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The Originals - Episode 1.16 - Farewell to Storyville - Canadian Promo

11 Mar 2014

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  1. Klaus, you are such a self-important bully. Leave your siblings alone! He is lucky his is cute else they'd be no redemption for him ;)

  2. Haven't they both tried to kill him previously? I remember on TVD Season 2 Elijah's was going to kill Klaus but then changed his mind at the last minute. Rebekah tried to have Klaus killed in 1919 and then again in Season 3 of TVD - although in both those cases she was going to allow Mikael to kill him (not do it herself). In all three of those cases they were plotting to kill Klaus and had plans to do so - Klaus on the other hand seems to be blinded by rage by finding out about yet another plot by one of his siblings to have him murdered - it doesn't seem like he has really thought it through.

  3. It's Klaus that started it. He keeps hurting his brother and sister (torturing, staking them, etc) so they have plotted revenge. Klaus was always the main culprit though.

  4. If TO was a redemption show for Klaus, the writers and producers wouldn't be making his character less and less redeemable with every passing episode. There's supposed to be a shift after this incident, and Elijah will be in charge of the family and keeping control of the city. If something really interesting doesn't happen, and this episode is just another way to make Klaus a bigger villain than he already was, the show is doomed to fail unless Klaus gets killed off. There's no redemption for Klaus if someone else has to stop him from killing Rebekah. If he stops himself, or if something else happens that can cause a change in HIM, not his family, then I'll keep watching. Otherwise it's Elijah's show, and Klaus is the big villain that writers will have to dispose of at the end of the season to keep viewers interested. I will lose interest after this episode if the above requirements are not met. I prefer TVD not because it's less "adult," but because I have never been given reason to hate a favorite character, and the stories are much more fun and not so much about people's family baggage. This is not the genre for a baby or for families turning on each other every week. Someone has to walk away. I want to see Elijah lose a brother for his behavior, no matter how that has to happen. That guy claims to want to save his family, but he walks in and out of their lives and is never around unless there's a woman to look at, and he pulls stunts like romancing the mother of his brother's child and turning her against the FATHER of her child. Elijah isn't the most moral brother, he's the sickest. Elijah and Rebekah both hate Klaus, and I keep watching because I hope that Joseph Morgan is right about it being a redemption show for Klaus. If tonight's episode proves him wrong, I have no reason to watch. I can't stand any of the other characters anymore. That's too much thematic material for a primetime supernatural genre show.

  5. Well considering we haven't gotten flashbacks that far back I think it's hard to say who actually started it although my money would be on Mikael.

    We saw Rebekah betray all 4 of her brothers in 1114 for Alexander (the vampire hunter) so that was the earliest betrayal we've seen so far and it seemed like Rebekah had never seen the daggeres before (since she appeared clueless about what they would do and allowed Alexander to dagger her) so Klaus must have undaggered his siblings (since he was the only one the daggers didn't work on and his four siblings were killed by Rebekah's boyfriend the other hutners - then Klaus had the Hunter's Curse for 52 years (which I assumed was the reason Rebekah was daggered for 52 years that one time - to call it even).

  6. None of the characters are actually redeemable in my eyes - they are pretty much all mass-murdering vampires at this point. I don't consider Damon to be a redeemable character and I think he's the same person now that he was in Season 1 (where he was the villain of the show before Katherine & Klaus showed up in Season 2) and he's also a lead. They should have killed Damon off at the end of Season 1 but they didn't he's still alive and well and murdering people - they don't kill of villains at the end of the season in this universe (it's not Buffy where good triumphs over evil - on this show the vampires usually win). I actually find both Klaus & Katherine to be more relate-able characters than Damon (for me personally) and I can understand their motivations.

    I think the shift will be Klaus breaking away from Elijah/Rebekah/Marcel/vampires and going over to the werewolves instead - his werewolf clan showed up earlier in the season so I think that's what will be explored next - he could actually maybe try to unite all the werewolves (his and Hayley's clans).

  7. I 💖 Klaus

  8. Let's hope that's the case. Otherwise, I'll take Julie Plec's word for now...

    Just half an hour until the Tribunal of Rebekah Mikaelson. #TheOriginals. You will definitely, positively, not be able to guess how it ends.— julieplec (@julieplec) March 11, 2014


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