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POLL : What did you think of Black Box - Pilot?

25 Apr 2014

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  1. I like it, it was interesting I'll check it out again

  2. I don't know i'll give it the next episode

  3. I liked it. It is definitely something different. I will watch again.

  4. It made me miss SCANDAL even more than I already do! I turned it off after 10 minutes.

    I'll observe the ratings for a few weeks before I decide to jump back in but so far I'm not impressed.

  5. Brittany Scarlett Beach25 April 2014 at 05:52

    I missed scandal but I didn't hate it. Maybe another episode but I felt it was just too predictable.

  6. Sure,i would put all my faith in a doctor who hates taking her meds so she can dance like the wind.OMG it was so bad!

  7. I was sure I knew the lead from somewhere and looked her up on IMDB - was surprised how many movies /shows I'd seen with her in it and not realized it. Definitely will be back for another episode or two at least.

  8. I watch TV to be entertained, and this show was so depressing. One and done for me.

  9. Surprisingly good. I really liked it, it's different from series I usually watch but I don't regret trying this pilot episode.

  10. I LOVED the idea but I HAD to vote awful. This was so bad! The acting was too ove the top, the writing had no subtleties whatsoever and the music did not go with the scenery or tone that the show should have.
    It's really a petty cause I love the subject, that's probably the only reason why I'll watch next episode but I really doubt it improves enough to be good, there's too much to work on.

  11. I knew this was going to fail, but I cant rate it till I watch it, so I watched it.
    First thing I said after like few minutes was lol this should of been on Lifetime. Where all the things she did would of been cool for them.

    Made lead was playing a character where the way she acted and the thing she did and said made her look unlikeable, and I feel like maybe it was just because of the actress(I found her side way face talking really annoying) or because she was a female, call it double standards or whatever but that's just the way I felt. I believe other characters in the past acted similar to her, like House and Sherlock(Elementary), where it was the inverse as whatever they did or said was entertaining and cool.

    anyway I'm out. Awful

  12. Yeah it's actually because of the actress and the awful script, the idea of a bipolar doctor is interesting (if dangerous) but you shouldn't compare it to House or Sherlock, Bipolar dissorder IS mental illness, House was just bitter and Holmes I'm not sure but he was way more functional.


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