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Poll: What Was Your Favorite Scene in Person of Interest "Beta"?

30 Apr 2014

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  1. I'm going with the all sequence on the police department and plus the final scene between Greer and Finch.

    Another great moment was Grace and Greer talking.

  2. Bridge scene - best emotional scene of the episode.
    Grace and Old Man scene - best verbal putdown.

    Sequence of events at the precinct - hilarious and awesome

  3. Loved the entire episode. The bridge scene between Grace and Harold meant so much. I felt bad for him.

  4. The whole episode was great! But my fav would be:

    1) Reese, Shaw, Root, and Fusco working together in the station.
    2) Reese and Shaw finding Fusco and Fusco being protective of Grace.
    3) Grace calling Greer "old man".

  5. They did a great job characterizing Grace in this episode! I loved the scenes where she broke down realizing Harold had no other friends or family, and when she told Greer how she ''knew'' Harold was always honest with her... That's very interesting, because WE know he didn't tell her the truth about who he is. Apparently, apart from the secret life he led, he always showed his true and honest side when he was with her. She did know who he was. I love that.

    Also, the scene where Grace is blindfolded and Finch helps her up. Gotta love the metaphor.

  6. A thought regarding the season finale: In this episode, they made a point of mentioning that Samaritan's higher cognitive centers have as yet never been activated. I'm guessing that that's what will happen in the finale and when it does, Samaritan will turn around and align itself with the Machine...just in time to save the day. Hence the title, "Deus ex Machina." Maybe those seven servers Root stole will have something to do with that, as well. The Machine could be planning to "reeducate" those and then "infect" Samaritan with a "morality virus."

  7. Yes! That was like my next scene! Well that and Root doing some cooking... So many great scenes in this episode!

  8. That was flawless from beginning to end. Every scene was amazing.

  9. Harold catching Grace when she stumbled, of course!

  10. Sooo tough to choose--such a great episode,as the "myth" ones tend to be. Of those here, I voted for Grace refusing to doubt Harold, but for "other," I'd be tempted to go with the nodified credit and the "reboot" with Samaritan coming on line.

  11. the scene on the bridge. and Fusco calling root "cocoa puffs".

  12. I chose Reese telling Harold to stay alive and that he would be coming for him, but the whole episode was terrific! Impossible to choose just one favorite scene really. I totally loved this whole episode.

  13. I like the part that John Reese and Ms. Shaw both hid in a taxi back trunk. From the natural science side, we all know how staying in a locked back trunk feels like. It's just hilarious to see them piled up together. I also like the part that cars crashed without air bag pops out. I am surprised at the first glance, but later I think they may not get a huge hit, cause any damages, or completely blacked out that are great for them.

  14. everyoneissleeping1 May 2014 at 22:14

    "Kill them all" was... perfect. Other than that: Shaw and Reese finding Harold on the stairs and the entire scene on the bridge. But the whole episode was great.

  15. Other: Root showing Shaw and Reese the servers she stole, saying they've not completely lost yet.

    And true enough, they are still in a very good position, considering. Their machine is still online and the team still has Root. It will be a short while before Samaritan gets the same amount of access as the Machine does, and even then with some of it's servers in the possession of Team Machine, don't know how functional it will be. They have a lot of people working for them but Decima is still the underdog here, technologically speaking.

  16. Other: Reese telling Grace that Harold loved her, but I also liked the opening scene with Shaw. Great episode.

  17. All of the Grace scenes were powerful. My favorite, which is why I chose "Other", was the Grace and Finch bridge scene.


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