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Teen Wolf - 3.18 - Riddled - Podcast, Poll and Death Speculation

17 Feb 2014

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Hi and welcome back to our podcast.  It's half the length this time, so more like it will be in the future.  We'd love to get your feedback and any answers you might have for the questions I pondered at the end.  Here's is a shortcut to all the things we talked about in the podcast.  Also, giving the huge spoiler news that came out about tonight's episode, our poll today is Who do you think will die?  You can find it below along with my ideas about the odds of each character dying.  I hope you join in the discussion with your own theories.  The poll will close at 9 CST time though so no hints from the episode itself.  Happy Moonday!


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My Predictions for the Main Character Death

Lydia - 0%

Cons - If we take the spoiler on face value, that the character who dies will not be coming back in any form, then Lydia cannot die. It's already been confirmed that she has a main story line in season 4.

Scott - 5%

Cons - He is the main character and it is very hard to see them killing him off midseason. Plus, why give him the true alpha storyline just to have him die? I can't see this ever happening to be honest.

Deaton / Coach - 25%

Pros: Neither character gets much screen time but all the characters know them. They could create dramatic tension in the story without their presence being much missed plot-wise.

Cons: Neither of them fit the criteria of the spoiler since neither is a main character. Other than that, I would say they were cannon fodder.

Melissa - 30%

Pros - She has gotten a lot of screen time lately, which makes her ripe for the picking. Plus her death would be felt by almost every character, leading to far-reaching story development. However the biggest pro for her is that she's a parent, and the only one who would not leave behind an orphaned kid.

Cons - While parents are always an easy kill, it would be harder to kill off these parents than in most shows. It could be that they brought DoucheDad on so they could kill Melissa, but it would be a huge mistake.  People hate him enough and these kids are basically motherless already. I'm also not sure that even this new, darker Teen Wolf would have Stiles kill his best friend's mom.

Allison - 35%

Pros - Since they killed off her role as star-crossed love interest, the writers don't seem to know what to do with Allison. She has no major continuing plot right now, so if they were ever going to kill her off, this would be the time.

Cons - She's the main female role in a show that has been criticized for always killing off the females. She has a lot of interesting story to explore, especially if they go the route of her becoming the matriarch of the Argent line. Plus, you can NEVER have too many kick butt females.

Stiles - 40%

Pros: Dylan O'Brien's acting career is red hot right now. By leaving Teen Wolf, he would have ample time to pursue other jobs.

Cons: Stiles is by far the fandom favorite of Teen Wolf characters. His death would likely have a major backlash. Plus, Jeff Davis already said that season 4 will only have 12 episodes, so that would not cut too much into Dylan O'Brien's other pursuits. Besides, they would be far more likely to have him move, a la Jackson, than kill him off and prevent future appearances.

Argent - 50%

Pros: Argent is the most likely parent to be in the big fight, which means he has a bigger target. He has also gone against the Oni before so his knowledge pretty much guarantees he'll be there for the big showdown. By losing Argent, the pack would lose its best knowledge source so we'd again have the mentor dying, so popular in Boy King story lines. Plus, Argent is not in as many episodes these days as Melissa.

Cons: Allison already lost her mother on this show and it feels redundant to do it again. Also, they would lose access to the best weapons they have. I see Argent dying at some point in Teen Wolf, but this feels way too early. If he had been in the last episode, his chances would be higher in my opinion.

Sheriff - 60%

Pros: They have been positioning Melissa as a substitute mother for Stiles and most of the fandom want Scott and Stiles to officially be brothers. If she adopts Stiles, they will be. Plus Sheriff is the parent that usually has the least amount of screen time. They have been building the idea that Sheriff will soon be out of a job, so the primary benefit he brings to the pack will be negated if that happens.

Cons: He's the only parent Stiles has left and again, having Stiles kill his own dad would be more dark than I expect Teen Wolf to go. They also spent too much time in the sheriff getting impeached storyline if they are just going to kill him off. Plus if Stiles really does have frontotemporal dementia, they won't go that route if his father has just died. This isn't the pit of despair.

Peter - 65%

Pros: While they set Peter up as a bad guy at the end of 3A, they have done zero to further this plot. Plus Peter hasn't even been on screen since he was being tortured with Derek. Currently he has NO storyline so his presence would not affect the plot at all.

