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The Blacklist - Season 1 - New Promo - What Is the Truth?

12 Feb 2014

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  1. If he isn't her father then his obsession with her is super creepy.

  2. I'm sure he is her father. I just think the show wants to keep this tension in the story until the season finale. I love this show. Best new show!!!

  3. Well, if viewers weren't questioning the honesty behind the answer Red gave to Lizzie when she asked "are you my father?" then they certainly have reason to now. I'm guessing the answer goes beyond biology and isn't as simple as just 'yes' or 'no.'

  4. You say that as if the only two options here are 'father' or 'creepy stalker.' There's a huge amount of space to explore between those two choices and coming to a conclusion like that without any context is premature to say the least.

  5. You get the sense that Red would sacrifice his life for her, and when he talked to her adoptive father he spoke about her with such pride and affection for who she was. If he isn't her father then why is this typically self-interested person acting this way? He even disapproves of the guy she's seeing, it doesn't get more fatherly than that.

  6. 'Why?' is the right question. Without an explanation, or any background whatsoever, making judgments about his behavior toward her is a bit hollow at best.

  7. Of course its hollow, I'm just making a prediction based on what they have shown of their relationship so far. It will either be confirmed or denied as the show moves forward. What's wrong with that? Isn't the whole point of the comments section so you can theorize and speculate about what's going to happen next on your favourite TV shows. You make it sound like I'm doing something wrong.

  8. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. What's wrong with challenging someone's ideas to further conversation?

  9. Ok fair enough, I was being a bit defensive. In the spirit of furthering the conversation can you suggest an alternative explanation for Red's intense interest in Liz that wouldn't make him super creepy.

  10. I've thought about it plenty and most answers I've come up with are murky at best.

    The theory I keep coming back to is that Red had a run-in with Liz' father during his business dealings and drove him from her life. Red felt remorse about it because of what happened with his own family and took it upon himself to look after Liz. However, none of that explains Red's comments about Elizabeth's abilities, what she's capable of, and how important she is. That stuff suggests something else is going on with Elizabeth that is completely separate from the family issue.

  11. That's an interesting thought. If he isn't her father than he must have wronged her in some way: that would be the only way to explain his feeling of obligation towards her. My theory is that Red has two daughters. Lucy Brooks is the one we saw in that flashback and the second is Liz. Red has an affair with Liz's mother resulting in Liz, the "father" finds out, and as retaliation for his family being destroyed he kills Red's wife and kidnaps his daughter Lucy Brooks. There would probably have to be another element to make his response more believable. Like maybe he was working with Red at the Navy but also secretly working for this mysterious organisation that Alan Alda's character is a part of.

    For the record I'm not set in stone on this theory, it's just my wildest speculation. It would explain his interest in Liz and Lucy Brooks and it would also explain why he left the Navy to become a traitor/criminal.

  12. You're theory is just as good as mine. Neither of us have much to work with. We should find out who Lucy Brooks/Jolene is sooner rather than later now that she's infiltrated Tom's life posing as a substitute teacher.

  13. I think it's not a cliche. It's just logical. He isn't a maniac. I think he didn't tell her the truth yet, because this could be her death, because he is hated by so many peolpe. And when they discover that he has a daughter, that he has this weakness, they will make his life miserable. He will lie until there is no choice. If the show has another story, it will has to be a very plausible one. That's what I think.

  14. He could be her uncle, or related to her bio father OR bio mother in a bunch of ways. Maybe the parents both died in the fire, and Red had the other guy whose name I can't remember off the top of my head right now foster her. I think that red definitely has a past with someone related to Liz.

    Is there agreement that Lucy is his daughter? I had assumed that his wife and daughter had been found dead and then he disappeared. Although I guess his wife could be dead and Lucy was missing.

  15. I think Lucy is either connected to Red's past or he used ViCAP to track Lucy down and hire her to expose Tom. I'm not ready to say she's his daughter quite yet though.

  16. That makes complete sense. According to a spoiler somewhere she may actually be connected to a Blacklister?? So who knows. It'll be great to see the new episodes.

  17. And it is NOT logical. It's ignoring the facts the show gave us. Red doesn't know what happened to his family, he confessed as much in the last episode in his confrontation with Fowler. He wants that truth more than anything in the world. But he has known about Liz all this time. He wouldn't need an answer to what happened to his daughter if he were already working the Blacklist with her.

  18. Brittany Scarlett Beach19 February 2014 at 07:12

    Finally, I agree. I am glad I am not the only one who sees it this way.

  19. How about his sister is Liz's mother?

  20. Red even tells us its more complicated than just a simple yes or no


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