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POLL : What did you think of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Yes Men?

12 Mar 2014

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  1. Seeing Sif was awesome and I loved the storyline with Lorelei. Is Ward in love with Skye? I hope so.

    Whoa at Coulson's new attitude. Guess he's sick and tired of being lied to and wants answers. I liked Skye's attitude about it.

    Great episode!

  2. Love seeing Sif was awesome loving Coulson's attitude that ending what!!!!

  3. if that episode did not get the ratings up i honestly don't know what will, very solid episode, this show is finally finding its stride

  4. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F12 March 2014 at 01:14

    Rating should go NCIS to make the rating weaker than it should

  5. Awesome episode! Definitely one of the best this season.

    Sif was fantastic tonight. I love her so much. And was Ward implying that he has feelings for Skye? Woah.

    I love that Coulson is starting to get pissed off that he isn't getting answers. Hopefully he starts getting them.

    Also, holy shit May at the end!! I wonder who she is talking to.

  6. Im holding onto my theory that this show needs a better timeslot, and less of a hiatus (another one this season) to find its audience, hopefully it will be given the chance with a second season

  7. I am getting so pissed off at all these breaks. This will be the FIFTH hiatus the show will have since the pilot. Just ridiculous.

  8. Exactly! So I continuously wonder what that does to a freshman show that is trying to find its audience week to week, NCIS doesnt help it either

  9. This whole episode kind of confirmed Wars had feelings for May though? I get a brother/sister feeling from Skye and Ward. Besides, Skye is gonna be way too busy solving the alien mystery with Coulson and finding out about her heritage. I think a romance would do nothing for her character journey at this point.

  10. Lorelei said that Ward doesn't have feelings for May - that he liked someone else. And there probably won't be a romance yet, but it'll happen some time in the future.

  11. Oop changed accounts. It seemed like she was saying that to antagonize May. Ward mentioned in the casino about caring about someone who was hardened or something. That was a reference to May. Plus he went to visit her after the whole debacle to make amends, but May shot it down. Lorelei is manipulative and succeeded in tearing those two apart, at least temporarily.

    I think Skye is Mantis from the comics though, so I think if she's going to end up with anyone it will be the guy associated with her comic character.

  12. That episode was fantastic from beginning to end! It was so nice to see Sif again and give her some actual character development (there hasn't been a whole lot in the two Thor movies). I love that she called him "son of Coul", since that was one of my favorite little "they're not from here" moments from Thor.
    Another one of my favorite things about this episode is that we got to see the women kick some butt for a change. As Elizabeth Henstridge (Simmsons) tweeted earlier, the episode revolved around strong, powerful, intelligent women. Anyone else notice that the SHIELD team that stormed the hotel room were all women? That made me smile so hard. ^_^

  13. really enjoyed the ep! Sif was awesome and I enjoyed the ending with Coulson's new quest/attitude - i am curious about who May was calling (Fury? seems most likely) I am wondring how they will tie things in with the upcoming SHIELD-heavy Captain America movie......

  14. Oh my God this episode was fantastic. I'm actually really pleasantly surprised at how well Sif was used in this episode! She wasn't relegated to a background role; she took down Lorelei and both of them even shared an intense moment , you could taste the rage! Either way, love Jaimie Alexander, I would not be opposed to seeing more of her in future episodes!

    Glad to see my girl Skye up again! Her scene with Simmons was really sweet, those two have such a loving relationship. I love the steady head she had when Coulson was telling her about the serum; those two make for a really great team because of how they approach problems! Skye is his rock, and she's his. I love it.

    The action was really great in this episode. The locale changing didn't bother me at all, I felt like it moved the plot along effectively, and the fight scenes were great, especially May/Ward and Sif/bikers. Was it just me, though, or was the Lorelei actress a little fumbling? Either way, I didn't mind. The only thing I would have loved is if they had mentioned Enchantress! Amora is such a boss, a little shout out would have been amazing to the comic fans.

    That double agent ending had my jaw on the floor! I DID NOT see that coming, and now I have SO MANY questions! Is the spying on Coulson related to Fury's disappearance? Is this the beginning of a renegade airbus led by Coulson? I NEED THE NEXT EPISODE LIKE RIGHT NOW.

    Honestly this show just gets better and better! I hope it starts pulling more impressive ratings; it certainly deserves it!

  15. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F12 March 2014 at 02:24

    what is going on at the end? what does May mean by Coulson she working for someone high up in SHIELD?

  16. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F12 March 2014 at 02:26

    my guess someone in SHIELD or in upper the chain of command who oversight SHIELD

  17. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F12 March 2014 at 02:30

    blame ABC they are crazy to go against powerhouse NCIS

  18. We don't know! All we know is that she was spying on Coulson and Skye's conversation and that she made a phone call to someone unknown. My theory is that she was calling Fury, and that she knows where he is. I think the MCU has some big plans for Fury that are coming to a head in Cap 2, and he's gone into hiding but he wants to keep an eye on Coulson. Maybe we will find out soon why it was so important to keep Coulson alive? We know Melinda is a stickler for the rules, and since Fury practically IS SHIELD, Fury is where her loyalties lie.

