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Revolution 2.14 "Fear and Loathing" Review: Shifting Perspectives

2 Mar 2014

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    This week’s episode of Revolution, “Fear and Loathing,” was written by the team of Anne Cofell Saunders & Matt Pitts and was directed by Liz Friedlander. Cofell Saunders and Pitts last collaborated on episode seven of this season, “The Patriot Act.” This is Friedlander’s first time behind the camera for the series, but her credits include The Following, The Secret Circle, 90210, and The Vampire Diaries.

    This week’s episode picks up right where we left off with Monroe (David Lyons) and Connor (Mat Vairo) being captured by Gould (Timm Sharp) with Charlie (Tracy Spiridakos) left to rescue them. Aaron (Zak Orth) and Priscilla (Maureen Sebastian) are still being held by Peter (Daniel Henney). Miles (Billy Burke) and Rachel (Elizabeth Michell) have agreed to work with Tom (Giancarlo Esposito) and Jason (JD Pardo).

    I loved the scene between Miles and Tom when Miles tells Tom essentially to his face that he’s never liked him. But he does feel badly that Tom has lost Julia. It’s wonderfully ironic and beautifully delivered by Esposito when he replies, “there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to see her face again.” And then Esposito turns the knife by saying that he’s glad that Miles finally got together with his sister-in-law. Esposito hilarious calls Miles a sicko and he replies with “Dick.”

    In scoping out Willoughby, the group discovers that Doyle (Christopher Cousins) has arrived and Jason immediately recognizes what he’s up to – building the “re-education” center. Jason and Tom are both disturbed by Doyle’s presence – Tom for Julia (Kim Raver) and Jason for the torture he endured. Luckily, Miles and Rachel are both suspicious of the Nevilles and manage to double cross the double crossers. I was really happy to see Tom actually resort to telling the truth. However, Miles refuses to give up Monroe. Tom’s not wrong to call them on backing Monroe after all he’s done. He even reminds Rachel that he killed her son. Tom merely says what a lot of viewers have been thinking – so I’m really looking forward to their answers this week.

    In Lubbock, Texas, Aaron and Priscilla learn that the nanotech is sick and dying because there is a problem with the code that they created. Eventually the code will corrupt and die, but the nano will die. Peter sees this as a blessing. Priscilla doesn’t want to save them. Aaron tells Pete that it’s a machine, not God. Pete maintains you can’t fight fate and that this is a new God. Peter is determined to make them help whatever it takes – he’s clearly as crazy as Aaron thinks. Henney does a great job at being creepily earnest.

    Priscilla urges Aaron to do nothing and just let the code die. But Aaron is not willing to leave things up to fate. He’s terrified of losing anyone else. There is a super freaky lightening storm that we can only assume is a manifestation of the nanotech dying. The last time we saw a similar lightening storm was when Aaron turned the power on at the Tower.

    In the end, Aaron and Priscilla appear to help Peter, only to have Aaron kill the code. It was lucky that Aaron was smarter than either Priscilla or Peter and was able to fool them about what he was doing with the code. Aaron tells Pricilla that the nanotech has been watching them all along, so of course, he couldn’t tell her he was agreeing with her because then they would know. In a fantastic twist, Aaron suddenly finds himself waking up in a perfectly normal, electrically powered 2014.

    Gould plans to make some money and punish Monroe by making Monroe and Connor participate in a dog fight – a fight to the death. Monroe commits to teaching Connor how to kill him. Monroe tells Connor that he has a blind spot that even Miles doesn’t know about. Connor resists, and Monroe tells him that he got Connor’s mother killed. It’s another wonderful scene with Lyons. He looks Connor in the eye as he tells him the truth and there is only the tiniest tremor in Lyons voice to indicate that he actually does feel remorse about it. Connor finally starts to fight.

    Monroe wants Connor to carry on the legacy. It’s worth it to die and it’s worth all the bad things he’s done if Connor remakes the Republic. The close ups of their faces in this scene show that Monroe had been taking a lot of hits to his face, but Connor’s face is mark free. It’s yet another brilliant scene with Lyons as he confesses his one regret is that he ended up alone. He makes Connor promise to find someone – NOT CHARLIE! – to settle down with and have kids. It’s this seemingly selfless wish that finally breaks through to Connor. There’s a brilliant shot of Lyons’ face just at the end of the scene when a brief tightening of his eyes might indicate that he’s not being sincere.

    During the fight, it seemed as if Monroe left his blind side open and then blocked Connor, seemingly having lied about the blind spot. However, Connor gets the upper hand, and Monroe simply nods, telling him to make the killing blow...

