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The Vampire Diaries - Season 5 - Caroline Dries (EP) Interviews

27 Feb 2014

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Thanks to LuxAeterna for the heads up.

TV Guide Interview here
TV Line Interview here


  1. Katherine trying to sleep with Stefan while pretending to be Elena is not remotely sexy. It's very problematic.The fact that she think the writing sounds like fan-fiction is not a good thing at all.

    Why does she feel the need to force some sort of Tyler/Caroline friendship? They're not obligated to have to be friends with each other. A lot of people break-up and don't remain friends with their exes - it's so weird that the writers feel like everyone on this show has to remain friends after a break-up (Stefan & Elena, Matt & Elena, Matt & Caroline, and now Tyler & Caroline as well).

  2. TVLINE | Any chance for another crossover with The Originals before the end of the season?
    I don’t think we have anything in the works right now. There’s something special we’re trying to do, but I don’t know if it’s going to pan out, so I won’t spoil it.

    This little tidbit has me on the edge of my seat. What special something can they possible have in mind? All i can think of is that someone is crossing over to TO permanently. Please be Bonnie.

  3. We hardly ever agree on anything but in this case we're completely in sync. Caroline shouldn't have to feel guilty or apologize for her liaison with Klaus. If anyone tries, she should tell them to go to hell.

  4. Very well said!!

  5. I'm definitely reading between the lines with these interviews (not an exact science by any means) but this is what I'm getting:
    - The traumatic event with Katherine screws Elena up even more than she already is and she eventually takes or wants Damon back which will likely confuse and piss off most of the people around her.
    - Caroline 'closing the book' on Klaus and Stefan potentially feeling a 'sense of relief' of not having to involve himself with Elena again will pave the way for the Stefan/Caroline thing a segment of the fandom has been clamoring for and that TVD has been seemingly hinting at lately.

    I don't have problems with any of this as long as people like Bonnie & Jeremy don't let Elena and Damon off easy for any of this and Stefan's unwavering loyalty to his brother causes problems for him and Caroline if they choose to go that way with those two.

  6. Klaus certainly need a poweful witch on his side to screw those Bit... witches there... but Bonnie being Bonnie i dont think she will go there anytime soon at least Elena ask!

  7. Davina will definitely come back to life tough.

  8. But Klaus KILLED Tyler's mother! She should feel terrible! She should regret her actions and spend every second of her life trying to get Tyler to forgive her!

    That will pretty much be every response you'll get from Forwood shippers and Tyler fans. I just thought I'd pre-empt the inevitable. I actually agree with you two.

  9. Bonnie could be torn between protecting the general witch population from being killed off by originals and used by vengeful witches.
    I don't see anyone else from MF going over permanently, even Tyler.
    Maybe Matt, but it would be the worst, and MF needs its token human

  10. Yes but she is Marcel's lapdog. All he needs to do is give a grand speech about the two of them being survivors and she starts protecting him again.

  11. oh yeah of course but another one to help wont be that bad altho i kind of want Genevieve to remain alive, i liked her more than the Sabine/Celeste girl i dunno why but i want her in more episodes

  12. Genevieve maybe? She can stick around for a while. It didn't seem like she had any real issues with Klaus (in fact it seemed like she was sort of into him in 1919 even though he had no idea who she was) and was really only out to get revenge against Rebekah regarding the Mikael-thing. Both Genevieve & Klaus are pretty anti-Rebekah (right now) over that incident so I could see them maybe working together.

    I don't think Bonnie will go anywhere. She never really got along with any of the Originals and she's not even a witch anymore so the only thing she'd be able to do is chit-chat with ghosts of dead people.

  13. Genevieve is great, and she is truly interesting person because she was helping people in hospital risking getting sick (it takes a lot of gut and kindness) but also she is not a boring cliche goody two shoes because she was lusting after Klaus;) So she is a multidimentional character.
    which means she is not long for this world because julie likes killing off guest characters with a lo of potential and then struggle with remaining characters.

  14. Well...I for one am still hoping that Marcel has his head ripped off by either Elijah or Klaus.

    Davina opened up to Elijah before so I could see her kinda becoming a part of the family trough him

  15. And Damon & Stefan killed Vicki (Damon turned her, Stefan staked her) - Matt's sister. Caroline dated Matt as well and was the person who stumbled on Vicki's grave but she hangs out with the Salvatores all the time and has never been the least bit phased that they murdered her boyfriend's sister so I found it totally in-character for her to get over Carol Lockwood's murder.

  16. It felt so off to me that Elijah didn't kill Marcel in the last episode. In the pilot episode he was all for killing Marcel and now that he's found out Marcel took part in luring Mikael to town in order to kill Klaus (and thus resulting in Elijah having to leave as well) he's decided to save his life? It makes no sense to me.