    I have so many questions!

  19. Way too many OMG moments to list. Coulson will totally go off his rails searching for the truth and I'm looking forward to it. About May though she's still my fav character and can literally do no wrong so I hope she's spying for Shield and has a really good explanation. I want sooo bad to know what's up with that why and who she's reporting to and how long from the beginning or when shit got real

  20. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F12 March 2014 at 02:57

    may is one mysterious character, with some dark secrets. She probably knows what happen to Coulson, and just pretend not know anything......Fury disappearance is not a good thing

  21. Angela .Visscher12 March 2014 at 03:11

    I would love Skye and Ward as well!

  22. Eduardo Fernandes12 March 2014 at 03:56

    Coulson - Sif said Phillip Son of Coul!!!!!!!!
    Awesome line!!!!!

  23. The best episode of the season. Lorelei is amazing. Lady Sif is awesome, I love when Coulson ask her about others species of aliens and than she talk about Kree, and others cool creatures.

    Excellent moments between Coulson and Skye, the battle against S.H.I.E.L.D. is about to begin.

    That twist with May, cool.

  24. This is because Asguard are of Nordic mythology, and its common for them to add son fo the name of the father, and use it as a surname, eg, your son would be Eduardoson ;)

  25. Loved seeing Sif. Was I the only person wondering why they didn't take all women to the biker bar during Shield's first encounter with Lorrelei? Convenient that Sif's sword split into 2 swords so we could have a sword fight. Not a wildly original story but lots of fun.

  26. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F12 March 2014 at 07:48

    I think MAy is spying for HIll not Fury about what Coulson knows. It could be leavage or political gain to take over as director.......I think comics/tv animated series has shown Hill replace fury as director of SHIELD. I not sure how the team can handle more trust issue first with Sky now May

  27. I like this episode a lot. And speaking of Maria Hill, she is supposed to be in the Cap2 movie, right? I can't help but noticed she is never in any of the promo materials or trailer.....

  28. Oh GOD! What an awesome and badass episode! I love Lady Sif, she's a badass lady. I love this episode because there is a clear triumph, unlike other episodes where the villain always comes back.

    I actually wished that Coulson was also under Lorelei's spell, because then we could see the ladies work together to defeat the men. Why? Just because the ladies in this show are all badasses! I love them!

    I chuckled a bit when Simmons stumbled into non-Fitz and Fitz was all like, "*gasp* you shouldn't be here!" He's always good at being comical.

    Please have more crossovers too.

  29. I'm not familiar with Mantis, what makes you think that?

  30. Completely agree with a lot of the comments already made - Sif is awesome, Coulson and his new view, Woah! at Melinda May....

    I would add that the scenes between Sif and Lorelei were awesome. They played off of each other very well and I hope we see them again. Perhaps in Thor 3?

  31. Mantis was a character born to a Vietnamese woman, who's father was a German by the name of Gustav Brandt, also known as Libra, who was a member of the criminal organization Zodiac. She grew up amongst the Priests of Pama, a sect of Kree, and was also known as the "Celestial Madonna" because of her foretold destiny of giving birth to some savior character or something.

    Chloe Bennet is half-Chinese, half American/Caucasian, her character was found in a small Chinese village (likely changed to match Chloe's ethnicity), her character was taken into SHIELD custody, likely to protect her from Zodiac's reach, and now she has Kree blood in her, linking her to the alien species. Also her name is Skye... Skye/"Celestial Madonna" is all very similar.

    Mantis was with the Avengers for a while back in the 70s, but disappeared for a while. She has recently re-emerged in the Guardians of the Galaxy title in the comics. As desiqtie stated below, Mantis would be a great way to link AoS to the new GotG film.

  32. EvilZygonRabbit12 March 2014 at 14:41

    I loved this one, and Coulson's new attitude at the end is definitely an encouraging development for the future. Plus, at this point, it seems like we almost have to see Nick Fury appear again - he's so intrinsic to the Coulson story arc. I believe the pacing on AoS is finally about to pick up.

  33. EvilZygonRabbit12 March 2014 at 14:42

    Hmm, never heard of that character. Sounds very plausible.

  34. EvilZygonRabbit12 March 2014 at 14:46

    Agreed. They finally quit doing that with Once Upon A Time, but they should really fix the problem with all their shows.

  35. EvilZygonRabbit12 March 2014 at 14:48

    Quite a shocker. I did not see that coming. I still hope that the ultimate reveal concerning Coulson's resurrection turns out to be a huge surprise on par with Joss Whedon's earlier work.