    Meanwhile, Charlie goes to Duncan (Katie Aselton) for help in rescuing Monroe and Connor. Duncan immediately realizes that she’s going to be in trouble with Gould, so she serves Charlie up to Gould who immediately chains her and pimps her out – big mistake. I thought it interesting that Charlie appeals to the feelings that used to exist between Duncan and Monroe. There’s no sentiment on her part, she’s just using it for leverage. Duncan, however, is a lot more interested in self-preservation than a former lover. Once again, it’s fun to see Charlie fight her way clear to rescue the boys. And in fact, save Duncan’s life along the way. It’s their lives that they bargain with not something as trivial as men.

     I adored that Duncan gave the mercenaries to Charlie, putting her in charge. As Duncan points out, Charlie is the one who earned them. I’m hoping that viewers, like me, are now ready to see Charlie in a more mature leadership role – she’s come a long way. Last season I was very annoyed with her telling the experienced soldiers like Miles what to do. This season it feels more right. I loved the look of complete incredulity on Monroe’s face that he’d been replaced by Charlie! I also loved how funny Connor thought it was.

    What did you think of the episode? I think the story has set us up to go in some really interesting directions now. What exactly do you think is going on with Aaron? Do you think Miles and Rachel will really back Monroe? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. Fear and Loathing is quickly becoming one of my favorite Revolution episodes. Season 2 has been awesome in my opinion, with each new episode better than the last. I loved watching the relationship between Connor and Monroe deepen. Their conversations and the fight scene were are great. I really enjoyed watching Charlie as a hero instead of a victim - which seems more the normal for her sometimes. My only 'complaint' is that it would have been nice to see a lot more Miles/Neville interaction. I found myself enjoying that more than I'd expected. The Thanksgiving line gave me my biggest laugh of the night. I was surprised by Duncan's actions in the beginning, but she redeemed herself at the end. Very excited to see Charlie's new leadership role develop, and this next alt reality episode sounds fantastic. Can't wait to watch!!!!
    This show is epic. If you aren't watching.... well, what are you waiting for?

  2. Stacie❤❤❤2 March 2014 at 12:40

    Really loved the ep especially Charlie getting to be in charge of the men, should be very interesting to see what happens with that once they get back to Willioughby. Tom and Miles interaction was so good this ep really enjoyed. David and Mat are so good together I loved their scenes together!! Can't wait for next week.

  3. I haven't been enjoying this episode as much as I thought I would but this is because Miles is my favorite character on the show and I was disappointed how negligent his story line with Neville was treated. I loved their scenes together, just wished Rachel wasn't the one who always saves Miles lately :). Actually, wish Miles would become more of the nearly unbeatable warrior again who he was in S1.
    I do believe Miles and Rachel will back Monroe against Neville. I can see Miles come up with some plan to help Neville save Julia in the end, but right now he is too focused on defeating the Patriots and Neville has not proven to be a very a good ally at all, whereas Monroe is redeeming himself more and more and you can't forget the live long friendship between Miles and Monroe. I think at this point, as much as Rachel hates Monroe, she is willing to go along with Miles, especially since Neville really can't say too much about what happened to Rachel's family either. He was more involved in Ben's death and subsequent Danny's kidnapping than Monroe ever was.

    Really looking forward to the next episode to see the character in a new light..and I am hoping we will see more of Miles again in the future episodes. :)

  4. Clearly, I'm watching! LOL! I agree with all you say here. This season is even better than the first for me. Of course, for me, I found Lyons and Esposito the ones to watch from the beginning so seeing Monroe more of a lead has been great for me. I think we are going to get a lot more Miles/Esposito coming up - and they are fabulous together! I LOL'd at that Thanksgiving crack too - in fact I may even have sputtered "oh no, you didn't...." I have simply been adoring what they've done with Charlie this season. Last season, I really did want to slap her - now she's grown into her own. I'm dying to know what's going on with Aaron - and I loved how he pulled off the sting on the nanotech!

  5. Yep. Those were all the highlights for me too! Charlie has been just great this season - I love what they've done with her. I loved David and Mat together too. I think these scenes also showed that Mat has a core of good in him that I'm hoping will pull Monroe truly back onto the good guys' side...

  6. I'm sure we are going to see more of Miles - he is the star after all! I'm tired of Rachel saving Miles too, but I really think they had agreed for her to be back up in the end - so it was both their plan. I'm betting you're right that Miles will find a way to help Tom with Julia while still backing Monroe. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Monroe himself didn't want Tom back on their team. I'm kind of loving how they created all these great characters last season and realized that they were all great characters and therefore needed to be on the same side somehow... Great points about Neville's own culpability in Ben and Danny's deaths. I'm betting that is what helps to make Rachel also side with Monroe.

