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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 10.18 - You Be Illin' - Promotional Photos

18 Mar 2014

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  1. Aw, April and Jackson.

  2. i have a bad feeling about this... there is too much love between the two and Shonda always goes from that to worst in a blink.

  3. YES! Jackson and April episode stills! Japril love!!!

  4. Wonder if it's just a red herring to throw us off... I'm not from the US, and one thing I noticed watching US dramas is that unlike in any other country's dramas, when a 'happy couple' is shown on screen, it's usually a bad sign in US dramas. (Shudder)

  5. Yes bitch! Japril is giving me my entire life!

  6. So will it be Jackson or April to be in danger in the season finale? Lol.

  7. Jenn_FiveDollarShake18 March 2014 at 16:14

    Am I the only one who thinks April and Jackson do not deserve to be happy? The way they went about things was incredibly selfish and cruel. If they would have acted like adults, I'd like them, but now I only want to see some karma in-play.

  8. everyone on this show has acted selfish at some point, they're human

  9. Most likely April. She's the only one who hasn't had her NDE yet and the timing is "ideal". Jackson is so smitten and they look insanely happy, they're gonna pull the rug out from under him and it's gonna hurt like a bitch.

  10. Polina Rumenova19 March 2014 at 12:45

    Nearly death experience I guess.

  11. Near Death Experience. ;)

  12. Yeah agreed. April had her 'omg he almost died and I realised how much I love him' moment in last season finale so it might be Jackson's turn this time around.

  13. Doesn't the almost shooting count as a NDE moment in the season 6 finale?

  14. No because she wasn't physically hurt whereas Derek was. I was thinking something like Meredith's countless drownings and explosions and almost dying on the table from giving birth. :)

  15. Love those episodes lol


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