  36. Great episode. I'm glad this whole May/Ward thing has come to an end. Sif was great. Also, glad that Phil told Skye the truth so soon and didn't drag it out. Plus, I did not expect that last scene. I think May's gonna have a really good reason for this. She always seemed to really care about Phil and has this connection with him. I don't think she's working against him. She probably was in on the secret of his resurrection a lot earlier than we thought and maybe she was ordered by Fury to keep an eye on him.

  37. yea. Lorelei said the woman isnt May. so mayb it cud be skye

  38. I love father/daughter moments with Skye/Coulson. Fitz under lorelei's spell was hilarious, his scene with Coulson and chasing after Simmons = win))))
    So whom does Ward want? I am confused, was it revealed that he is into Skye or is there another iced hearted warrior?
    lorelei was a bit of a disappointment, she would never have tried to overpower Sif in one on one combat after warning Ward about her battle prowess.
    All exciting i got from Lorelei's storyline is that Loki as odin ordered her back alive. That's cool, he is amassing allies.
    Sif brought asgardian badassery to the midgard. We need more interaction between
    Asgard and Midgard.

  39. this show is getting better and better! :D :D :D

  40. One of the best episodes of the season, for sure! I'm loving this show more and more. It was awesome to see Lady sif, and there was a lot of great moments with her in this episode! The scene fights were so amazing (Lady Sif, Lorelai, May and Ward), and i'm loving more and more Skye and Simmons relationship!

    Everything was great in this episode! A+

  41. Eduardo Fernandes13 March 2014 at 19:00

    I know

  42. Loved elements of the episode but seriously the alien female with the influence over men angle is getting MORE than a bit sad, every sifi show has done it death... hell it was old hat when Stargate did it years ago. Love the show but less cliche plots people.

  43. Kathleen Kervin15 March 2014 at 05:27

    I thought it was strange that they didn't just leave the men at home and have all the women go after Lorelei. That would have been the logical thing to do.

  44. Kathleen Kervin15 March 2014 at 05:32

    I thought this was one of the best episodes. Sif was great, Lorelei good enough, and everyone on the team had a role to play. (The episodes in which Skye is a very special snowflake are the weakest for me because the writing is so WTH?)

    I didn't understand why Coulson didn't send just the women after Lorelei, or at least give Ward some earplugs.

    If Ward has to be in love with someone other than May, please let it be Simmons. Putting Ward together with Skye would be so obvious, and completely without originality. I was happy when he started a FWB with May because it was unexpected and made sense, but now that Lorelei has said he's in love with someone else, and it's probably Skye, things just got very, very soapy,.

  45. People keep saying AoS should learn from Arrow. I say the Arrow writers should watch AoS and take notes on how to write women (namely: not as a bunch of planets revolving around the sun that is the hunky male lead). They were all awesome in this episode. Lady Sif was so graceful, intelligent and badass (I expected a powerful Asgardian warrior to lord it all over the human SHIELD agents so it was nice to see that she was kind to them). Lorelei was delightfully wicked, spoiled and narcissistic. Simmons and Skye had a cute little moment together and the usually timid Simmons showing some major backbone by standing up to Coulson about the GH23 was hardcore. Skye taking Coulson's news in stride but still agreeing to team with him to find out the truth. And of course, May in her usual stoic, cool, calculated badassery.
    The whole episode was great. I love pissed!Coulson deciding that he wants answers and he wants them NOW, and the team-up with Skye that could create conflict with the other team members (although I sense that their exclusion won't last long). As usual, great interactions between all of the team members who feel more and more like a family with every passing episode. Really neat fight scenes, and we gots lots of 'em this time around. The interaction between Sif and Lorelei was interesting and added texture to both characters; if what Lorelei said about the manner of her imprisonment was true, I have to admit I feel sorry for her, and Sif's "good soldier" mentality could be a weakness in some ways. Fitz under Lorelei's influence was priceless - Ian's comedic timing is dead-on - and Coulson pretending to also be, haha. That was great. About May listening in on the Skye/Coulson convo in the end - I really don't want her to turn out to be a traitor (she's my favorite character), but great, unexpected twist nontheless.
    The only thing I didn't like was that, as others have already noted, they didn't just send an all-female team after Lorelei or at least give the male agents earplugs when they know full well that men are powerless against her. That lack of common sense to facilitate the plot is annoying. Sif, May and a few female SHIELD agents for backup could've handled Lorelei and her brainwashed lackeys.
    The show keeps getting better and better, I'm so glad I didn't quit after the initial mediocre episodes.

  46. I've never seen anything between Ward and May, I was really surprised when they started seeing each other. Like you I see much more with Ward and Skye.

  47. They definitely shouldn't put a new show up against NCIS


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