Cons: His death would have the least amount of fall out. No one likes him so it wouldn't change much at all. Also he has the potential to be the most personal villain Teen Wolf has ever had. I doubt they toss that away when it gains them so little.

Danny - 70%

Pros: Danny is the sweetest character we have, which means his death would pack a punch. We know he is in tonight's episode. Since Danny is always on the peripheral, it could make him expendable.

Cons: Danny is not what I would call a main character, similar to Deaton and Coach. He is the most recognizable gay character, which would likely cause backlash.

Alpha Twins - 70%

Pros: They are really just on the show to take off their shirts and add to the action. Of all the werewolves, they would be the least missed. If only one of them died, that would catapult the other into an actual storyline.

Cons: Why keep them in 3B if you were just going to kill them off? They could have easily followed Deucalion wherever he went.

Derek - 80%

Pros: Derek's instant competency in all things actually makes him a better candidate than he would have been in 3A. It feels like they are building him up in importance to Scott out of nowhere, which is a great way to add tension in a character death. After all, we never knew any of Boyd's back story until the episode before they killed him. Plus everyone knows that the wise old mentor (Dumbledore if you will) always gets killed off to cause character growth in the main character, and they don't really seem to know what to do with the character as a whole. I could definitely see Derek sacrificing himself to save Scott, especially after his line to the Alpha Twins about dying for Scott.

Cons: Derek is also wildly popular in the fandom and Scott really does need a mentor. There is still a lot to explore on the Hale side and Peter makes a much better enemy if he is going against both Scott and Derek together.

Isaac - 85%

Pros: Isaac is the most likely to be killed for me because he really has no special skill or standing in the pack. Sure he is loyal but he's this season's Boyd. Even his snarking role has been taken over by Aiden. Story wise, of all the main characters, he is the most dispensable.

Cons: There is his romance with Allison, which is pretty much his only character arc right now. Plus, after killing off Boyd last year, killing off Isaac now could be redundant.

Shameless Plug -

Don't forget to subscribe to the Welcome to Beacon Hills podcast on iTunes, check out all the greatr podcasts at Southgate Media Group, and read my recap of Riddled on SpoilerTV.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group, and guests on ArrowCast for DVMPE. Right now she is creating a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."


  1. I don´t want either of them to die :( Especially Derek and Isaac.

  2. It doesn't matter who they will kill. I'll be a wreck anyway. *to invested in this stupid shows about teenage werewolfs*

  3. I don't want anyone but Gerard to die, but I do think they have too big of a cast right now and they need to do something. It's a bold choice to kill off a main character at anytime, but especially in the middle of the year instead of a season cliffhanger. I am quite surprised they are doing this.

  4. You and the whole fandom. :-) I can't believe how attached I am to this show and its characters. It is going to be harsh tonight.

  5. It´s always bad when show has so many likable characters, you just want them all to stay alive :D

  6. I kind of wish there would be a spin-off so I can still have all the characters I love and there would be more screen time for each of them too.

  7. Haha, let´s not kill anybody, just put them to spin-off. I like it :D Well, The Originals made it :D

  8. Unless we're just supposed to assume Derek joined Scott's pack when he came back, Isaac is the only wolf in the pack right now. I really hope they're not going to pull some, Scott's such a special werewolf he can draw power from a human pack. Killing off an abused character never sits well with me, they're always the one I want to see get a happy ending more than anyone. One of Derek's 'kids' needs to get the better life they were promised.

  9. absolutely ANYONE but Isaac:( he is by far my favorite next to Stiles(and lets be honest here he's not dying). i would be upset for any of the others because i do like them all, but i will cry like a baby if it's Isaac:(

  10. your forgetting that jeff davis said that "they may have to remake the intro" after the death of one of their characters. Which leaves only 5 people. Scott, Stiles, Derek, Allison, Lydia.

  11. and i think the most comical death would be Coach getting killed by greenberg.

  12. Very painful, indeed.It feels like it's Derek for me, so I'm just really hoping it's not. Only other options I consider are Isaac, Allison and Peter. And honestly, I don't like it at all. Would so much rather see the Twins (or at least one of them) gone. But mostly Gerard. I can't believe that guy's still alive. But it wouldn't be a MAIN character then, I guess.
    As for the others, I can't imagine Stiles being killed off (there would be riots!) and Scott and Lydia are pretty much safe.
    Oh, this is gonna be so hard to watch!