  17. you know what im hating on the show RN is how the Stefan/Elena/Damon is working, im already sick of them trying to screw those relationships. One season she is all happy with Stefan and then she is all in love with Damon, then she still loves Stefan but no she preffers Damon, now she wont be with Damon once she discovers he killed the Whitmore guy and where is she gonna go for confort, im pretty sure it wont be Matt..... even Damon or Stefan have broken up with her just for the sake of the other brother so why is she diferent from Katherine¿? she is playing with both brothers and dont know what to do.. diference is Katherine loves Stefan to the point that she is all Psyco about him....

    Caroline feeling sorry for what she did with Klaus is stupid, she clearly enjoyed that moment and if it werent for Tyler`s came back she wouldnt feel a pin of regret, i know Klaus kill his mom and everything but Klaus was warming up to her as she was to him but now they are saying she just wanted a good F*** basically they are saying Caroline is a who** just like Tyler said she was.

    The whole Damon being on crazy mode... been there done that with Stefan already... tell me something new

  18. he didnt killed him cause of what he means to Rebekah, he knows Rebekahh kind of likes the guy and in order to being on her good side he let him live... that`s what i think...

  19. But that would have been just as true back at the beginning of the season. It's obviously been going on dating back to when Marcel was human and Klaus has been aware of what was going on the entire time so I find it completely unbelievable that Elijah was in the dark about something that had been going on in front of his face for 100 years.

  20. Marcel's entire existance makes no sense to me. I am supposed to believe that just because Klaus took him in as a boy he will continue forgiving all sorts of betrayal from him? We are talking about the same guy who daggered his siblings for talking back to him, killed tyler's and kat's families, and now is coming after his own sister with a weapon also because they betrayed him. He didn't forgive them but he will continue forgiving this little piece of ungrateful s**t jst because he watched him grow up? His siblings also grew up with him so what?
    I am supposed to believe that Marcel is special enough for Klaus to repeatedly forgive him but not let him be with his sister?

  21. I don't think it has anything to do with slut-shaming. I swear that term gets overused. It has more to do with how people feel about Klaus, who is a very polarizing character. Caroline is one of my favorite characters, whereas I find klaus to be absolutely vile. i can usually find certain redeeming qualities in nearly every other character in the vampire diaries, but I see none in Klaus. Caroline is wayyyyy too good for Klaus and given everything he's done, it really doesn't fit for Caroline to want to sleep with him. Had she slept with anyone else I wouldn't have felt the fact I would have been happy for her. I think people's opinion of this also has a lot to do with how they feel regarding the Klaus and Tyler feud. Some people think Tyler had it coming with klaus and others like myself think see Tyler as the victim and thus find it sad that the person he cares for the most would sleep with the one person who ruined his life. It's hard for me to find any other parallel, because there's no other character I dislike more than klaus? Even Stefan with Katherine didn't bother me that much because they have a strong history and also because Elena had dumped him for Damion. In contrast, Tyler and Caroline broke up with each other because of klaus, so for Caroline to hook up with klaus afterwards just felt like kicking Tyler when he was down. And had the genders been reversed, I would have felt the same.

    I generally get an unpleasant visceral reaction when anyone sleeps with Klaus.

  22. the way i see it, Elijah wants to be with remain of his family in good terms so bad that he is capable on forgiving what he`s done (luring Mikael) of course they all knew how Rebekah and Marcell felt for each other back there so i believe at first Elijah didnt know if Rebekah still had feelings for him and now that they have spent more time in NO he saw those feelings had not change and maybe that why he did not kill him.... is kind of confusing but i think that`s why

  23. that's all about Rebekah, she brought Mikael in FOR him. Elijah might have been ready to kill Marcel but he knows that he's the only Mikaelson not to care for that little prick. Klaus loves Marcel like a son and Rebekah like a lover...if he killed him he might've caused more misery at that time

  24. I guess I feel like Caroline & Tyler's relationship never had any substance to it and they were bound to break-up either way. It just always seemed like on of those high-school relationships that falls apart as soon as high school ends. All they ever did was hook-up, they never really had any meaningful conversations or really seemed to get the other's POV.

    Caroline talked Klaus into handing over a friend of Tyler's so that Jeremy could kill him (in order to "save" Elena from the Hunter's Curse) and she just couldn't understand at all why Tyler would be upset and angry that his friend was killed because obviously for Caroline (and most of the rest of the characters) they'd sacrifice just about anyone's life to save Elena whereas Tyler doesn't have an Elena-centric worldview so they were bound to clash on that at some point. I think Caroline has always been more loyal towards Stefan (and by extension Damon) & Elena than she has been to Tyler.

  25. Well, I'm unhappy that anyone is even entertaining the idea of continuing Delena after that killing rampage, but I'm relieved that the book has been closed on Klaroline by more than one person now. I love the idea of a crossover, but not just to have characters have sex for shippers' benefit.


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