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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 5.16 - While You Were Sleeping - Extended Promo

7 Mar 2014

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  1. Thumbs Up To Stelena Or Thumbs Down?

  2. Thumbs Up To Delena Or Thumbs Down?

  3. Aaaand the toxic twosome are back! There isn't a more screwed up couple on TV. I only wish this show would lean into the dysfunction once and for all instead of having those two constantly agonize over how utterly broken they are. If TVD did that then these two would be interesting to watch again. That being said, I don't get the people who are still supporting the idea of Elena getting back with Stefan. Stefan has his sh*t together. As far as vampires go, he's a decent guy. Elena would ruin him. I don't see Damon and Elena being together as epic or romantic. I see their coupling as doing the world a favor by staying the hell away from everyone else.

  4. Disqus doesn't show the number of downvotes a comment gets anymore, but I'm sure Dullena would get 5 thumbs down to every singe thumbs up. They are a disgusting couple.

  5. Elena would need to get her sh*t together before getting back with Stefan, he deserves better than what she is right now, that's for sure. She will sink to a new low if she gives Damon another free pass. It could be the virus, so there's a glimmer of hope.

  6. Delena is gross!

  7. The only hope Stefan has is to stay away from Elena. The girl is damaged. It's not about getting her sh*t together anymore. She's way past that. It's about realizing the kind of person she is now vs. who she used to be. She is no good to anyone who displays any semblance of normalcy.

  8. Shaneal Rainford7 March 2014 at 16:33

    They (Delena) are so pathetic. Why the hell am I still watching this show again...... Oh yea Bonnie, sigh. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment since they still give Kat Graham shitty material to work with. Sigh:(

  9. So they're saying that Enzo has the antidote to the virus. My theory: Enzo's IS the antidote. It's probably in his blood. That was probably the one last thing that Wes wanted him to do. Now his character has an interesting purpose, and he may be reluctant to serve that purpose because it could get him killed. I figured that was what Caroline Dries meant when she said that people would have to "make a deal with the devil." Now Enzo has a chance to be part of the Mystic Falls circle of friends, or at least he could be on his way to it.

    Promos are usually cleverly edited to attract a certain audience or keep them interested. The Damon/Elena conversation we've only seen two lines from might actually be about something different, but the network doesn't want to lose the Delena shippers who have been harassing everyone. It was said that Elena will eventually become insular to the Salvatore drama, substantially to Damon. The word "insular" implies that someone becomes like an island, which means that when the smoke clears, Elena will likely want to distance herself from both Stefan and Damon. In the upcoming episode, the virus is getting into Elena's head and making her behave in outrageous ways. Whatever happens between her and Damon won't be romance. It appears that they will both suffer on account of Elena's version of the virus. I am tired of hearing about Delena.

  10. Agreed about Bonnie. The lack of screen time and terrible subplots they give the character is still an ongoing problem well into season five.

  11. If he was the cure wouldn't Damon be cured?

  12. Shaneal Rainford7 March 2014 at 16:52

    Exactly. They always keep pushing her to the side until they need her to make some monumental sacrifice. She deserves better.

  13. I think what bothers me more than anything is that whenever they do give her a storyline it almost always involves separating her from the rest of the main cast or limiting her interaction with them. I'm sure if someone measured it out we'd find that Bonnie has spent more screen time with guest stars and recurring characters in the past three seasons than she has with the series regulars.

  14. Shaneal Rainford7 March 2014 at 17:09


  15. The problem could be that Enzo is afraid of getting killed if the cure is in his blood. If I'm right about the cure being in his blood, Wes is a genius. Enzo might not be able to just put blood in a cup. He might have to let Damon and Elena feed off of him, and they might not be able to make themselves stop.

  16. I feel the same. Sadly, I think the next Bonnie subplot will involve something unpleasant with the new witch, who seems to have a thing for Jeremy. Seriously, any other character who got such shitty treatment from the writers would have been killed off by now, but Plec knows that her fans will keep watching and hoping that something interesting develops with her character. Unfortunately, I seem to like the characters that Plec likes the least, like Tyler and Stefan. Double sigh.

  17. towanda nuwanda7 March 2014 at 18:40

    yet again Delena. once upon a time i can be ok with it but now it's disgusting

  18. This season went from the fandom being VERY supportive of Delena, to the fandom seeing it as a remarkably unhealthy relationship. The Delena fandom is shrinking with every episode. And I do see it that way, as very unhealthy. They may love each other but their presence in each others lives is actually causing damage to them as individuals.

    I really hope this is addressed soon. Delena is poisoning itself.

  19. I happen to agree with this. Stefan has his life together and Elena would ruin that like she always does. I know that sooner or later Stelena will happen again, but if that happens before Stefan has a chance to move on with someone else and be in a relationship, I'll be super pissed off. That's an annoying trend in TV shows these days and I wish they would stop.

    Also...I can't help the Steroline shipper in me from hoping that this ideal situation (they've both moved on and are both single) will finally lead to Steroline. Which in my mind would be the perfect way to make Elena jealous for once.

  20. The tenure of their actual relationship from finale through the early part of this season was arguably the most stable either character has been in quite a while. When things get unhealthy is when those two idiots start second guessing each other, self-sabotaging, and backing away from their relationship.

  21. But Damon already fed from Enzo. Therefore, if he was the cure Damon would be cured.

  22. I was talking about whatever Wes did with Enzo after that second experiment with Damon was over, but it seems irrelevant since Enzo is supposed to lead Stefan and Caroline into some kind of trap by claiming to have the cure.

  23. Why Elena always dances on tables when she has a problem? In season 4 when she turned off her humanity she danced on tables and now it looks like she is doing it again. Is that a sign that she is not herself? .....Oh boy.....Elena get a drink and get down.

  24. Christina Hardin12 March 2014 at 01:21

    The Steroline shipper in me hopes the same thing :), but I probably should stop getting my hopes up...:(


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