Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Originals - Episode 1.16 - Farewell to Storyville - Promotional Photos

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The Originals - Episode 1.16 - Farewell to Storyville - Promotional Photos

6 Mar 2014

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  1. Klaus standing on that crypt has me seriously question the episodes nature

    "Niklaus, get down from the crypt"
    "No Elijah, Rebekah betrayed me, I won't"
    "Niklaus, if you don't come down immediately I won't let you watch Sesame Street tomorrow morning"
    "You wouldn't dare"
    "Yes I would"

  2. I'm starting to wonder if he really wants to kill Rebekah in the long run.

  3. Well, they're no longer in vamp face, so that's a good thing. Klaus looks like he's in a playful mood. I'm surprised they didn't try to spoil any of the flashbacks, which will probably be what ultimately brings the three siblings to their decision of how to change their relationship. In one photo, it looks like Elijah and Rebekah are ganging up on Klaus. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, but the other two aren't exactly innocent in all things. The best, and definitely the healthiest, outcome of this would be for Klaus to walk away from both of them. Elijah should NOT have taken a side. He will regret that if he loses Klaus completely to the werewolves. Elijah's Achilles' heel is his family, and if he loses Klaus, Rebekah will have no one else to blame for her problems and decide to betray. She will inevitably turn on Elijah. It's her nature.

  4. The sun is up why are they still trapped? Celeste said the spell was lunar...
    In daylight the entire scene loses its ominous tone.

  5. I think Celeste said that the spell would last until the following moon. That means they're still trapped until nightfall.

  6. She said when the moon rises again the spell will break. So they are stuck in there for a whole day.

  7. Celeste said that the spell will last till the full moon if i'm not wrong

  8. I was hoping for something other than them standing around in the cemetery - but nope.

  9. Elijah seems more interested in protecting his women than protecting his family. Rebekah is a woman, so he chooses his sister over his brother. His sense of chivalry is a little outdated. He never even bothered to have a conversation with Klaus to find out what exactly set him off, either. Elijah made Cami, who he barely knows, babysit Klaus so that Elijah would have free time to look for Celeste and Hayley.

  10. So, based on these photos, this episode is about Klaus meandering around the cemetery making threats and doing gargoyle impressions?

  11. wow indeed elijah has never taken his brother side, never, but in a very strange way everybody tin that universe thinks he does all the time... witches, vampires, humans, everybody knows that when it comes down to it elijah will protect his brother... rebekah, shouldn't have called her father, but how many times can u watch your brother kill every man u fall in love because he can and the only thing preventing him for killing the one u do now, is because well he raised him like a son? her action was reckless but i can certainly understand where does that come from. in a very short normal human lifetime people have killed their own siblings for less suffering than what klaus has submitted her sister rtoo, so imagine more suffering over centuries...

  12. I'm sure he is mad but he's probably more worried about Klaus killing Rebekah atm, despite what she's done I don't think Elijah would ever wish her dead - especially by Klaus's hands which would have the double whammy of destroying what little is left of the Klaus he loves as well in the long run.

  13. Klaus likes to play whit the ones he`'s going to kill and i think that is what he is expecting from Rebekah at the end i'm pretty sure Klaus will find a way to "forgive" Rebekah but of course nothing will be really forgiven so im guessing she will end on a coffin again.

  14. Klaus looks like he already calmed down and is trying to come up with a way to back off and save face in the same time.
    Locking forward to a lot of talking, flashbacks, sentimental scenes and just as originals are about yo make up marcel and davina will ruin their family moment.

  15. Carolina Daza León8 March 2014 at 11:57

    Klaus isn't dumb but he usually acts on impulse. If he kills Rebekah, he will regret it and then other 200 years feeling bitter. Of course, I know Rebekah won't be killed... I feel like this episode will be more talking and fighting, and I am excited for that. These sibling really do need to talk things out.

    About Kol, ugh. I didn't make sense at all that he brought the only weapon that can kill him to his enemies ¬¬. We don't know a lot about Kol but he didn't seem that stupid, so I think it was very poor writing that scene.

  16. Carolina Daza León8 March 2014 at 11:59

    Ehm, so are you saying that Elijah should just let Klaus kill her sister? Even when that will kill them three but in different ways?

  17. When I think about the kind of people both Elijah and Rebekah are attracted to, and I recall how not all of those people were actually killed by Klaus, I have reason to believe that Klaus knew things about Elijah and Rebekah's lovers that Elijah and Rebekah didn't, and Klaus probably wanted to protect them. He's a vampire, so any brotherly instincts he had when he was human must have gotten exaggerated. If Elijah and Rebekah had a problem with Klaus' behavior, they should have walked away from him. Their own obsessions and exaggerated eccentricities made them stick around and let the behavior continue. Rebekah did not have to call Mikael. She was about to run away with Marcel and Davina in the last episode, proving that she can leave Klaus anytime she wants, but she would rather provoke him until he decides to kill her. Elijah warned her, and he is definitely doing more than just trying to protect her. From the promo, Elijah is obviously siding with Rebekah because his resentment of Klaus has brought him to a point where he actually hates Klaus. Elijah tried to save Klaus for too long, and now he chose his sister over his brother, proving that Elijah's masochistic need to save his family is what is going to destroy it. By the time the boundary spell is gone, that "family" will have nothing but eternal resentment between them.

  18. Elijah didn't have a problem with other people killing his other siblings. Even after he warned Rebekah to stop provoking Klaus, and then he told her to run only to see her come back over something ridiculous, there is no logic in him wanting to protect her from Klaus. Good god, it just occurred to me that Elijah might be trying to save Klaus by keeping him from killing Rebekah. It still isn't a good time for that. Rebekah has proven herself multiple times to be too dangerous. The only rational thing that Elijah should do at this point is wait out the boundary spell and kill Marcel for helping engineer the situation. I know that people like to pick fights with me over this, but Elijah's behavior throughout this new TV series has been increasingly out of character. No wonder Daniel Gillies is only under contract until the end of this season. He's smart. It can't be about other commitments because he's no longer on another show. He got a look at what his character would be doing and he didn't like it.


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