  7. Thanks for another great review, Lisa!

    I'm always a sucker for any kind of alternate reality/dreamscapes and I can't wait to see what this will turn out to be, but part of me hopes it's longer termed for more than this episode, which would then point to time traveling, as opposed to things just being 'out of place' in a dreamscape...

    I also really like the way Tom and Miles interacted here. It's something we haven't seen in a long long time and makes it feel like things are coming together in a good and familiar way.

    I know a lot people feel like the show is slow, has two stories that don't jive, and/or hate the sci-fi aspects, and although I could agree with some of those comments to some degree, I think there is still really nice character progression by both revisiting elements from last season ( Charlie - "Sex and Drugs" + Princess Lea, Aaron - "Kashmir" and concept of ghosts/fears/projected realities) and by having so many nice reoccurring characters to give us new dynamics and bring out personalities and challenge characters belief systems. I also think it's not hard to assume that the nanite mythos will eventually expand in some way and converge back onto the whole story before the season ends and that it only feels separate because Aaron has left and it's been more exclusive to his story...

    "As Duncan points out, Charlie is the one who earned them. I’m hoping that viewers, like me, are now ready to see Charlie in a more mature leadership role – she’s come a long way"

    Definitely! Again looking at the promo/promotional photos for next week, it seems evident that despite what the reality ends up being Charlie is one of the things (due to her age and state of dress) that is out of place with the times and thus is highlighted (much like she was for Aaron in "Kashmir").

    "Monroe wants Connor to carry on the legacy. It’s worth it to die and it’s worth all the bad things he’s done if Connor remakes the Republic."

    I was struck by his need to tell Conner the truth about Emma, as he again had a near death experience. It seems to play into this upcoming 'Christmas Carol' scenario, as he tells him to have a family, unlike what he did (understanding that having a family may make you a better person--it's one of the few times we see something insightful and rational from him), and I just hope this continual theme with Monroe is foreshadowing his actual death...

    A very nice episode, but I am all about next weeks! :p

  8. Dominick Grace2 March 2014 at 14:26

    Good review! This episode was an improvement over some of the recent ones--at least we didn't end up with six characters getting captured for the fifty-seventh time--and I agree that where things will go with Neville is interesting. However, I continue to have problems with Aaron and his plotline. I'm no computer expert, but I really don't think you edit code while it's actually running, so for Aaron's rewriting to start killing the nano in real time makes no sense. You edit the code, test it, and THEN upload it; that'd REALLY kill them. But given that the only reason there's electricity to edit the code in the first place is that the nanos are providing it, the moment he starts screwing with their code, all they have to do is shut off the power....
    Anyway, yes I was intrigued by Aaron suddenly finding himself in a "normal" 2014, though I'd bet a doughnut he's just in a nano-generated virtual environment.

  9. "I'm sure we are going to see more of Miles - he is the star after all! I'm tired of Rachel saving Miles too, but I really think they had agreed for her to be back up in the end -"

    I also think they're making up/juxtaposing the beginning of the season and end of last season by showing us she's capable and there for him now instead of the other way! (additionally their was allusions to Lost with this scene in terms of Kate Austen always coming along as back up despite what anyone says, but also a scene where *Miles Straume has Jack and Kate at gun point and the *Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) and Sayid come out of the jungle with guns raised at Miles!)

  10. I think Monroe will want Tom on his side as of the forgotten quotes from Monroe from episode Dead Man walking (I think) was that he hates Tom but he sure would be handy in this fight against the Patriots. Will be interesting when these two meet again.

  11. Setting the technicality aside and looking more at your Nanite motivations comment, I think they could be trying to get him to have faith in them/himself, as opposed to being in a state where they are actually dying...It will be more clear when we learn if the alternate reality is a dreamscape/virtual reality, or if this reality is corporeal already in existence and becomes more important to everything later. At any rate It should give some Christmas Carol-like insight for where we are going...

    But even thinking about the fact that they could create a reality does add a lot of potential to the mythos, because then they can create/take people to ANY environment at any 'time' and that opens up a lot of doors...

  12. HA...I really have to start watching Lost lost in episode 2 (no pun intended) and never was interested but you and others bring up some interesting parallels between the characters.

  13. "I was struck by his need to tell Conner the truth about Emma, as he again had a near death experience. It seems to play into this upcoming 'Christmas Carol' scenario, as he tells him to have a family, unlike what he did (understanding that having a family may make you a better person--it's one of the few times we see something insightful and rational from him), and I just hope this continual theme with Monroe is foreshadowing his actual death..."

