Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Pretty Little Liars - Episode 4.24 - A is for Answers (Season Finale) - Promo

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Pretty Little Liars - Episode 4.24 - A is for Answers (Season Finale) - Promo

12 Mar 2014

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  1. This will be the best episode in pll history. Finally an all Ali episode.

  2. Omgggg looks freakin amazing can't wait for tuesday

  3. Next week looks crazy! Even though I already know what happens but still.

  4. AngelaRobinson9012 March 2014 at 02:36

    Meh, nothing gets answered really. Half answers that leave more questions and a crappy ending with my least favorite (aka I hate his/her guts) in the lime light. Yay. :|

  5. OMG cant wait

  6. The promo's are so deceiving. While it's an exciting episode, some of the things they imply in this promo don't even happen..
    Still excited for it though!

  7. I'm guessing they never find out who's behind the mask after all this time.


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