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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 5.15 - Gone Girl - Sneak Peek 2

5 Mar 2014

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  1. How do they know it's a virus? Did Wes tell them? I don't remember anything, they just started calling it the "Ripper Virus"

  2. They probably don't but I'm sure the writers figured that 'virus' sounds more exciting than toxin or mutagen.

  3. Damon has a point here. Why would Stefan bother antagonizing a volatile hungry Damon about a situation he can't help resolve?

  4. Damon's murder spree is on Damon - not Katherine. She didn't make him kill Aaron - that was all Damon and Enzo.

  5. Well, if Stefan didn't say anything, Elena would have popped in and given Damon hell, and Damon wouldn't have known why. He would have ended up killing Elena. Personally, I think he should be set loose on both Katherine and Nadia, and Elena could just get another human body. She's never been a traveler, but she probably could be one because we've seen that she's slightly stronger, and theoretically more powerful, than Katherine. If they all think that Elena is still in her body because of what Gregor did with Matt, they are all in for a rude awakening. They will dagger Katherine and discover nothing but a vacant, possibly dead, vampire body.

  6. I love how Damon is so calm. He's hungry as hell, probably itching to rip into Stefan and especially Katherine, but he's holding it together. That's probably why Stefan lets him out.

  7. Damn weeks?!??!? They haven't noticed for weeks??? I thought it was at least 1 week, 10 days tops. But weeks??? Elena's gonna be pissed!!!

  8. "Well, if Stefan didn't say anything, Elena would have popped in and given Damon hell, and Damon wouldn't have known why."

    That's not necessarily true. There would be nothing from stopping Stefan from breaking the news to Damon after Katherine was dealt with.

  9. Well, they also didn't notice that Stefan was missing for 3 MONTHS. I don't know which one is worse.

  10. The difference is that Stefan's absence and lack of communication was much more plausible to explain away considering the circumstances and timing of his departure.

  11. Why the hell don't they just feed him? Nothing about the explanation about the virus Wes made suggests that he can't get blood from a bag, all they have to do is bleed into a glass or something and give it to him. It's not like he's been compelled or sired to not take sustenance from blood not from the vein.

  12. I think all they have to do to get rid of Katherine is use that weird dagger and since Elena is a vamp, it won't kill her she should be fine and in control of her body again.

  13. You're right. What Wes is doing is short-sighted. Damon appears to be slowly getting some self-control depending on how he feels about his victim, so he might be capable of evolving, which means that vampires can move past whatever big thing Wes thinks he's started. He would have to make and break a pretty big army of vampires to even make a dent in the world's vampire population. There are hundreds of them in New Orleans alone.

  14. Katherine's death was pretty good timing, too. The difference that I recall is that Silas was able to read people's thoughts and register how to behave or react in certain situations. If he wanted to, he could go back to the gorge and dig into Stefan's head again. He probably did do that a few times. Katherine didn't even know Elena well enough to pretend to be her.

    I'm more interested in why Damon is so calm and calling someone "brilliant." He might have figured out more than Stefan and Caroline did about what happened. That could be why he's agitated about hearing about Katherine while he's chained up. He wants out so he can do something behind Stefan's back.

  15. Christina Sherwood5 March 2014 at 03:46

    Lol, lots of Damon haters liking your post I see! I'm not saying he isn't guilty cause he totally is but it really is because of Katherine. Elena keeps Damon grounded in his humanity, without her he becomes all Id.
    Cause: Katherine removes Elena from Damon's life
    Effect: Damon reverts back to his base murdering ways

    I adore Damon when he's all murdery & it really sucks that he can't tear into Katherine for his revenge but I really am hoping that he gets to stab her with the traveler dagger, he was the one most hurt by her Katherine meddling ways.

  16. IdentityUnknown15 March 2014 at 05:05

    They didn't know Bonnie was dead either. The Mystic Falls Gang is the worse.

  17. Yes and that's b/c Jeremy was the one sending them emails and texts messages through her phone. And after her father died she made up the story of leaving town. It was both their faults.

