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POLL : What did you think of Scandal - We Do Not Touch the First Ladies?

7 Mar 2014

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  1. I loved it! Fitz continues to be gross - both Mellie and Olivia deserve better.

    Come on, Mellie! Your husband is cheating on you. Be with Andrew! I'm glad she was able to tell someone about the rape.

    Laughed so hard at Jake's fake boyfriend speech. That was hilarious.

    Whoa at the end! Did not see that one coming.

  2. start_wearing_purple7 March 2014 at 06:02

    I know it's not new information but it's interesting to realize exactly how much Olivia has manipulated Huck. He really has been her pet monster.

  3. start_wearing_purple7 March 2014 at 06:08

    This show really pulls out all the stops on the speeches.

  4. Again, excellent television as usual from ABC's best drama. Jake gained a monumental amount of power in this episode. Great to see Hollis Doyle back - I forgot how much I hate him! I loved learning about Mellie's history - that explains a lot of events gone by, but despite it all, she has remained loyal to her husband, but I sense she's about to break.

    Six episodes to go!

  5. Poor, Season 2 was great, this season is becoming weird and soapy. It is still well written but it is not surprise me anymore.

  6. Poor. Season 1 and 2 was about a fixer and That is what I signed up for. This Season 3 is all over the place as if the writers are incapeable of writing quality anymore. Its crap. I continue to watch HOPING that it will go back to being a good Crisis Manager show. Give us back our show.

  7. I honestly don't understand what's going on. I've never seen a female lead treated in such a way. I would like to enjoy the show. I love ALL of the characters (and despise anti-Jake rhetoric - HATE IT) and am trying to wrap my head around what's been going on this season, but the treatment/maltreatment of Olivia Pope... is troubling to say the least.

    It does not escape me the care taken in protecting the reputations of other characters while allowing Pope to exist alone without any solid footing - to exist as a punching bag to the joy of some viewers and journalists who'd rather she be relegated to background character in favor of another character with whom they are able to, biologically, empathize (see studies on "pain and empathy"). Olivia was already working at a mainstream empathy deficit given her casting, but to railroad her... every week? One has to wonder, what on earth could be going on in Shonda Rhimes head...and heart.

    I get that the actress, Kerry Washington, encouraged the cast and crew to participate in social media for the show, but it doesn't seem like Shonda Rhimes can handle the pressure. It almost seems as if she writes just to spite the rabid fans not realizing that it is compromising, not so much the show as she is feeding the lack of empathy and schadenfreude that will accompany the casting of this lead, but her legacy. I would never want my children to grow up to see how this lead is being treated and as the mother of girls, Rhimes should be prepared to explain why she orchestrated this public humiliation of an historically relevant character.

    That being said, the story arcs are getting better this half of the season. I just really have a hard time enjoying it when Olivia is being torpedoed.

  8. I'm with you there. Scandal is no longer appealing to me

  9. "Rhimes should be prepared to explain why she orchestrated this public humiliation of an historically relevant character."

    There is the part that I can never get over. Why oh why did she ruin such an opportunity? Oh, how I wish I knew what happened last June. There's gotta be more to this story.

  10. O-M-G!!!! We have addressed this in our group several times. Something definitely happened around the WHCD that shook Scandal to it's core. I can no longer recognise the Scandal of season 1 and the early part of season 2. This season 3 has been a disaster

  11. No.. no it's great that people are taking every opportunity to malign Olivia. Surely, there is no other way to view the Olivia/Huck relationship... Shonda... brava. Great job.

  12. Bienaime Joseph7 March 2014 at 16:14

    I have to agree with you completely. I have just said that on another post and I get "I don't care what race the person is" from the reviewer. Please the race factor has always been an issue that is why it took forty years for a black woman to be the lead and to see what has become of that opportunity is disheartening.

  13. It's as plain as day. At first I thought it was just TG, but now as I watch her butcher Olivia as well, it must go deeper. You're not seeing things--something happened and in another forum, I would give my 2 cents, but I don't want to sidetrack this conversation. But, whatever it was, it's too bad. This show could have been a real trailblazer, in so many ways. Let's hope she turns in around.

  14. Candice Alexander7 March 2014 at 17:48

    this episode was super HORRIBLE. I have no sympathy for Mellie she needs to go back to be a tertiary character. I am sick and fed up of seeing Mellie. btw who is this Olivia Pope she is crazy as hell with her wishy washy self. I just cant with this bish right now. Fitz, honey you need to just leave Olivia"s crazy A** and get your self a new love.Right now I am Team Fitz the rest can die a thousand deaths

  15. This is one of the worst episodes ever. I hate Mellie. Kill her off already PLEASE.

  16. FirstLadyonelove7 March 2014 at 21:45

    One of the worst episodes of Scandal. I don't know how these writers along with Shonda can sit every week to give us average storyline with no logical follow up, character assasination on regular basis. Next week they'll probably have Olivia go to the supermarket to get Jake his beer and some real food while she tries to figure out the meaning of life. SMH

  17. Mrenee you should join our group

  18. I didn't have a problem with this episode, It seemed pretty typical for Scandal, but then again, I also like Mellie and I think that Jake is probably better for Olivia than Fitz. I suspect that Olivia's confession to Fitz at the end must have pissed off a lot of Olitz fans, but I think that her relationship with Fitz has become way too dysfunctional to ever work out. If Fitz wants her to work effectively on his campaign he needs to start exercising some restraint and let her do her job! Also, that opening scene with their loud arguing made me cringe.

