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USD POLL : Favourite cult TV show writer/creator/director?

16 Mar 2014

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Graydon who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?
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  1. Pushing Daisies and Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!!

  2. Gosh, this is hard. I went with Joss Whedon for quantity (all of the listed choices have quality). Great poll!

  3. Hmmm, is that Mitchell Hurwitz, Arrested Development's creator?
    If so...
    Then from the choices on this list ... . Bryan Fuller and Mitchell Hurwitz.

    I would add David Lynch (Twin Peaks) , David Simon (The Wire), Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars, Party Down), and to a lesser degree Bill Lawrence (Spin City, Scrubs, Cougar Town) since while those shows have rabid fans, I'm not sure they have a cult following exactly...


    Him? XD

  5. Creator: can not pick just one, Whedon, Abrams, Kripke anyone will get me to try their series.
    Director: David Nutter for consistency.
    Writer: Whedon, Kripke

  6. Where the hell are Marc Cherry and Shonda Rhimes ?

  7. sixseasonsandamovie16 March 2014 at 12:15

    Bryan Fuller and Hurwitz.

    How is JJ Abrams cult?

  8. Joss Whedon from this list... My favourite TV show writer/creator who is not on the list is David Simon (The Wire,Treme,Generation Kill).

  9. Lost, Fringe, Alias, and many more

  10. On the list, Whedon. Other, David Greenwalt. Does Vince Gilligan count?

  11. Belizo Júnior16 March 2014 at 13:29

    another names are : Chris Carter ( the x - Files), Amy Sherman Palladino ( Gilmore Girls), Dick Wolf ( Law and order , miami vice).

  12. J. J. Abrams and other, David Lynch.

  13. Definitely Whedon, but Fuller was a close second. That guy is on fire!

  14. As much as I love Dan Harmon and Joss Wheadon I have to go with Bryan Fuller: Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, Hannibal, even Mocking Bird Lane, how is this guy not leading the poll?

  15. I had to go with Adam Fuller for Quality.
    Steven Moffat won an honorary second spot because it's only Sherlock I've watched but that alone is far better than most for me.
    For quantity I guess JJ Abrams takes the gold with a lot of good shows.

  16. seriously? The creator of Devious Maids?

  17. David Lynch, Rob Thomas, Cris Carter... Now if I had to choose a name on this list I'd pick JJ Abrams because of Lost, Fringe, Alias...

  18. Bryan Fuller and Shonda Rhymes for me

  19. This Poll Pinned Me Against My Favourites Joss Whedon And JJ Abrams, So I Choose Both.

  20. Having to pick just one hurt...because I jump whenever I see JJ Abrams or Joss Whedon's name on something, and I find Dan Harmon an interesting person whose work I'll start following because of Community - when the season without a show runner feels sub-par and then feels fresh again with that show runner's return, the show runner is something special.

  21. Whedon and Fuller for me, I wouldn't count JJ in this list because he doesn't have a lot to do with the shows he creates after the first season or so.

  22. AngelaRobinson9016 March 2014 at 16:26

    Rob Thomas.

  23. Kurt Sutter is a genius, a name that mustn't be forgotten IMO.

  24. It's really hard to choose one. Whedon, Fuller, Harmon and Moffat are fantastic writers, and I'd also like to add Rob Thomas and Josh Schwartz to the list.

  25. Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitzis

  26. Joss/JJ/Bryan don't make me chooooose....

  27. ah ok, thanks for the clarification I was a little concerned, I do understand some people enjoy DM but I'd never go as far as congratulating the creators.

  28. Bryan Fuller hands down! JJ Abrams, Marc Cherry, Rob Thomas, Shonda Rhimes, David E. Kelly, and Aaron Sorkin come second.

  29. I personally think DM is very cleaver, there are definitely lots of issues but it's proven to be a ratings success, ABC really missed out by passing on it

  30. J. Whedon, B. Fuller, M. Gatiss, C. Carter, V. Gilligan, D. Lynch.

  31. Bryan Fuller without hesitation!
    Good idea but the poll is seriously lacking ladies....

  32. Eric Kripke for me for creating a series that I just have to watch religiously since I was pulled into that universe ever since the pilot episode in 2005. And then maybe Ben Edlund after him(and I still want to see Edlund create his own show and run it).

  33. Yes, I would love to see what Edlund could do.

  34. I have no idea who Bryan Fuller is...and yet he's "winning" the poll. Interesting. I chose Joss Whedon. My second would be JJ Abrams.


  36. The poll is fair if you have any doubt about the subject.. Spoiler TV is known to have an efficient system of control that doesn't allow people to vote more than once.

    You may not known Bryan Fuller but is nonetheless a famous showrunner who created short lived shows (unfortunetaly) that however managed to gather strong fanbases: Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies and Dead like me are considered cult shows nowadays.

    He's currently producing and writing Hannibal, a new adaptation of Thomas Harris books, which is considered by the critics and lot of professionals to be the best show on TV.
    And once again, the fanbase is very strong: the word has spreaded very quickly on tumblr that Bryan was included in this poll, and fannibals being very responsive as usually, came to vote to show him our gratefulness for his very nice and kind words to us, and all the time he takes to answer as many tweets as he can, and all the goodies he shares with us: pics, contest, gifts....

    So, it's just the power of this fandom, not some tricks, that makes him win.

  37. I think you misinterpreter my comment which was to express surprise at myself for never hearing of someone that everyone apparently knew. Rehabber posted the link to his IMDB profile and I read up. That was it. My comment had nothing to do with questioning the validity of the polling process on the site.

  38. Joss Whedon or Bryan Fuller. Both for their talent and attitudes.
    Used to like Moffat's stuff but came to my senses and saw the hard truth after Sherlock S3 :(

  39. I think that ratings don't mean a show it's good, they only meand that a lot of people enjoy it and that's ok, everybody has their guilty pleasures but that does not make it quality TV let alone a cult show.

  40. Bryan Fuller definitely. Used to love Doctor Who but it's not as engaging as Pushing Daisies / Hannibal. Sorry Moff!

  41. My bad! Sorry for the confusion!

  42. If it was surprise at yourself and not at the poll, then why was the "winning" necessary? It is very easy to see why Titania1000 took your comment the way he/she did with the way your comment was worded.

  43. I really am sorry about the confusion. I quoted "winning" because I didn't know if that word was really the appropriate word; I didn't mean it in a snarky way. But I understand now how what I thought was an innocuous remark could have come off differently. Sorry.

  44. Eric Kripke

  45. where is Eric Kripke?

  46. Lol. I'm sorry too, I should have just stayed out of it. After the time and care Titania1000 put into her response I just wanted to show support that her understanding of the post wasn't completely off base.

  47. Yes, Rob Thomas! Party Down is amazing.

  48. Don't feel bad, I did not know who he was either, have not cared for any of his series, and I did not take it that you were complaining about how the poll was run. That is why I sent you the link, I had to look him up also.

  49. Don't be sorry! Now I know who Bryan Fuller is...and I won't forget. :)

  50. Kay Bay, one of the reasons why I love this site is because of the passionate comments. No harm, no foul.

  51. angelnorelation19 March 2014 at 05:41



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