Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Twisted - Episode 1.15 - Danny Indemnity - Sneak Peek 2

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Twisted - Episode 1.15 - Danny Indemnity - Sneak Peek 2

28 Feb 2014

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Thanks to Samy for the heads up.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes. So many thoughts here:
    - I really hope Twisted doesn't start making Jo jealous of Rico and the attention he's giving his girlfriend. We just got past Rico's pining. Let's not ruin that.
    - They're trying way too hard to make Rico and his girl some sort of awkward nerd super-couple.
    - This new kid is creepy as hell even when he's trying to be charming. The guy has serial killer written all over him. I would hope no one would fall for his shtick but someone is always being gullible on this show so I have my doubts.
    - What an odd pick for a sneak peek - a long clip that's equal parts awkward and creepy.


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