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POLL : What did you think of The Americans - Cardinal?

6 Mar 2014

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  1. More Philip and Elizabeth would've been better. Liked the episode overall. Miss them when not together.

  2. Martha better only be sick and not pregnant. We don't need that at all. I feel so bad for Elizabeth that she's this paranoid. And don't get a gun!

    And Paige needs to stop.

  3. I already 95% dislike Martha. If they get her pregnant they will have me full-fledged rooting for her death in every episode. That is the last thing I am interested in seeing. I really want to see more of the family together and more of P/E together. The missions are interesting, but everything has felt very disjointed the past two episodes, without enough slow, emotional scenes to slow things down and tie them together. The one with P/E at the end was really nice, as was Philip coming home because he could hear in her voice she needed him, but they were apart most of the episode.

  4. How amazing is Nina? Like her official reports are so formal and then it cuts to her scenes with Stan, great stuff. Loved all the paranoia from Elizabeth and her helping out that younger agent.

  5. having a 103 fever doesn't really scream pregnant lol


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