    I liked Mellie's backstory. We already knew about Fitz' father raping her, but this episode showed the full effect of how it ruined her marriage with Fitz, By not telling Fitz, she basically sacrificed her relationship with Fitz in order to preserved Fitz' relationship with his dad. Very sad. I doubt this recent development with Andrew will end well, but it's nice to see her occupied with something that doesn't revolve around least not directly.

    Quinn and Huck: I'm not sure what to say. Huck blaming Olivia for how he treated Quinn really reiterated how unstable he is. The writers really assassinated both of these characters, I think. Quinn becoming part of B-13 spells trouble for Olivia.. Also, didn't Quinn initially try to return to Pope and Associates and make amends with Huck right after he tortured her?

  19. Where did all these "Awful" votes come from?

  20. Spamming? 127 people voted on last week's poll compared to this week's poll that already has almost 400 votes! So I'm guessing that either the poll was spanned by a superfan, or that it was bombarded by a lot of hard core Olitz fans from another site.

  21. Probably. I just find it astounding that peole find the time to mess with the results of a poll.

  22. Marbusinesslady9 March 2014 at 04:00

    I did SR as I see it is trying to make a wrong right with that rape scene byassinating Olivia's characters

  23. Marbusinesslady9 March 2014 at 04:02

    Well said.I thought I was the only fan noticed how SR has put Olivia as supporting actress.... Kerry was lead and to turn against this character is telling me she IS fixing to end this show trying g to put Fits heart back to his wife that scene with Olivia telling Mellie bout Andrew was wrong so the door could be left open to down grade Olivia as she is a whore to say Kellie kept her knees closed at her chance to the beginning Olivia turn all of Fitz's advances away. It was Fits cheated on his wife he didn't why his marriage went in marriage only this is the only reason Olivia gave in to Fitz's she is not a whore she fell for a man that fell out of love with his wife.. SR is messing up right opinion

  24. Whether they are Olitz fans or not, they are still fans. Not sure why that matters. I find some Mellie fans to be just as ridiculous, but that does not mean their voices don't count.

    I personally thought the episode was awful due to the treatment of the show's protagonist, Olivia Pope, in case people weren't sure of whom I was speaking. Her treatment is bordering on sadistic. So, some Mellie fans/others, who have no empathy for the female lead actress/character, will likely not "feel the pain" of her treatment and will simply elide the very real concerns of many regarding this, once again, historic character.

    The build up of the other characters arcs were... okay, but the character assassination of Olivia Pope, will never be. Awful. Every character talking to Olivia as if she is a child. Awful.

    I always understood Mellie. Her role was perfect in the first two seasons. I "got her" and she was never going to be a villain to me, just, another complicated character in line with all of the others, but the laziness and manipulation of using "rape" to somehow excuse her past behaviors... explain her complexities, became a cheat sheet. Mellie was given something none of the other characters were given, an excuse. That has made the character, to me, a disgrace to character development. Bellamy Young deserved more than "a pass" for her character. Bellamy deserved an opportunity to make Mellie her own, like every other actor on the show. Now, her character is just another lazy systemic device used to stroke the egos of an audience that has been catered to since the beginning of television as it was becoming too contentious for them to focus their energies on a lead with whom they did not identify.

    This is disgusting and ^^^ this makes this episode, and the episode, "Everything's Coming Up Mellie", AWFUL.

  25. derekmorgansfakegirlfriend10 March 2014 at 06:29

    Must be a whole lot of Olitz fans voting. When I first came here, the rating was mostly awesome and now it's mostly awful. I loved this episode - the great Jalivia scenes, finding out about how the rape really affected Mellie. And Andrew is gentleman, willing to take the rap for Mellie. And I loved it when Mellie threw propriety to the wiHuck is a monster nd and kissed him. wonderful. And Tom is B613. Sally is a wingnut and Huck is a monster and his mommy is mad at him. Cyrus is gonna kill James and it is at that point we're going to find out he's a bigger monster than Huck. And poor just can't say no. Papa Pope and Leo have hooked up. And Mama Pope and Salif r probably knocking boots during their down time. Damn I love Scandal.

  26. derekmorgansfakegirlfriend10 March 2014 at 06:31

    I still like Huck. But let's get real. Huck enjoys killing peeps to the point of jonesing for a kill. Jake needs to put him on a leash.

  27. derekmorgansfakegirlfriend10 March 2014 at 06:33

    I love the show. Shonda is just peeling back the onion on each character


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