  13. Errr.. you need to separate out the Alpha Twins? Kill one of them. Much more emotional impact

  14. kill aiden. hes a douche.

  15. I feel like Allison will be the death - she seems to be the popular theory at the moment. I hate it, but I also can't see anyone else (other than the twins) dying.

  16. I am leaning towards Derek and hoping if it has to be someone big that it is Isaac. I know the fandom is leaning towards Allison but I think that would be too big and very much topple an unbalanced show as it is. I guess having Braeden come in would help a bit but I can't imagine Argent staying in Beacon Hills if Allison is dead and I really need him to stay.

  17. I think of spin-offs as a show's gift to me. Much, much better than killing everyone.

  18. I would throw a fit if true alphas use human power, but I do think that Derek and the twins could join Scott's pack if Isaac were to go. I am not good with killing off kids period, but that's kind of where this show has to go sometimes since that's the bulk of the cast.

  19. Storywise I think Isaac is the best character to kill off because he basically has no story and yet everyone is tied to him so there would be major fallout all over the place. However, I would very much miss his snark, accessories, and ability to say that absolute worst thing in any given moment. He makes me laugh.

  20. I am holding on to that "maybe" for dear life, but it is also what makes Derek a prime candidate for me.

  21. I am going to be very upset if Coach dies and we don't see Greenberg trying to revive him. Basically I want the last thing Coach says to be something nice or snarky to Greenberg. However, I really hope Coach doesn't die because he brings the funny in episodes that really need it.

  22. I agree that killing one Alpha Twin would be much more impactful, but for me they are interchangeable.

  23. I think they need to keep Aiden because for as douchey as he is, he's actually the more interesting. Aiden is likely to go off the handle and create a huge mess that everyone else has to clean up. The explosive energy, while douchey, is also more entertaining than yet another nice guy werewolf.

  24. She is definitely gaining momentum, but that would cause huge backlash. There have already been a lot of fan posts, etc. talking about the huge difference between male and female deaths on this show. Killing off Allison would be massive in this debate. I personally hope they avoid that. Not because I find Allison at all interesting right now, but because Teen Wolf is such a happy fandom usually and there is so much they can still do with Allison's character. Plus Argent is one of my favorite characters and killing Allison would either mean he leaves or he becomes Gerard, which is a great big NOOOOOOO!!!!!

  25. it could be one of those situations where Jeff Davis takes great delight in screwing with his clearly devoted fans.

  26. I agree. Scott could have killed for self-defense or to protect someone else and the fandom would think no less of him. I wish he had killed Deucalion to get his power because then I wouldn't have to fear that Duke would come back. He really needed to die. I am 100% up for Derek becoming an alpha again. I like Competent Derek and I'm sad they couldn't have made him competent as an alpha. Derek got shafted. I really hope there is a Derek spin-off with Lydia, similar to how Angel spun off Buffy. I would love for Derek to get an expanded role.

  27. I wouldn't doubt it. Jeff has become the new "Kriiiippkkeee!" for me. He pulls the strings and I become the puppet. If I didn't trust him to create such a great story, I'd be giving him the glare of death.

  28. He did need to die. If he ever does come back, it better be reformed, more like what Scott/Derek thought he used to be, than evil-killing.
    Derek definitely got shafted. He does seem happier as a beta for now but I have a hard time seeing it stay that way. A spin-off would be awesome and easy, with him being older than everyone maybe he decides to form a new pack elsewhere in all his alpha-improved glory.
    Sidenote: Isaac is not allowed to die. I still don't know who hired Braeden to rescue him and this is something I need to know before the show ends.

  29. This kind of sucks... I like Issac and stiles best (behind Scott) but issac seems like the most likely to die in this episode. It also sucks because he's one of the few werewolves in Scott's pack (and I think Scott needs more wolves in his pack, not less... Which is why I think he should let the twins join his pack)... I like Derek, and don't really want to see him go either, really...

    Basically, please don't kill any wolves... For a show called "teen wolf", there are too few of them right now...

