Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Teen Wolf - Episode 3.24 - The Divine Move - Synopsis

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Teen Wolf - Episode 3.24 - The Divine Move - Synopsis

8 Mar 2014

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The Divine Move
Scott and Derek call upon their friends and allies to make a last stand.



  1. Oh shit. Scared for this!

  2. I can't believe it's almost over I feel like it just barely started. Note to the writers this season: Keep on doing what your doing this season next season too. Seriously this season has been leaps and bounds ahead of season 3A. I am so glad to finally see Dylan get some front and center story line this time around. Everyone seems to have overall improved this season.

  3. But please don't make Stiles a werewolf! I know this is just my personal thing but I like him as a human with vulnerable traits. I don't want another werewolf we already have a lot on the show. Please keep him as the human connection for the audience. Please keep Stiles as our outside human view of the supernatural world in the show.

  4. Annalee Raines9 March 2014 at 23:36

    i couldn't disagree more. i wish season 1's writing would come back. the series is becoming too concerned with being ~~deep~~ and ~~dark~~ to remember what it's really about.

  5. towanda nuwanda10 March 2014 at 07:03

    so tonight derek isnot gonna die. he still be alive season finale.

  6. Knowing there's going to be a death is really damping my excitement for this finale..

    And still, this sounds like it's going to be at least a little bit epic, just wish no one else had to die.. unless it's Gerard, he should definitely die already.

  7. Watch at the end of season 3b stiles eyes will be blue or yellow hell be a werewolf


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