    Very interesting you bring this up as a foreshadowing of Monroe's actual death. Been thinking about the same lines lately, especially since it looks more and more like this will be the final Season. Having Monroe dying a heroic/redeeming death in the finale would bring a real conclusion to the story..although not one I would like to see. If they have any hopes of keeping the series alive though, I hope they will not kill Monroe off as for me the story of Revolution is the story of the brotherhood of Miles and Monroe. We shall see, but it looks like they are building towards an ultimate Monroe exist (unless the Nanites do a Aaron thing on him)

  14. Yes! Exactly. Can't wait to see them face off!

  15. You should, even if it's just for the character relationship's sakes.

    There's a lot of Fringe concepts re-plugged in too! Both Zack Orth and Billy Burke guessed stared in one-shot roles in it's first season and there are allusions to things like "fireflies" (concept about variables and a limitation on predictability of outcomes of events), "Green Mana", 'Ghost Network", Kinetics, and both their characters have commonalities and juxtapositions with their Revolution characters, as Burke's Lucas Volgel also had military background and Orths's Roy McComb was able to see events before they happen, but he thought it was a religious-related experience to begin with, rather than something that also has a "sudo" scientific explanation...

  16. I hope it's misleading/red hearing too, because I do think the show wouldn't be the same without him, but I also feel like we've been safe too long. -But thinking of Charlie in "Kashmir" maybe there's just a theme of NDE in general?

  17. Thanks!
    I think Monroe told Connor about Emma to make him hate him because up to that point Connor really wasn't committed to killing Monroe - or even really hurting him. I'm positive - as you are - that the nanites will come back to the main story in some way. All these threads will be woven back together - I'm sure of it. Like the lightening that we hadn't seen since the finale last season.
    Kripke had an AU episode - really he did a bunch on SPN - but in this one, Dean was sent to the future to learn how things might turn out. I'm wondering if this episode will be a lesson that the nanites are trying to teach Aaron or a way of punishing/stopping him... Can't wait to find out!

  18. I suspect if Monroe goes out in a blaze of glory, Miles will too. I'm still crossing my fingers that DVR numbers are big enough to bump us into another season... and that NBC will actually pay attention to them.

  19. Dominick Grace2 March 2014 at 14:56

    It does, yes--and that would potentially be an interesting development, though I'm not sure how well a virtual reality multiverse would gel with the post-apocalyptic setting that's defined the show so far. But I like SF that plays on VR possibilities, too, so I'm not inherently opposed to the possibility or anything.

  20. Except that Abrams doesn't really have anything hands on to do with the show anymore... But Lost is always worth re-watching!

  21. Dominick Grace2 March 2014 at 14:58

    Lost is both complex and complicated and can get frustrating at times and seem to wander (and I really didn't much like the ending), but at its best--which applies to a lot of it--it's really clever, dense, exciting TV, well worth giving a real chance to.

  22. Of course it's a nano-generated donut! Think "The End" in SPN - we already know that that the nano here is the substitute for God...
    And yes. No more stupid captures...

  23. "I think Monroe told Connor about Emma to make him hate him because up to that point Connor really wasn't committed to killing Monroe - or even really hurting him. "

    I think both things are true, he needed to get Conner to hate him, but at the same time he got a major secret off his chest, because he really didn't think he was going to get out of it. I'm not saying that I think he's just gonna be a "good" person from now on, but this might be something marking a much needed redeeming quality on his journey. It might of helped Monroe more than even Monroe thinks...

    "Kripke had an AU episode - really he did a bunch on SPN - but in this one, Dean was sent to the future to learn how things might turn out."

    It's a common staple note of Bad Robot too! There are so many different kinds of alternate realities, pocket universes, ethereal planes, parallel universes in their works, I was hoping with the Dark Tower/The Stand references, we would see it here again too! I'm sure they will teach/show him something. :D

  24. At this point, they can only seem to twist the reality of those who worked on the code though. What would be super cool is if Aaron could start utilizing the nanites for good - ie to spy on or screw with the Patriots. What if he could get them to conjure an entire army? Now I'm excited!

  25. It would only work if we either do flash sideways of other realities from time to time, or if there are pockets of alternate realities made within our reality, because I agree it's important to keep the post apocalyptic setting as a constant! :)

  26. Not exactly true. They "physically" altered reality in Willoghby (massive fog, made people and animals unconscious, & mind-controlled Aaron to sleepwalk) and although it is through THEIR belief to help Aaron, -they could be told to listen to other people (Miles, Charlie, Rachel, ect) through his instructions and/or we see that Aaron could change rather large spaces of reality, because we saw the nanites begging to do it already, let alone if they make others experiences realities like Aaron is about to.