  18. Yes, but that's different. He was already leaving town or had already left town and was in emotional turmoil after he just broke up with Elena, b/c she wanted to be with Damon. So yeah he wasn't going to contact them. After all that. And it's also different b/c he wasn't physically in front of them. "Elena" was with them day and night. And it took this long for them to notice. That's terribable. This makes me think that the group doesn't know her at all. B/c Katherine didn't play that good at being Elena. I'm just shocked that no, not even Caroline figured it out til now.

  19. IdentityUnknown15 March 2014 at 05:21

    Damon blaming Katherine for all his problems has gotten old.

  20. "Elena keeps Damon grounded in his humanity, without her he becomes all Id. "

    Exactly why I have grown tired of Damon. He has no identity without a love interest. A child that needs him mother to keep him grounded. GWD I miss the independant Damon of S1/2

  21. She probably felt that she needed space. I mean she wasn't calling him either, she was busy planning all her college stuff. But when Stefan left, he was hostile, he was just depressed, that wouldn't make him go on a ripper binge so idt Caroline thought that would happen either. As for Katherine. They couldn't have been THAT naive. I mean c'mon Bonnie and Caroline both saw how Elena was when Damon broke up with her. She was devastated, she didn't even want to get out of bed. All of a sudden, she does a complete 360 and she's all chipper?? Give me a break! They should've known better. And actually i believe Damon did know it wasn't her, or she that she was off subconsciously, i mean when when she went to the Cabin, his head was turned away from the door, but he SMELLED her scent. So yeah he would've believed it at the moment in time. But when he came to, he told Stefan of her mysterious actions of wanting him dead. And this is the first time he seen her since the break up! I mean c'mon. It took him 5 min. to point out subconsciously that something was off. I can't wait til Elena tells them all off. Sadly i'll be missing tomorrow's episode. But as soon as i get home, i'm watching it, before i come on here.

  22. Christina Sherwood6 March 2014 at 16:56

    You miss Damon from S1/2? You mean the Damon that was snarky, drunk & all murdery just to get to his long lost love who was taken away from him & he thought was locked away in a tomb. . . Uhhhhh kinda sounds like the same Damon to me except different girl.

    FYI- Stefan is the one in the vid above that says Damon's murder spree was all him reacting to what Katherine did, Damon says about blaming that on Katherine. What he does express is the fact that he wants her very dead but can't do anything about it.

    I adore Katherine just as much as everyone else, I also prefer her to whiny dull as dishwater Elena but that doesn't mean she should get a pass on being an evil bitch who's manipulations & scheming cause massive damage to anyone who isn't her.

  23. LOL, you miss the bit in the conversation where I say the Brothers are the reason I watch. I miss the Damon of S1/2...who despite his ways still showed love and concern for his little brother. This Damon has one two differences. 1) He no longer has any identify without his girlfriend [Katherine was not his girlfriend]..2) He no longer looks out for his brother for himself, but because he doesn't want Elena to do it herself alone.
    Do you remember at the start of the season, when he didn't know Silas was posing as Stefan....the look on his face showed he didn't want Stefan around again. Then he has an inexperienced Hunter Jeremy tell him that was not his brother.
    Seriously how many times has he said he KNOWS his little brother, and he couldn't guess the happy, self assured Silas wasn't Stefan?? He watched Stefan grow up as a child, You'd think he would know him and his little ways.
    I really have no opinion on Katherine except I miss the Katherine from S2 LOL

  24. Oops just realised the part about liking the brothers only was on another page. Sorry :-)

  25. Yeah, i agree about this. But why would Stefan stop talking with Caroline, who is his best friend? I mean, they know about his ripper side, so how could they leave him alone after being dumped?
    About Katherine... I think most of them just wanted to believe that everything was ok for once. Probably the only person who would notice that was katherine, and not Elena, was Damon. And, well, Damon wasn't around (Katherine did great when she broke up with him, it really looked like something Elena would say).


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