  30. Dahne: Havnt they sorta replaced Allison to an extent with Kira? Allison has a harder edge (mainly due to family member loss) The impact of Allison's death on Scott would be massive

  31. I want it to be Allison because I've never overly liked her character, not that I want it to be any of them, but I'd rather it be her. Besides she's been the character with little plot this season, so it'd make sense.

  32. My guess is it could be Kira though

  33. No please, no deaths :( I'm so worried about Isaac and Derek.

  34. Morrell hired Braeden to save Isaac. It was said towards the end of 3B. I think Derek starting a new pack and learning to completely shift like his mother would be awesome.

  35. ha! I still can only tell which one they are when they speak. The snarky one is Aiden.

  36. Yes, they have as a love interest. I think she is still too untested to play the Warrior Chick. She has the strength and supernatural power but not the experience yet. I agree that Allison's death would have major consequences and not just for Scott.

  37. So, no deaths tonight. Whew! Of course that only leaves me anxious for next week. Oh Teen Wolf, what you do to me!

  38. I don't think we are getting that wish. It's too far away from April Fool's Day.

  39. "For a show called "teen wolf", there are too few of them"

    Very true. We went from having far too many wolves in 3A to very few now. A nice balance would be good.

  40. They have really shafted her this season. I thought that her working with her dad and training to be the matriarchal leader was going to be an amazing character arc for Allison but they seem to have dropped that. I hope they bring it back.

  41. The only reason why I don't think it is Kira is because Jeff Davis wanted a spin-off with her character. Plus she's not a main character yet.

  42. I know the fandom thinks the Big Death is going to be Allison, but I still hope they're wrong, because that's the one death that would effectively make me stop watching the show. And really, killing off yet ANOTHER Argent woman?

    Ironically, this is the first season where I'm NOT worried that Derek might die. Which, of course, could mean he'll bite the dust, but I just don't see it right now.

    Until Holland said that season four was going to be Lydia-centric (which btw I'm not looking forward to), I was holding out hope that it might be her. Her death would affect almost everyone of the other characters without being absolutely crippling, and the writers seem to have no idea what to really do with her character. Alas, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be either Stiles (though I agree with your argument about his popularity making him an unlikely choice, unless Dylan absolute wanted out) or Peter (if the 'change the opening credits' comment was deliberately misleading or the need to change the credits has nothing to do with the death at all).

    Urgh. Speculating about this is way too stressful. I wish they wouldn't have teased the Big Death at all and had it remain a surprise. It's not supposed to happen until the finale, anyway.

  43. I don't want any to die, but if Derek dies I will be fuming!!!

  44. After thinking about it more, if Season 4 is revolved more around Lydia, then Allison or Stiles makes the most sense to die. The Banshee dealing with the death of one of the two people closest to her in the pack could be a good opportunity for her to do more than be smart, scream, or be the love interest.

  45. This would be especially true if strong emotion heightened her powers. That seemed to play out with Peter.

  46. I think the biggest thing against Derek being killed off would be fan reaction. However, I think the clues in the storyline make it likely to be him.

  47. I wish we had found out last night who was going to die. They told us way too early. Now I am going to be fixated on it for another 5 weeks.

  48. And if it turns out she's an incarnation of

    MorrĂ­gan, Irish battle Goddess. She also wailed like a banshee and had long red hair.

  49. That would be awesome. I hope that happens.

  50. If it comes out that Celtic mythology will be playing a role in season 4, that's what my first thought will be.

  51. i actually said on a recent E! post, "Step aside, Joss Whedon; There is a new supernatural sheriff in town."

  52. well, weve had a CGI wolf, a geriatric psychopath, a lizard man, and a psychotic tree-hugger and now we have a mummy fox. Its anything goes now. and the awesome part is, Jeff Davis makes it all believable.

  53. "Psychotic tree hugger" made me laugh. I give all credit to Jeff Davis for making a show this fast paced that still hasn't gone off the rails.

  54. I agree. Joss Whedon isn't infalliable, no matter how much I like him. So far Jeff Davis is the only showrunner that hasn't disappointed me and I havde high hopes for his vision of the future of Teen Wolf.

  55. one would think the lizard man was the "shark-jumping" moment. until you actually finish watching the season and you change your mind!

  56. whats next? wizards? aliens creating the pyramids? possibilities are endless.


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