  27. UGH! *facepalm* And of course, they physically healed Aaron and flamed out his enemies. He could simply light them up - of course, the danger is when they become autonomous and realize that they are, in fact, smarter - and don't do as he says - like healing Cynthia...

  28. Exactly!!! -I'm actually more worried about the Patriots knowing about/getting control of the Nanites, especially when you consider two of it's members Horn and Flagg!!!!

  29. Not directly, but Krikpe chose to take Abrams advice on the nanite tech, as he told Kripke that his original pitch was too close to The Stand.

    Additionally an interview at the beginning of this season Kripke said that the nanite mythos is "The Bad Robot Glaze" of the season.

    Matt Pitts is also a HUGE Bad Robot story editor and assistant to Abrams. Kripke and gang also keep going out of their way to reference Bad Robot works (along with Supernatural of course). I think the roof top scene next week juxtaposes a Hugo scene, as Aaron has been referenced to Hugo in both the name "Stay Puffed", and with one love interest being named "Cynthia" (Cynthia Watros played his love interest)

  30. Not to forget that they actually saved Miles earlier this season by putting the two Patriots on fire while Aaron was watching the whole thing in his sleep. There is much more to this whole thing and I can't find out more about it. Wasn't too excited about it at first but there is a lot of potential here now. I also wonder how Rachel fits into it. She programmed the code into the Nanites with Grace and the other guy so you'd think she will have more to do with trying to figure the whole thing out as well.

  31. ""She programmed the code into the Nanites with Grace and the other guy so you'd think she will have more to do with trying to figure the whole thing out as well."

    That's a REALLY good point! !!!! :)

    Aaron and Rachel have been way more hit and miss this season than last season and with all of this stuff kind going back to things in the first season, you would think they would come together again and fit in somewhere. It's kind of strange how little Rachel wants to even discuss the nanites or get involved with them again (although I can appreciate the fear of not wanting there to be a 3rd devastating act).

    I keep wondering if we're going back to the Tower and/or if there is another similar facility out there somewhere???

  32. I would love to see those two team up, even though we can never really tell where Tom's true allegiance lies (other than with his own interests), he makes a valuable partner. Monroe, Miles and Tom have such a rich (though completely twisted) history. Would be really fun to see them all fighting side by side again.
    Looking forward to seeing Bizarro versions of all three in the next episode!! Wow, I love this show. :)

  33. I've never watched Lost at all, but am going to have to add it to my list of shows to check out. Way too many Revolution fans love that series, for me not to be intrigued. I'm sure not complaining. Can't have too many good shows lined up to watch. :)

  34. Amen with wanting to slap Season 1 Charlie. It was sometimes a struggle for me to even like her last season. Now, I'm really enjoying her. She's really shaping up to be a great character!

    PS It's no secret that I'm on the #Charloe train, so that's another facet I hope they explore. I'm not holding my breath, but I sure would enjoy seeing Monroe and Charlie together. :)

  35. The casting folks did an amazing job with Mat, didn't they? Such a great chemistry between them. They make a very believable father and son.

  36. Hurrah! The first episode I've thoroughly enjoyed since 'Everyone Says I Love You'. Until Aaron tried to kill the nano, I thought we'd continue to have more ridiculous captivity from Peter or more "Go to ____ and all will be revealed." - despite my complete and utter lack of interest in next week's story.

    Nice that Charlie has control of the army, since I guarantee she's a better leader than either Monroe. And lol at the "Not Charlie" bit. Will be interesting to see how much longer Connor and Monroe get along after he told Connor about his mother.

    Miles' concern for Rachel annoyed me. I hate that on a show, where even though before they hooked up, there was something there but they both let each other go into dangerous situations; then after they hook up 'No it's too dangerous you can't go'. Great from Rachel to immediately go "stop worrying about me" because that would have become very irritating.

  37. I'm ashamed to admit that I just discovered what a thing #Charloe is! I'm usually so busy reviewing shows that I don't have a chance to really follow the fandoms too. I'm not sure how I feel about it - though I definitely see the chemistry between these two - right from Charlie saving him at the beginning of the season...

  38. Nice review--though I disagree with the part with Monroe lying to Connor when talking about his regrets and his wishes for Connor not to be alone. I see he was being sincere and has sincere regrets. This is what has made Monroe the best character on the show this year--they showed his humanity and at least partial redemption possibility.


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