Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Scandal - Episode 3.12 - We Do Not Touch the First Ladies - Sneak Peek

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Scandal - Episode 3.12 - We Do Not Touch the First Ladies - Sneak Peek

4 Mar 2014

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Thanks to for the heads up.


  1. So this puts a different complexion on things. It looks like Mellie had an affair with Andrew before Olivia and Fitz started up. What's the bet that one of the Grant kids isn't Fitz's? We've all assumed that Big Jerry perhaps fathered Jerry, but the twist is bound to be that Karen isn't Fitz's, and that she's actually Andrew's child. That's probably what killed off the Grant marriage, because it had been dead way before Olivia came on the scene to patch up their relationship up for the sake of the primary elections. This is complicated.


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