings for the first episode? Can't seem to find anything on it anywhere.

  2. @Kevin , It hasn't aired yet

  3. lol yeah I know. I was confused because I saw a review on IGN last week. They must have had a pilot screening or something. Anyways review was at least solid so I'm hopeful this show will be worth watching when it does air. :)

  4. The Last Ship Podcast25 April 2014 at 04:29

    IGN saw the pilot at Wondercon. I got the chance to see it at South by Southwest last month, and based on one episode, I'm all in. Can't wait--premieres June 22 right before season opener for Falling Skies.


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