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USD POLL : Who is your favourite IT nerd on a TV show?

18 Feb 2014

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by R Vassilissa who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?
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You can vote for 2 Options.


  1. Nice Poll!
    For me it's clearly Birkhoff and Felicity.
    Just mentioning for completeness: Eric (NCIS LA) and McGee (NCIS).

  2. #1 Birfkoff (La Femme Nikita)
    #2 Skye (Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

  3. Maurice Moss.
    Hit up the IT crowd on Youtube. His hairstyle alone wins.

  4. I voted for Felicity, because she started so quiet in Arrow but she knew the time to shine. I love her character. And I voted for Nolan Ross, but, just because what he did in season one; he used to be my favorite character on Revenge, but the creator messed up with the script and the character in season 2. Now, in season 3, I can see a little of his old characteristics. I hope the show can bring the old Nolan back. He was so much more interesting.

  5. Felicity adn then other - Maurice Moss from the IT crowd. he always makes me laugh.

  6. Nolan and Chuck, Felicity was about to make it to the list, but I just couldn't leave out Nolan and Chuck

  7. When I hear the word "IT" only the two greatest IT nerds on tv come to mind. Roy and Moss.

  8. On Castle, that hot lady who Espozito chats up all the time

    Garcia from Criminal Minds is a close second

  9. Love all the IT nerds ;) Hard to pick. Let's say... Chuck and Birkhoff.

  10. Other: Maurice Moss.

  11. Felicity and Nolan!

  12. Hardison from Leverage and Other - Morris from the IT Crowd

  13. Huck on Scandal and JT on Beauty and the Beast

  14. Easy one........Lost Girl's Dr. Lauren "Hot Body" Lewis! According to her succubus lover Bo ".........the smartest person in the universe........."! Her "Geek - Out/Speak" moments are a turn on and her "ForePlay" is outstanding.........according to Bo. 4 EVER, Nobody!!!

  15. Thart's a tough one... From this list i had to go with Chuck.
    Not included in this list Roy and Moss from The IT Crowd.

  16. Felicity and Chuck hands down.

  17. Felicityyyy for sure

  18. ha, you are a mind reader, this is what I was going to say and who I voted for, love both the NCIS guys.

  19. What about Penelope Garcia, from Criminal Minds? I really love her.
    But, with only 2 options, I had to go with Chuck and Felicity.

  20. Felicity, Skye and Topher are my favorites

  21. Birkhoff, JT from BatB and Felicity!

  22. Of the ones listed then Chuck and Nolan. Others include Willow (Buffy) she was an IT Nerd before it was considered cool!

  23. You could add to that list Chloe Sullivan (Smallville). Oh I miss this show so much!!! =)

  24. Skye and Other: Chloe O'Brian and Penelope Garcia.

  25. Alec Hardison by far for me. Man do I miss Leverage. We really need a movie.

  26. Chuck from the list, and Birkoff, but from La Femme Nikita, I haven't watched the new Nikita yet, so I don't know about BirkHoff.

  27. Chuck Bartowski. Not only was he an excellent hacker, and nerd herder, but he held a supercomputer in his brain (several actually), saved the world three times, was a badass spy, turned two of the worlds coldest most dangerous spies into softies, won Sarah Walker's heart, help a little girl tape her ballet recital, and perhaps most of all: stopped WW3 using missile command. To quote Captain Awesome himself, Chuck Bartowski is, "outstanding."

  28. Voted for Felicity and Topher. More people should check out Dollhouse, it really is a great show.

    Others include Garcia from Criminal Minds, Root from Person of Interest (not a stereotypical IT nerd but still), Angela from Bones, Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Chloe from 24.

  29. Topher, Felicity and Nolan are my favorite from the list. Now for me these are also great TV nerds: Abed from Community, Mac from Veronica Mars, Willow from Buffy, Angela from Bones, Chloe from 24...

  30. Only "Other" for me...Eric & Nell from NCIS: LA

  31. I was thinking of submitting a poll like this. :)

    Voted for Nolan and Other - Birkhoff from Nikita. Honorable mention: Felicity.

  32. My two choices are Nolan and Other - Amar (The Blacklist).

  33. Topher Brink and Charlie Bradbury.

  34. From the list above , Felicity is my fav nerd, but...
    I would add Alec Sadler from Continnum and Mac from Veronica Mars much, much higher!
    I would rate Birkoff from La Femme Nikita above them all. However...

    My favorite by far is one that does not really fit in the IT nerd category as most people think of it perhaps... Harold Finch!

    As a rule I loathe the stereotyping of tech support agents on TV, but I really hate the agents that have more jobs allocated to them than one person would ever do in reality. Chemical analysis, ballistics, and the like generally do not fall ito tech support parameters! XD

  35. None from the list, for me its Howard Wolowitz who seems like the one always fixing IT problems on TBBT

  36. Bonus points for showing the original (and superior) Birkoff some love!

  37. Love the poll. Felicity and Haridison for me.. Age of the Geek baby!!!

  38. Hardison and Birkhoff for sure! But I did love Henry when Sanctuary was on!

  39. Well we often think alike, so I'm not surprised. :D
    Btw Birkhoff from Nikita is on the list, why did you vote for Other? Did you mean Birkoff from La Femme Nikita?

  40. why is Penelope not on here? Criminal Minds, hands down!

  41. Thank you :) If only Aldis Hodge would guest-star on Arrow and be in a scene with Felicity... That'd be so fun!

  42. Voted for Felicity and Hardison from the the list.
    Not on the list, Alec Sadler - Continuum

  43. I want Felicity to blow some place up like Hardison did to Leverage head quarters in season 1. Aldis Hodge and EBR on the same screen. I will fangirl for days. How cool that will be.

  44. Felicity hands down. For other I want to say Raj, Tbbt.

  45. Another nice USD poll.
    I vote for Nolan and Felicity from this list.

  46. None from the list.
    My "other" votes:
    Claudia - Warehouse 13
    Toby - Primeval: New World

  47. Felicity and Nolan :)

  48. Oh heck, I'm totally blind. Added a vote for the actual Birkhoff option, then. :) Thanks for pointing that out.

  49. I watched the Dollhouse pilot, didn't really get into it, eventually decided to give it another shot and watched the next 3 episodes... still wasn't enthralled (loved Ballard, though). I did hear some people say it gets much better, though. Would you recommend picking it back up?

  50. So glad we got 2 votes, Felicity and them both.

  51. Same here...sad to see Hardison so low though.

  52. Felicity and Chuck, very easily.

  53. The Master of the IT Nerd: Harold Finch... Wren... Swift...

    The Dark Side of the IT Nerd: Root

  54. Penelope from Criminal minds

  55. Felicity,

    And I voted other for Garcia (Criminal Minds)

  56. I went with Felicity Smoak for Arrow because she's just awesome...the only thing better than her intelligence is her constant awkwardness which makes her just so freakin' adorable:)

    i also selected OTHER going for Aram from The Blacklist. i have no idea why but i've always adored him...he's almost a guy Felicity..uncomfortable in social situations but the go-to-guy for electronics.

  57. I chose Felicity and Nolan. Birkhoff from Nikita would have been my 3rd pick.

  58. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F18 February 2014 at 19:40

    Mcgee NCIS he does all the computer stuff/hacking/etc

  59. thx he always was my fav. glad someone notice

  60. I loved how he was a real person and not some caricature like most techies on TV.

  61. Gopher and Chuck with Felicty a very close 3rd.

  62. Other: Chloe on '24' and Aram on 'The Blacklist'

  63. Absolutely. It doesn't truly pick up until episode 6 or so, but everything from the back half of season 1 through the season 2 finale is amazing. I wasn't that into the show at first either, but I kept watching and saw a complex, intriguing narrative unfold. I highly recommend picking it back up, you'll be hooked by the end of season 1.

  64. Nolan Ross and Felicity Smoak.

  65. A tiny bit of me wanted Richard Ayoade to be the next Doctor. A little because of his hair, but also he's great.

  66. Has anyone mentioned A from PLL? Because wow, they may be evil, but they are REALLY good with hacking networks (and destroying lives, of course)

  67. Nolan Ross, of course!

  68. Hes more a director now than an Actor. Or rather I think he prefers to direct now than act. Although he does still pop up in strange roles, but year I wanted him as the Doctor also. Although Im very happy getting Peter Capardi.

  69. Birkhoff (Nikita). He was so funny.

  70. Hands down Penelope Garcia.

  71. Winafred Burkle ,Angel

  72. Totally watch it Alex, Dollhouse is one of the best shows ever

  73. Chloe Sullivan nu 1 for me then Chuck and Felicity

  74. Oooh, Mac! I love her! And she's kind of edgy and sarcastic in a way these characters don't tend to be.

    On that note, I think calling the poll "IT nerd" (rather than just "IT expert" or something like that) narrows it down too much. Because the amazing Harold Finch isn't really a nerd. And Skye from AoS, who is on the list, definitely isn't - the nerds on that show are FitzSimmons who specialize in engineering and bio-chemistry, respectively, rather than computers.

  75. Zack Addy and Vincent Nigel Murray from Bones.
    Finch from POI
    McGee from NCIS
    Carter from Stargate sg-1
    Walter Bishop - FRINGE

  76. I am sad Hardison is low on the poll. Leverage was so entertaining. I hope we get a movie. I loved all of the cast.

  77. I keep hoping people will discover it through marathons or something and it will become a cult hit. I like to keep hope alive.

  78. Chuck, Felicity and Skye ! :)

  79. Seymour Birkhoff and NolanRoss

  80. Tbh, I used the term 'nerd' simply as a reference to "Chuck", as in Nerd Herd. What I meant was that the characters listed do not just possess exceptional IT skills, but that they are particularly smart and passionate about what they do. I intended the poll to be about that narrow category.
    Anyway, feel free to submit separate polls about favourite nerd and favourite IT expert if you like, there are some good suggestions in the comments to add in both categories. :)

  81. If you meant a specific niche, then that's fine. I guess I just tend to throw all the computer geniuses on TV in the same boat. :)

  82. Felicity and Birkhoff!! Also liked how Birkhoff learned to fight so he wasn't the weak IT nerd but he could actually defend himself.

  83. Penelope Garcia is the only acceptable answer for me.

  84. Samantha Petrelli23 February 2014 at 00:23

    I love all the IT nerds!!!

  85. Went with Felicity & Hardison.
    Honourable mention to Chuck & Skye
    How did Harold Finch from POI not make this list?

  86. OMG, I didn't even think about Walter Bishop (Fringe), and completely forgot about Samantha Carter (Stargate: SG-1). I love both of those characters!

  87. You listed all of my picks. For me, #1 is Felicity, then the others in no particular order - Finch, Birkhoff, and Sadler.


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